Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 281 Sir this way

Chapter 281 Sir this way!

Quickly invite Luo Xia to think that it is not a good thing for a middle-aged man to kneel to him, but it is best if the battle is over.

He used [Mage's Hand] to support the surrendered leader, and then looked around

None of the other believers were awake. It was either due to the work of him and the dwarf uncle, or the leader's thick green smoke knocked him down. Obviously the latter was an indiscriminate attack that did not involve any damage to friends. This uncle got the highest KD.

The most indispensable thing on the ship was ropes. The hemp ropes soaked in seawater were tied tightly by the believers. Finally, Singarev dragged the anchor chain, and the leader laughed and said: "The dwarf is so strong! He is awesome."

No, you have more skills than your colleagues on the ground. Can you show some firm belief and professionalism to get things done? Rorschach had encountered many underground cults, but he never expected that the leader of the real underground cult could kneel so smoothly.

Now he is stretching out his hands, actively waiting for Singletaryev to tie him up.

"Wait a minute! You have a good attitude. You took the initiative to hand over the dangerous props." Rorschach used [Arcane Vision] to stare at the little boss. There were many "wonderful tools" highlighted on his body, but they were all auras. A thin bargain, the only thing that stands out is the seeds he feeds to his men.

This man still wanted to play tricks. He handed over all the other powders and potions, leaving only the seeds, which Rorschach took out with the [Mage's Hand]. Singlev had a bad temper and was rewarded with a big mouth on the spot.

"I was wrong, sir, have mercy on me, sir, have mercy on me!"

Don't cry like this, won't it make us look like villains? Rorschach asked: "Are you believers of 'Mother'?" After all, this area is too magical and symbolically "underground". Rorschach still did not directly call it "Mother of the Earth" or other titles.

"Yes, yes, we are cultists. I am Cropp, the person in charge of the semi-submersible zone. I am male, 48 years old, from the west side of Storm City. I came here last summer." Obviously Cropp had already corrected his position and directly He reported to the local authorities that he was a cult believer, and also gave out his personal information in a very detailed and smooth manner, making people doubt whether he had been involved in the scam.

He was once a wool merchant in Istany. He went bankrupt due to force majeure and was heavily in debt. When he jumped from the bridge in despair, he found that he was not ready to make a clean break, and struggled to land miraculously. It is said to be a "shore", but it is actually a sewer outfall on the Tams River.

"When I woke up vomiting river water, I was already here."

Cropp is quite satisfied with this, because no one will come to collect debts anymore! The problem is that the quality of life in the semi-submerged area is not as good as when he went bankrupt. It was not until the development of the underground cult extended its tentacles to the semi-submerged area that the good days really started.

"Why did they ask you to be the person in charge?" Zinglev was a little surprised. This bald man with a barrel waist and a beer belly and a double-layered chin has really nothing to praise. Should he be praised as a hero because he knows the current affairs?

"There are two points. First, I have been the boss after all. Apart from the earl, I can't find anyone in the semi-submersible area who is more capable than me. Like these stupid geese, their intelligence and knowledge are not as good as the farmers on the ground!

"Second, most of the people who fell underground want to go back. I think it's good that there is no Wang Fa here. The debts on the ground have nothing to do with me. Maybe the boss above me wants to find someone who is willing to live underground. Work.”

It turns out that religious orders, like companies, like to recruit "stable locals", which makes sense. Singletaryev wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Rorschach: "Don't waste time here, we are preparing to transfer."

He glanced at the tied believers one by one. Rorschach didn't want to deal with it: "Speaking of which, except for this Cropp, none of the other believers have seen our faces clearly?"

The poet thought for a while: "It's true." The battle started with a sneak attack from their side, and the whole process was hidden in the rich white mist deliberately condensed by Rorschach. The fish that slipped through the net were actively fascinated by the opponent's leader.

"Okay, Freddy, you wait and ask the count's guards to take the people away." After giving the order, Rorschach asked Singletary to guard Cropp and the others, and then returned to the captain's cabin again, taking whatever he could get. Take away as much information and possible useful items as possible.

When Rorschach came down, the dwarf touched his belly: "I forgot to keep some sugar! Our stomachs are not full yet!"

Cropp's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he felt that he had another chance to show off: "My lords, when you go to my house, you will be treated with all your heart!"

At this moment, the captain of the guard came in with a spear. He looked at the fallen believers and was slightly surprised. Freddy put on a great show, shook his head and gave orders to the captain of the guard: "My two followers and I are under the command of the Earl. With the order, we have successfully arrested a number of cultists. We will take away the culprits and deal with them, and you will punish the others. Tell the count that the second commission has been completed!"

Of course, the investigation has not been completed, but according to Cropp, all the believers in the semi-submerged area are here, and they are all here. They can catch them all in one fell swoop, which is more effective than the "investigation" for Earl Elgin. Okay, that's more than accomplished.

As for Cropp, Rorschach took off his linen hooded robe, revealing a baggy shirt and an old woolen vest that had become balled up. Although it was extremely inappropriate by the standards on the ground, he was still better dressed than most people in the semi-submerged area.

His hands were tied behind his back, and Rorschach and Freddy were holding him behind him as he walked out of the sunken ship. In order to remind the regional leader not to play tricks, Rorschach's [Mage's Hand] kept lightly pinching his neck.

After they walked out of the crowd of curious onlookers, Croup began to give directions: "Adults, go over there and turn left, then turn right."

The four people shuttled through the pipes and caves. In addition to the "houses" made of wood, felt and cloth, there were also regular houses. They built one or two stone walls through the hole in the ground to barely be considered a solid house, or even There are also "single-family villas".

Cropp lived in a "single-family villa", occupying a rather large cave. He also circled a large piece of land, made fences out of stalactite pillars, thick hemp ropes and wood, and lit several lamps extravagantly.

"According to my research, it was once part of the old imperial governor's castle." Cropp explained very proudly: "I spent a lot of effort to get it. It can be regarded as an underground 'mansion', haha." He laughed. It's like there's phlegm stuck in it, but you can really feel his happiness in it.

Zinglev believed that the chaotic Shadowlands should speak with their fists, but Cropp obviously did not have any martial virtues: "How did you get these? Was it also a reward from the Order?"

Cropp seemed to be insulted: "Sir, this is all the result of my hard work! Everyone was devastated when they first fell. Even the top businessmen were not interested in making a career here.

"But people always have to eat, drink, have sex, and trade. And I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the world of the semi-submerged zone from the beginning. Joining the cult is just an added guarantee for the increasingly enviable wealth."

It seems that this man who failed on the ground has succeeded in getting some kind of advantage from the underground world. Although the material conditions are very bad, compared with other residents who are even worse, the man is happy with the life of the Shadow City.

"Master, you are back." A thin maid greeted them. She was wearing a skirt that looked more like a sack, but with a rope tied around her waist. Her stooped body was as tall as a dwarf. Cropp cleared his throat and tried to show his dignity as much as possible: "We have distinguished guests coming, prepare food quickly!"

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