Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 283 Craftsmanship

"Rorschach, do you want to eat?" The dwarf came down with fluffy white bread and a strange crimson object in his other hand.

"Giblet pudding," a weird stuff filled with offal bits and blood cooked in a casing.

Although in his previous life Rorschach had embraced the wonderful combination of cholesterol, fat, and protein, he was unable to accept this mess.

"I won't eat." Rorschach took out two small wooden boxes from the storage ring, both from the captain's cabin. One of the boxes contained biscuits. Rorschach opened it and nibbled a few pieces with the water produced by the [Water Making Technique]. The second box of goods made Singleev's eyes light up - it was pirate wine.

The juice of a crop called sweet stalk is the raw material for white sugar. The remaining residue and sugar are also used to make wine, which is pirate wine that is popular on the sea.

"These are products from the captain's room. The cult is all good at using herbal medicine. We can't be sure whether the maid poisoned the food. At least one of the three of us must not eat the food here. But..." Rorschach glanced at it. Flour: "You can take these away, heat them up and eat them as fried noodles."

Rorschach told Singletary to tie up Cropp for the sake of food.

Then he sorted out the information he got from his companions: "The sunken ship is the supply ship of the cult. It can travel between the upper world and the shadow land. From the route, it can be inferred that the corpse on the ship may be that of the gray elves. The leader of the cult in the semi-submerged area is a supply scammer. Zi, just use medicinal powder to stimulate the 'living water body', no other actions."

“What exactly is a so-called living water body?”

"I have a guess." Rorschach took out a telescope used for navigation: "I wonder if its lens can be used to convert it into a microscope."


"It's an upgraded version of a magnifying glass. You can see very small things through the combination of lenses." Rorschach searched through his middle school physics knowledge to briefly explain the principles, and also drew a sketch for the dwarf.

"Let me give it a try." The dwarf took the navigation telescope. The nameplate showed that the magnification of the two lenses was 7x50. He looked at Cropp's console: "I also need a magnifying glass."

There was actually a magnifying glass in the drawer, which Cropp used to read letters and newspapers. The person in charge is not all bragging. Just being able to read, write and do arithmetic makes him stand out in the semi-submersible area.

With this lens, Singletaryev started to get started. He asked Rorschach what magnification was needed. Rorschach thought about it: "At least forty times, even higher."

"This telescope is definitely more than forty times more powerful." The dwarf began to modify it. He took out a tool kit from his backpack and started working on it on the spot.

He had almost forgotten that Singarev was a strange craftsman warrior. Now the dwarf was in a state of concentration, doing delicate work like embroidery with his stubby fingers. Rorschach waited for him to adjust the distance, fix the lens combination, and took out the modified "microscope" ".

The dwarf was very confident in his craftsmanship: "I can't polish the lenses if I don't have a sharpening tool, so I'll just make do with it."

"Actually, my [Stone Shaping Technique] can shape glass." However, Rorschach had no experience in making lenses, so he did not change the shape without authorization.

Rorschach took out the bottle containing the "living water body" from the ring. The blue light barrier had faded, but the "living water body" was also silent. Rorschach shook the bottle, and it was no different from ordinary water.

Singletary drank the pirate wine before modifying the microscope and got a transparent wine bottle. "Not bad." The dwarf burped and handed it to Rorschach, and the mage smashed it into pieces.

[Stone Shaping Technique] is activated, and some fragments are smoothed into the shape of glass slides.

Everything was ready, Rorschach took out some samples and observed them with a microscope. Nothing could be seen. Rorschach used [Light Technique] to fill in the light, but the eyepiece was completely white. It was difficult for him to adjust the focus, so he could only lower the lens as close to the glass as possible.

He changed his mind, put away the magic light ball, then cast [Resuscitation] and used [Arcane Vision] to observe, and obtained the effect equivalent to fluorescent dyeing of the sample.

I could barely see it now. Sure enough, even after the resuscitated aura dissipated after activation, there were still traces of the magical aura, outlining a mass of microorganisms that separated and gathered in the water. The individuals are round and look more like super active yeast than bacteria.

Then their shapes began to change, connected together, the aura became more powerful, and the magic power moved regularly, showing faint traces in [Arcane Vision], constantly gathering around these little things.

The picture blurred, and Rorschach's eyes left the eyepiece and saw the small drop of water on the glass slide constantly squirming and fluttering. He tapped one end of the glass slide gently with his fingertips, and the small water droplets struggled to squirm and deform toward the struck end.

Therefore, the truth of "living water bodies" is these microorganisms. Rorschach's "microscope" is too crude to see the structure of microorganisms clearly, and it is impossible to determine whether they are fungi or bacteria. But he is not a biologist, so that's enough.

"The so-called 'living water body' means that there are tiny creatures in the water. They can actually absorb magic power and then use magic-like methods to manipulate the water." It's not that the water in the shadow land itself is active, but these microorganisms are causing trouble. They form a certain kind of The unconscious group probably captures living things to obtain nutrients by sensing vibrations.

Rorschach's words were a bit shocking, and the dwarf was shocked: "Mom, even things that are so small that you can't see them can do magic!"

"It's just magic." It seems that Rorschach is not even a complete elementary spell, it just converts magic into kinetic energy. But it is very tempting to study its mechanism. It is not difficult to imagine how crazy the wizards of the Forest Tower will be.

Rorschach shook the sample bottle. The little creature inside had been hungry for a long time in the storage ring and was dying. It happened that there was still broth left in the offal pudding brought by the dwarf, so Rorschach poured the soup into it. Since it can hunt prey, these juices can theoretically be used as nutrients.

"It's a pity to pour gravy, then let this fat man bleed to feed him!" The dwarf kicked Cropp's beer belly.

Is he the cultist or you? Rorschach couldn't complain about the dwarf's idea. He also wanted to try something else, so he separated a part of the "living water body" and added some flour.

The living water body is more active, waving its small transparent tentacles very happily.

Could it be that it prefers carbohydrates? Rorschach's interest was piqued, and he took sugar from Mr. Cropp's collection and sprinkled it into the "living body of water." Unexpectedly, the aura bloomed, and the water body became crazy active.

"Mr. Cropp's idea was wrong from the beginning. Rather than using medicinal powder to forcefully stimulate, it would be better to put carbohydrates in and let these things multiply wildly."

"Who called me?" The leader of the religious group really woke up, and he opened his eyes dizzily.

Singlev grabbed the drug powder on the table, which was used by Cropp during the battle on the ship. Now he used it on himself, and the effect was very good. Cropp, who had just woken up, had a baby-like sleep again. .

Rorschach looked at Cropp with a headache: "The cult will come back, and they will definitely find out what's going on here. We can't stay in the semi-submerged area for a long time."

"Then transfer? But there is no news about the person you are looking for yet." Zinglev felt that the "mansion" in the Land of Shadows, at least in the semi-submersible area, was a good place to stay, much better than those caves.

"We will treat it as if we are in the wild, taking turns to rest and watch." As the poet's playing and singing came from upstairs, Rorschach sighed: "The great troubadour is unreliable, so let's take two shifts."

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