Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 280 Appearing in public

"Will there be a trap? Sacrificial vessels? Burial objects?" The poet was greatly shocked, and now he felt that no other scene could shock him. Freddie quickly adjusted his mentality, saying that everyone should be careful of fraud, and quickly selected gold items that were easy to carry.

"If you hold it like this, you will definitely be searched by the guards." Rorschach was speechless when he saw that Freddy had gold rings on all ten of his fingers. He first scanned it with [Arcane Vision] and didn't see any aura.

This is a bit strange, especially with such evil operations in the middle cabin. It is abnormal that these precious vessels are not dirty, which is very wrong.

Rorschach injected magic power, but there was no reaction. It was really just an ordinary cup, plate and jewelry. However, he also noticed that the things on his hands had no pattern at all, and they looked like some cold Nordic style from his previous life.

After confirming again and again that there was no problem, Rorschach put all these things into the storage ring. "Remember, everyone who meets you has a share, Lord Heisenberg." The poet was unwilling to hand over everything, although Rorschach promised that everything he took could be returned to him, but it was only temporarily stored in the ring.

Like the middle cabin, this is also a relatively closed space, and you can't even go on the deck. The three of them could only return to the end of the road. "We have to find out what's going on, come up to the deckhouse."

The tail section can be reached from the power room to the deckhouse. Of course, the things inside were in a mess after the impact. When they arrived at the captain's cabin, none of the small items were still intact in the cabinets and walls. When the three of them climbed up with difficulty, Rorschach had to clean them first. Find a place to stay.

The chart is still there, but the drawer is broken, so you can just remove it without breaking the lock. Rorschach also found knife marks, projectiles and blood stains from the broken table.

"This ship has been to Aire Island and will travel up and down the Tams River." The poet found the navigation log and roughly judged the routes that cargo ships often took from several place names.

Zinglev found something that shouldn't be here. He picked up a hat, and Freddy recognized it immediately: "Is this the one from the police?"

What the dwarf picked up in the corner was a dark blue top hat. Since Istani's infantrymen wore bright red uniforms and the police officers wore dark blue, they were teased as "cooked lobster" and "raw lobster", and soon the golden emblem also Found it, there was a big hole in the hat.

"So this is a fight between the captain and the cop? Is this a smuggling ship?" The three of them naturally imagined a scene in which the smuggling ship was discovered by the anti-smuggling police and a fight broke out.

"It's more like I don't want the police to discover what's going on in the cabin." The tea and sugar were like hidden goods. They were piled up to cover the closed middle section, probably to cope with the inspection. Did the police officer discover something was wrong and insisted on conducting an in-depth inspection? It is now unknown. In addition to the hull and remains, other sailors and captains are missing.

Looking out the window of the captain's cabin, one can see the market streets from a high position. People are coming and going, and the thick smoke from pots and oil lamps is floating and mixed into the gray fog of the environment. Others don't know what is happening, and they only pay attention to the goods being shipped out. Sugar and tea.

Just when Rorschach was about to leave, another group of people clamored to approach the sunken ship. They were all wearing robes and hoods. They were not easy to mess with at first glance. The others made way for these hoods and looked at the hoods. People and guards confront each other.

Mage? Rorschach had never seen anyone other than a spellcaster dressed like this. He felt that he would get into trouble if he went down, so he grabbed the dwarf who wanted to leave: "Wait a moment before going down."

The poet put his hand behind his right ear and opened his head, listening attentively: "The people and the ship they claim to be the sect belong to them. You don't need to take the goods, just get out."

Soon you can see the two groups starting to push each other. The guards were going to use guns and sticks to beat up the blind guy, but the hooded man at the head just withstood the attack and remained motionless, his expression unchanged. Instead, it makes the attacker hesitate.

Rorschach saw the magic aura gathering, and he immediately understood that the guards could not stop the group. Sure enough, a green spray burst out, directly knocking down a group of guards. Others who were still able to move screamed and ran away. , seeing that the people from the cult were about to come up.

"Get ready for battle." Rorschach glanced at the poet: "Why don't you stay in the captain's cabin?"

"I suddenly feel safer with you."

The three of them cautiously moved to the door of the deckhouse. The makeshift wooden planks of the Earl's Guard made a creaking sound. It was the members of the religious order who were coming up. Rorschach moved to a better observation position and activated [Mirror Flowers, Water Moon] with the help of the fog in the shadow land.

"Why the fuck is the fog inside even thicker?" The people from the cult were almost knocked down by the strong stench when they came up. Instead of using magic to isolate them, these people lit something on fire. The light of the fire extinguished in the smoke, and there was a sweet fragrance. It spread and barely suppressed the smell.

Of course, the smelly smell made the cabin smell even weirder.

"The wall is broken, someone has been here!" The hooded man in the lead was frightened and called the minions behind him to search the area.

There was no need to hide now. Rorschach once again strengthened the filter bubble between himself and his teammates, and used [Messaging Technique] to issue the order: "Do it!"

From the perspective of the members of the cult, the smoke suddenly became extremely thick, and the field of vision turned into a vast expanse of white, and only the nearest companions could be seen clearly. As a powerful piece of music played, a huge hammer suddenly hit the door in the thick smoke.

The first guy to be attacked screamed in pain, his nose was smashed to pieces, his head was shaking and he fell back.

The hammer he succeeded in immediately turned around and slashed across the chest, hitting the chest of the cultist next to him. This time it was the ribs that were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out far away.

Rorschach quickly used [Messaging Technique] to remind the dwarf: "Leave a few alive."

In the spirit of "benevolence", he just used [Ice Ray] and the water vapor of the white mist to achieve a good control effect. If he wanted to get close to him, he would use the enlarged [Protective Palm] to push away the dagger and push it away. The offending believers were beaten to a pulp.

"Probably in that direction!" Because Rorschach and his team attacked from behind, the original leader became the back row. He listened to the voices and argued his position in the thick fog, and threw the burning herbal bag towards the source of the BGM.

"Ouch!" The voice was of course Freddy. The troubadour who protected everyone in front of him became the first injured in the battle. He forgot that when vision is restricted, hearing becomes the most important thing for the enemy. Judging from this, they have been trying to buff Rorschach and Singletary, so they are naturally easy targets.

Green smoke erupted. Fortunately, Rorschach had already suffered a loss. This time, protected by the filter bubble, the leader's attempt failed. When the smoke dissipated, only the cultists fell to the ground, while the two tall and one short enemies were still standing. With.

The leader shouted that something was wrong, grabbed the deputy next to him and stuffed a seed into the opponent's mouth. Before the poor man could react, the nutrients were sucked out, and thick vines erupted from his body and hit Rorschach.

The mage raised his cane and fired a [Melting Ray] across it, not only cutting into pieces the vines, but also sweeping the cabin into two pieces. In order to stay alive, he deliberately did not sweep away any believers, making the leader overjoyed and ready to jump out of the damn sunken ship from the broken gap.

The hull of the ship shattered and collapsed, and it was about to fall to the ground. The leader was able to jump out at a safe height.

However, the spell [Reverse Ray] prepared by Rorschach was ready, and he drew it again against the trajectory of the previous one, directly pinching the cargo ship that was about to collapse into two pieces back together.

The leader watched blankly as the crack healed, then knelt down to Rorschach with a plop.

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