Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 277 The Mystery of Living Water

It is a pity that there is no microscope, even in the residence of the noble Earl. However, Rorschach has already made a guess. People in the Shadowlands have always thought that "water is alive", perhaps a kind of microorganism.

And they are magical microorganisms. The evidence is that his [Small Disintegration Technique] and other magic-breaking techniques can temporarily put "living water" to sleep, as well as the aura that Rorschach saw. The light was distributed unevenly on the surface of the water body.

Why is it superficial? Could it be that the microorganisms in the water need components in the air to emit magic power and control the water body?

This is Rorschach's idea, and the boiled water will lose its activity and can be drunk, just like sterilization.

He thought of a simpler verification method and applied [Resuscitation Technique] to the "sewage body" in the bottle. Sure enough, there were more and brighter active lights in [Arcane Vision], and the entire water body also happily impacted the water inside the bottle wall. barrier.

It's a pity that he is not a mage of the Forest Tower and cannot use it further, but he thinks it is a very valuable thing. If bacteria can really use magic, it will be a great discovery. Compared with dragons, it may be the "smallest monster" Easier to be exploited and more dangerous.

In the end, Rorschach put away the bottle, letting the others who watched his attempt breathe a sigh of relief. When Rorschach was manipulating the sewage body, everyone from the earl to the dwarf wisely did not disturb the mage. Even the most noisy bard acted honestly. Watch.

"Are you sure?" Because Rorschach agreed too easily, Earl Elgin was drumming in his heart. He finally straightened up from the recliner, trying to look more serious: "Every task is not easy, you My friend, the poet Fred, was right when he said, even if it changes from one commission to another, our transactions are not equal.”

"You are absolutely right, except for calling me by the wrong name, sir." Freddy agreed.

I understand, it's like when the other party suddenly makes a huge concession when you're about to bargain, everyone will murmur whether it's a scam. Rorschach said frankly to the count: "Mr. Elgin, it seems to me that the investigation of the anomalies in the sewers and the strange groups in your territory are probably the same thing. Have you ever thought that the two are related?"

"Ah? Of course, this Earl has long suspected that it was those missionary guys who did it!" He turned around in the carriage: "Yes, that makes sense, and the time is about the same. Appeared one after another.”

Excluding the two orthodox churches, the only religious group that is particularly dynamic and actively expanding now is the religious group that worships Our Lady of the Earth. The "living water body" shows biological nature, and its activity echoes the abnormal vitality displayed by Mother Earth.

The old earl suddenly looked at Rorschach, his filthy eyes widened: "Mage, are you willing to be my magic consultant? As long as you agree, you will have a lower status than one person in the semi-submersible zone. As a There are intersecting areas in Storm City, and life here is pretty good, at least the supplies are not lacking, unlike other places that are simply out of the realm of civilization!" Obviously the Earl is very satisfied and proud of his territory.

The poet shouted: "Old Earl, you are confused! Who wants to talk about 'under one person' in a stinky ditch? There are countless residents of Storm City above us!"

These words stung Elgin. If he had not fallen into the shadow land before, he would definitely order someone to pull out the tongue of the ungrateful bard in front of him, but now he just snorted with his nose: "I asked It’s not you, the entertainer. Well, you have a bright future, I wish you all the best!”

The count then began to draft a missing person notice according to Rorschach's description. The old coachman now had to play the role of a typist, typing on a printer with an insensitive keyboard. Fortunately, the typefaces were in good condition and only had high-frequency ones. Some letters will be blurred.

Obviously the old servant's cultural level was not high. Rorschach saw that the first draft was full of errors and omissions. The count was a little embarrassed, so he added: "He was illiterate before he fell! It's not easy for me to be kind enough to teach this old guy to type." , where can I find a qualified secretary?”

Finally, the poet completed the final draft. Due to the addition of his personal effects, it became a somewhat cumbersome and frivolous announcement, such as "Teacher Caroline, where are you? Your students miss you so much, and miss your smile. I miss your eyes like stars and moon”

"The color of her eyes is obvious. Let's leave it at that." Luo Xia didn't really expect the announcement to have much effect.

After preparing a missing person notice for Caroline, the old coachman and the three of them got out of the car together. The count did not intend to leave any food for the guests, so he sent the old servant to print the notice and deliver the order. Rorschach, Singer and Freddy were looking for food first. and a place to stay. As investigators, they received a semi-submerged zone pass issued by the count and could run rampant in this area.

Rorschach looked at the sign, which cross street station they got off at. Normal people were sparsely standing on the platform. They had no reaction to the sudden appearance of old trains or the strange combination of people getting off the train. They just looked at the timetable and He had his own pocket watch, and those who didn't have a watch just stood there with expressionless faces.

"They don't notice anything, they just think about their own things." The old coachman passed by the passengers from the earthly world and had a small leather bag in his hand.

The poet whistled: "The servants of the earl's family also know this craft."

The old man showed an extremely ugly mouth and thought it was him laughing: "Anyway, these idiots won't be able to notice it. They have learned it after so many years of going to hell places!" He seemed to be in a playful mood. He opened his wallet and took it out in disgust. The money, but the pen made the old guy's eyes light up: "The Count will like this."

The dwarf does not like petty theft: "A true earl will not like stolen things."

"If I don't tell, the count won't know! Besides," the old coachman replied with a stiff neck. It was obvious that the two of them were deceiving themselves together. Rorschach helped the count's loyal servant fill in the unspoken lines: "I heard that El Earl Jin often stole cultural relics from other countries when he was still in the upper world, so he naturally won't care about petty thefts now."

To other countries whose temples and ruins were looted, Elgin was a heinous robber.

"That's a trophy," the old coachman muttered. He pointed to the downward staircase tunnel: "You can walk all the way to the main city. I'll print it."

"Is there a printing house here?" Luo Xia was curious about where the coachman was going to print the missing person notice, but the old man, hunched over, did not answer and just disappeared around the corner of the underground alley.

"Can we trust the Count?"

"Of course, he is restricted by the rules of Shadow City. Thank God, these rules are relatively fair. At least they are better than the rules and regulations created by the quarrels of the gentlemen on the ground."

Rorschach didn't know whether to comment on the poet or not, and concentrated on observing the surrounding environment.

Freddie resumed his duties as a tour guide. He walked in front, while Rorschach and Singletaryev followed all the way down. At first, it was the same decoration as the station - iron-clad stairs with anti-skid treatment, black-painted handrails and porcelain plates, and then there were walls made of red bricks and even mud, and then there was another period of antique style, completely made of A spiral staircase made of stone.

At the end of the line, voices began to rise, and Rorschach heard not only the emphasis of Storm City, but also the ancient sounds of Yabo language.

"We're lucky, it's market time."

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