Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 282 Is this all you have?

The maid was dirty, her hair was disheveled, and she had no appearance at all. It was even suspected that she was a rat whisperer. Only the poet paused when he entered the door and looked at the maid: "What's your name?"

When he didn't get a response, Freddy named him without permission: "Can I call you Little Briquette?"

The only bright thing about the maid was her eyes. She glanced at her nominal master, and Cropp said impatiently: "My lord gave you a name, why don't you thank me now!"

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

"My name is not 'Sir', I have a name, 'Freddy'."

It was the first time that "Little Briquette" saw an eight-tooth smile. In the monkey world, grinning was a signal of threat. The maid of "Little Briquette" who did not understand what a "smile" was was trembling with fear and at a loss.

Rorschach was not interested in the poet's behavior. He guessed that the stronghold of the small leader of the cult had more powders, potions, and materials about the cult. He searched under [Arcane Vision] and found that there was indeed a place where spiritual light gathered.

The young man said with a straight face: "Is there a basement? Take me down."

Cropp shuddered, turned over the carpet, and opened the swing door. In his eyes, the power and insight of the Master Master have surpassed that of the superiors of the underground sect. As a smart man, Cropp never took the initiative to ask Rorschach any questions. He only answered what he knew and could only guess what Rorschach was. Where did it come from and why did it cause trouble for the cult?

First of all, exclude the useless count. If there was a mage in the semi-submerged area, the branches of the religious order would have been wiped out long ago. Why wait until now?

From the earth? Or the core area, the monument area, or the deep dive area? Cropp shuddered when he thought of the latter two areas.

Seeing Croop trembling, Rorschach thought it was because he was too old to pull the wooden door open, so he used [Mage's Hand] to help open it, letting Croop step forward into the basement.

It seems that Cropp boasted well. The current "single-family villa" is indeed part of the former castle. The basement where they are now also has a vault, and the stone brick wall is more regular than the one above. It seems to be a corner of the dungeon that has not collapsed.

It is now a small warehouse for important items set up by the leader of the cult. In addition to flour, sugar, cloth and other Shadow City hard currencies, there are also repaired tables and chairs. On the table are books and documents, various herbs and knives, and grinders for grinding medicinal powders. Trough, small stove etc. on the floor.

I thought it was an old Chinese medicine doctor from my previous life!

"I ask, you answer." The environment in the dungeon satisfied Rorschach. This was a good place for interrogation. As the trap door slammed shut, Mr. Cropp heard a shiver and stood still: "Yes! My lord!"

You old boy is destined to stay in the station. Rorschach first needs to find out what happened with the ship: "Tell me, what's going on with this ship?"

"Sir, I don't know!" Of course, just saying that he didn't know would never satisfy Rorschach. Croup used negotiation skills, first lowering the other party's expectations, and then telling all the fragments he knew:

"I have serious doubts that the cult has the ability to freely enter and leave the Shadow City and transport a large amount of supplies. Sir, you see, these white flour, sugar and cloth are all supplies for the cult. This time I received a letter from the adults above. Instruct us to receive the supplies from the sunken ship."

It seems that there is more than one similar ship of the Order, and the sugar and tea on board are not only for inspection, but also to be sent to the shadow place.

"Letter? How do you communicate?"

"Bat! It's a domesticated bat! I also keep it in the yard." Since bats are cave creatures, they didn't notice it when they first entered, and they didn't expect it to be a postman.

"Then write a reply later and say that everything is normal here." Rorschach then asked: "Why are the remains used in the ceremony on the ship all elves? Where did they come from?" The citizenship rights of elves in Istani are equal to those of humans. The tragedy would surely cause a sensation if discovered.

And the ritual patterns also have traces of elves.

"Sir, I really don't know! I didn't expect this cult to be so heartless. If I knew, I would definitely be at odds with them!" Cropp didn't know what he knew, and wanted to prove that he was a good citizen.

However, he still gave some useful clues: "But I suspect that they are all gray elves from Air Island. The other long-eared people don't regard them as their own kind. There will be no accountability for the death of several mire elves in Istani. He wanted to say "Mudblood" smoothly, but he didn't know Rorschach's position on this matter, so he changed his words to a neutral word.

Indeed, the possibility is very high. The sailing log shows that the cargo ship frequently visited Air Island.

Luo Xia picked up the half-finished medicinal powder and said, "Let me ask you again, do you know why the 'living water body' is more active?"

"I know, sir!" It was only three things, but fortunately Cropp didn't really ask questions: "Because I did it!"


Cropp began to talk about his "big plan": "I found that the water here is very strange! It has activity and consciousness of its own, and I accidentally discovered that the Order's medicinal powder can stimulate it to increase its activity."

"Then what?"

Cropp's face was rosy with excitement when he talked about his plan: "What's even better is that I also found a pipe from the Storm City Water Company, from which I can get a steady stream of clean, non-vital water! At least it was just connected. The water that comes out is inactive.”


"So as long as I insist on 'feeding' the living water body and make it go crazy, the residents in the semi-submersible area will not be able to get water. At that time, they can only get water from the tap water pipeline under my control! I will monopolize the source of life, Let that count go to hell, everyone must bow to me!" Cropp opened his arms as if he was doing something extraordinary.

That's it? Rorschach felt that his intelligence was insulted. This guy worked tirelessly to put medicine into the water just to monopolize the water source?

Seeing that Rorschach did not understand the subtleties of the plan, Croop explained patiently: "I have understood the rules. Stimulating the activity of living water bodies does not count as poisoning. I am not directly harming the Earl, so the rules in Shadow City Under this, I will not be punished in any way. At that time, the will of the people will be the day when they will recognize me as the master of the semi-submerged zone!"

The reason for such an awkward plan turned out to be to circumvent the "rules" of the Shadow Land. The poet Freddy also emphasized that there are many rules in the Shadow City. It seems that even the people of the Order are not immune from punishment. Could it be that the shadow land also has a will and is no less powerful than Mother Earth? Rorschach tried his best to analyze intelligence from the weird little bosses.

Speaking of which, this guy really has no faith. Unexpectedly, the Return of the Virgin Mary Order was still on the rise, and there would be people like this in the team. They were also responsible for an area, and their lives were corrupt and degenerate. They were separated from ordinary believers and contributed to the missionary work in Shadow City. There was a heavy loss. Rorschach felt heartbroken.

In the end, he did not forget to ask Croup to reply to his superiors. After seeing that the man was not using any tricks to send a distress signal, he called the maid to send the message.

After doing this, the mage asked the last question: "How often will the superiors of your religious order come to the semi-submerged area?"

"I can't say for sure, it could be a ten-day period or a month. The last time I came here was on the last day of the first ten-day period. I distributed supplies and herbs, and used these things to develop believers and control those people."

That's less than five days. Rorschach nodded. Cropp was about to say something more, but suddenly he received a knife blow on the back of his neck, and he fainted.

"Singlev, come to the basement." Rorschach called using [Messaging Technique].

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