Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 286 Roche Sterilization Method

"Good news. According to Mr. Cropp, the regional leader of the sect, we have captured all the believers in the semi-submersible area and killed them all." Cropp seems to have taken advantage of his position to find a guard for his wealth. The bottom lines of development are all idle bastards, forming an armed force that is passable in the semi-submerged zone.

Rorschach glanced at the count's captain of the guard, a young man who carefully tasted red wine and kept adding sugar to it. In fact, Elgin and Cropp were the same type of person.

If Rorschach were to be the leader of the cult, he would go deep into the lives of the masses, hand out eggs and other things to women, old men and old ladies, and then ask them to repeat a few sentences of the scriptures, so it would not be possible to catch them all in one fell swoop!

"Look, this is called efficiency, learn from it!" The Earl was very satisfied and asked the guard captain to learn from Master Rorschach. The captain of the guard was drinking with an indifferent expression. After all, he was just begging for food from the earl, and no one could defeat him, whether it was the cult or the mage.

The earl was very happy and told Rorschach something that was not mentioned in the first meeting: "Although the time is too short and I don't have more information you want, but I heard before that the Marquis has one more person under his command. The magic consultant is rumored to be a great beauty."

In fact, when the Earl proposed to recruit Rorschach, he also had the mentality of "I can't do without others".

Singletaryev suddenly reacted strongly: "Why didn't you tell us from the beginning!"

The earl squinted at the dwarf like he was looking at an idiot: "Tell me from the beginning? Can you provide me with anything at the beginning? Help me, and I will give you information. This is fair."

"Okay. Do you know the relationship between that Marquis and the Magic Consultant?" the dwarf asked while secretly watching Rorschach's reaction. Unfortunately, the boy had a poker face now.

"I don't know, it's just a rumor, but the time of appearance is roughly consistent with the time you provided. Find out more about it yourself!

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. As the highest class recognized under the rules of the Shadow Land, the Marquis is almost the monarch of the Shadow City. He is not as enlightened as I am." The Earl glared at Singletary:

"If you don't follow the etiquette in front of the Marquis, your tongue will be pulled out!"

"Stop scaring people!"

Rorschach finally spoke: "Thank you Mr. Elgin for the information and reminder, but you are too impatient. There is bad news behind the good news. The cult also has a higher-level organization, which is expected to come in a few days. Although by then we should have already Leave the semi-submerged area, but I still want to remind you.”

Now the count couldn't taste the wine anymore. He jumped up and grabbed Rorschach's shoulder: "In other words, you have offended the cult and fled, and then I, the guards and I will face their anger?"

"You are the lord of this place. I don't know if the superiors of the religious order will be angry or express their anger against you."

"You guys." The Earl gritted his teeth, as if Rorschach was a scumbag and wanted him to take responsibility.

"Since we have a happy cooperation, I can give you a way to defend the semi-submersible zone, based on the research on 'living water bodies'."

"Have you done this?" The count finally discovered that Rorschach had something: "Today is even more active than yesterday, and almost overturned the train! We have to temporarily abandon that section of the line and switch to the yellow line."

How is this going? Rorschach didn't expect that the living water body would be further active after Cropp was captured. It shouldn't be. Could there be other reasons? "Take us to see it."

The Earl's special train's driving loop overlaps with the existing subway operating lines, and there is also a part of the track that is abandoned and has not been opened for unknown reasons. The sewers where live water bodies are raging are close to a section of the abandoned line.

They walked carefully in the sewers. Storm City has more cloudy days than sunny days, so rain is inevitable. The underground drainage system has been very developed since the conquest of the old empire. Now the sewers they pass can fit into a carriage. The buttresses are made of Bricks laid.

Of course, there is no clean water flowing through the waterway. All kinds of dirt and sediment flow slowly. The "living water body" has very little water that can move around, and it bubbles like a boiling oil pan.

The coachman held up a lamp in front of the earl, and the captain of the guard led a small group of people to "protect" the earl. They were all suffocated by the strong filthy air and almost shed tears. Everyone felt that their nasal cavity was about to rot here. Luo Xia and his entourage followed behind, strolling around with the [air filter bubble] on their heads.

It was the little briquette who wanted to pick up trash, but Freddie repeatedly stopped her. Finally, the poet simply picked her up and walked away.

"We're here, don't go any further." The earl shouted, and the sound echoed in the pipe: "See for yourselves."

Sure enough, there was more and deeper water in the front, and the light illuminated the thick tentacles wrapped in dirt and dancing around like demons, slapping against the brick surface, which was very scary.

"Throw our leader out." Poor Mr. Cropp has been handed over to the earl and carried all the way here by the guards. Following the adult's order, the four guards grabbed the four corners of the sack. , shouting chants and swinging for a while, he successfully threw the bag weighing hundreds of kilograms in a graceful arc.

Because he was still intoxicated, the things in the sack didn't struggle at all. The "living water body" made a beautiful catch, and then roughly tore the sack and the flesh and blood inside.

Starting from bagging, our approach to the person in charge has become closer to the style of a "socially active group in a dark zone". Rorschach didn't do anything or stop him, watching the count and his men being angry with the cult members.

In fact, Cropp didn't really do anything evil. At most, he abused his "maid". In Rorschach's view, the fight between the count and the person in charge in the semi-submersible area was dog-eat-dog. However, the dogs in the cult carried the "rabies virus" and would sooner or later help Mother Earth awaken. So that’s fine.

He observed the living water body and asked the count: "You won't do this to other believers, right?"

"Yes." The count was cruelly excited about such a scene. The little coal ball was also clapping his hands, while the guards in front took a few steps back and held their spears tighter.

"Mr. Elgin, have you ever thought that feeding a lion flesh and blood would make it stronger?"

"But shouldn't we be full? Counting today, there are more than ten guys, both fat and thin!"

Yes, the count believes that living water bodies are individuals and should be "full" when they are full. It is not difficult to imagine that if the raging continues, residents of the semi-submersible area are likely to be captured to offer sacrifices to the "living water bodies". According to his ideas, sooner or later, something will happen A native cult from the Shadowlands emerges.

However, a "living water body" is a collection of microorganisms. The more they are fed, the more they will divide and proliferate. I am afraid that the limit of the population size is very large.

Rorschach shook his head: "Don't feed me like this again." After saying that, he raised his cane and the light shone brightly.

From his cane and his other hand, five large fireballs condensed one after another, and suddenly a scorching wind blew in the pipe. When the five balls of plasma bombarded, the pipe that could run the carriage was filled with explosive steam. If Rorschach hadn't pulled up a barrier, everyone would have been cooked by the high-pressure steam like the "living water" in this pipe.

After the "Roche sterilization" was completed, the boy regained his composure and did not forget to use [Stone Shaping Technique] to repair the shattered pipe wall.

Although the over-nutritional microorganisms here have been eliminated, they are distributed in the water bodies of the entire Shadow City, and they will probably be distributed in the future, but as long as you don't use herbs and flesh and blood to stimulate them, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Rorschach looked at the surprised Earl: "The living water body in this area will be quiet for a while. Mr. Elgin, I will give you an idea to use it to resist the cult."

"Ah, you said it, I'm listening!" The count was suddenly very sincere and humble to the junior.

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