Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 285 If you want to live a normal life, you must learn to ignore abnormalities

The three of them rushed to the subway station. No, now there are small briquettes and a super big sack. The sack was carried by dwarves, but instead of letting Singletary serve as a humanoid cow and horse, Rorschach also contributed and applied the [Levitation Technique] to the broad-minded Mr. Cropp.

This combination is very eye-catching, no less than Xitian Qijing. The leader was Freddy, who had a relaxed look on his face. Few people could laugh like him after falling into the Shadow City. He was followed closely by the little briquettes, as well as three or two bats, and then the mage and the bats. Dwarves are no longer conspicuous.

"The efficiency is quite high." Missing notices have been plastered all over the streets, or rather on the pipes. Some people looked at them indifferently for a while and then took them off in front of Luo Xia and his group. Of course, it's not to reveal the list, but just to wrap something or throw it into the fire. The rising smoke brings out the smell of inferior ink.

"Will these notices be useful?" The dwarves realized when they reached the semi-submerged area that they couldn't find many people who could read the contents of the notices completely, and they didn't care who was looking for whom.

"It wasn't meant for these people in the first place. Just let the news spread and tell everyone in the shadow land that someone is looking for Teacher Caroline." Since she came here first, the teacher is now in the dark and in the open, waiting for the other party. It should be more efficient to find a teacher yourself than to find a teacher yourself.

"What if I can't wait?"

"Then go to other areas to investigate and wait." Rorschach got the clues about the Order. He needed to figure out why the Order of Return to Our Lady needs to develop in this ghost place and why it needs to be between El Island and the Shadow Land. shuttle.

Finally arriving at the subway station, a train stopped and many passengers walked out from below. There was a young woman who seemed to be able to notice Rorschach and his group. She paused, her eyes rested on the head of the little coal ball, and said in a high-pitched voice: "Excuse me, is that a bat?"

The little briquette looked at each other with fearful and confused eyes, obviously not expecting that anyone "on the ground" could find her. The poet answered on her behalf: "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh God, I want to complain, someone can actually bring a bat in." After saying this, she suddenly changed the subject: "Which pet store did you buy it from? And the fur on your child looks like good."

"Pet shop? No, no, no, these are all original products from the underground! Madam, please stay away from alleys and dark places in the future, and it's best not to travel alone."

The lady glanced at the poet with the look of a monster and left quickly.

Freddy shook his head: "There are always people who mistake good intentions for donkey's heart and lungs. That lady is very talented. Either she will find that one of her friends has disappeared one day, and she will be regarded as a madman, or she will fall into the shadow land."

"Are there many people like this?" Rorschach couldn't understand. Since there are so many people who can come into contact with the Shadow City, or at least feel its existence, why there is no awareness of it on the ground, as if everyone is ignoring the "elephant in the room." .

Freddy smiled: "You are a mage. If you stay in Istani long enough, you will also find that people here tend to ignore spellcasters.

"To put it bluntly, they are very busy, and they are exhausted from immersing themselves in their own lives. Anything that breaks the wasted life for which they work will make their fragile nerves collapse.

"So most people's ignorance is a kind of self-protection. They ignore all the abnormal, unknown and dangerous things, carefully keep their distance, and it is best to stay in a safe and well-adapted circle for the rest of their lives. In my opinion, The rules and power of the shadow land only strengthen this self-induced hypnosis."

The count's special train has not arrived, and the poet continued: "Of course, as the kingdom is so big, there are always people like that lady who can't help but be curious, and there are always people who feel that most people's lives are not worth living."

"Just like you." Rorschach felt that the poet had said so much, and in the end he was bragging. After all, he was a weirdo who claimed that he was willing to retire in this damn place.

"No, it's not just me, nor is it just some people who choose the Shadow City and passively come to the Shadow Land. Most of them are people who cannot be tolerated by society and are ruthlessly 'dumped' out. Those with both talent and ambition will become mages. For example, guys like you who dare to run around without knowing anything about the Shadowlands; and others who don’t want to be bound by the land of a few islands and venture into the endless sea."

The poet's words did have an inspiring effect, and it made Singlev's heart surge. It was in line with his "original aspiration of an adventurer" and was very appealing to the dwarves.

"So most of the enterprising people in the kingdom who are unwilling to change day after day have left Istani in the upper world, while those who live an honest life have stayed, so in the overall environment, especially It’s ordinary people, this process is like the last step of wine making. It’s called.”


"Yes, that's the name. Oh yes, you should also dabble in alchemy." The poet ended his long speech, gaining the recognition of the dwarf and the admiring eyes of the little coal ball. Although I don’t understand what Mr. “Freddy” is talking about, in short, someone who talks a long time in one breath is awesome!

So the rule maker of the Shadowlands is still a master of psychoanalysis? Able to use the general mood of society to achieve "hide" in the Shadow City. Rorschach increasingly feels that the situation here is not simply formed over time, but more like there is a will behind the scenes.

"Woo--" The old model train was extremely noisy when it entered the station. It seemed that the wheels, tracks and all the parts that were in contact with each other were fighting for real, and it finally stopped.

"Please come up!" The old coachman coughed and opened the door. Rorschach remembered that it was still automatic before.

As if he could hear what Rorschach was thinking, the old coachman kicked the door: "The last time we passed the sewer, the living water damaged the door!"

He glanced at the little coal ball: "Little girl, please stop. Other gentlemen, go to the right. The Earl is waiting for you."

The count's guard was also sitting in the carriage responsible for "opening the door to welcome guests". The young men swept back and forth over the little coal ball and her bat, some were friendly, some were curious, and some were disgusted. The little briquette felt particularly uncomfortable and gently grabbed the poet's clothes.

Freddy sighed: "Okay, I'll wait for you here with Little Coal Ball. Let's finish talking and leave as soon as possible."

So only Rorschach and Singletary met the count again.

"Your efficiency is amazing!" The count did not lie lazily on the chair this time. Behind him stood the guard captain. He put down his red wine glass and applauded the mage and dwarves.

"Mr. Elgin, you are also well-informed." Rorschach replied: "The person in charge of the cult is here, and you must have taken his men into custody, if they are not all dead yet."

thump! The dwarf threw the sack on the floor of the carriage, which seemed to wake up the people inside. Singlev calmly grabbed a handful of the hypnotic potion prepared by Cropp himself and threw it into the mouth of the sack, then tied it tightly and tightened it. Shake it well and let the people inside regain their peace.

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