Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 287: Laying Mines for the Religion

Rorschach used [Mage's Hand] to fish out some water, and the count subconsciously took a few steps back.

He first used [Resuscitation Technique] to reactivate some microorganisms to ensure that his demonstration would be successful, then sprinkled in a little sugar, and sure enough, the small "living water body" started to show its teeth again.

"Is that some kind of magic powder? Did it come from the cult?" The count looked at Rorschach warily.

Rorschach pulled the ball of light to illuminate the sugar: "No, it's just ordinary sugar. Since Mr. Elgin had a lot of harvest before, he must not be short of this little material."

"you mean"

"Look, you don't need medicinal powder to stimulate the 'living water body', and the effect may be even better. How to use it is up to the Earl of the semi-submersible zone. I just hope that Mr. Elgin will not bow down to the religious order."

The Earl patted his chest: "Of course! I will always be the lord of the semi-submerged area and will not give in to any sneaky people. And you see, their leaders and believers have been fed to monsters by me, so there is no way to turn around. room!"

The most indispensable thing these days is boomerangs. Just don’t kneel down too fast. It’s better to use the ideas I teach to create more trouble for those lunatics. Rorschach did not dwell on his oath, and instead asked for more rewards: "Earl Sir, you asked us to investigate the religious groups and living water bodies in the territory, and we have overfulfilled the task and helped you deal with them all."

"Okay, so what do you need?"

"We are going to another area. Is there a map of the Shadow Realm? Also, if we go to the Marquis's area, do we need identification or something like that?" Since everyone emphasizes the rules, whether Rorschach will abide by them is another matter. , at least try to understand the rules and regulations as much as possible.

Elgin seemed to have heard some joke: "Identity certificate? Give identification to the scum that falls into the ground anytime and anywhere? Mr. Wizard, you misunderstood. We don't need to collect poll taxes from those rats. Why bother to count the population?" "

The count did not explain his source of income, but to be honest, there is no decent economy in the semi-submersible area. He reluctantly complied with Rorschach's first request and took out a piece of parchment from his arms.

Rorschach took the paper tube handed over by the count. He said it was paper, but more like a piece of leather. It had not been processed enough to become a carrier of words. When Rorschach unfolded it, he saw dark blue handwriting on it drawing a map of the Shadowlands, almost like a tattoo.

The whole map is very unprofessional. There is no scale. There is only a direction mark drawn in the upper right corner. You can see the Jiaomaoding area, semi-submersible area, underground river, core area, deep submerged area and ancient ruins area, as well as Overlapping places. The core area has the same small group of houses as the Jiao Maoding area, and a crown is marked among them.

There are other signs that resemble cartoons, such as Rorschach seeing a lot of sheep in the lower left corner. A lot of sheep?

"Sir." The old coachman was a little anxious, and the count waved his hand: "I don't need it anyway! Mr. Master deserves this." He turned around, indicating that he was going back to his special train: "I'm tired, let's go."

Wet footsteps could be heard in the sewer pipe corridor, and the count and his entourage gradually moved away.

Rorschach was still looking at the map. After a while, he said based on the information on the map: "We happen to be at the edge of the semi-submersible area. We can go to other places by continuing down the pipe corridor."

Freddy rubbed the little coal ball's hair: "Okay, it's time for you to find a big family! Passing through the Jiao Maoding District, you can see a high mountain of garbage. There is a member of your tribe, a rat whisperer. Kingdom!" The poet said as he glanced at Singlev, the dwarf who almost became a king.

The little briquette's face turned pale (if you could see clearly): "Burned, afraid! Danger."

The Burnt Thatched Cottage is indeed a strange place, where the aura of death and burning are mixed, and the wandering soldiers of the old empire also look like undead creatures.

"There are indeed dangers on the road. How about we split into two groups? I will take Little Briquettes to the garbage mountain. It just so happens that this poet can talk to the Rat Whisperer and ensure that the tribe accepts Little Briquettes." In fact, Freddy was still thinking about it. Most of the initial commission has been completed. It will be dangerous to go deeper. It is better to take advantage of the situation and run away.

"We haven't found Ms. Caroline yet. The commission has not been completed. If you want to leave, you don't have the balance." Rorschach felt that Freddy was a good guide.

Unexpectedly, the little coal ball hugged Freddy's thigh with one hand, wrapped his legs around it, and then reached the corner of the dwarf's clothes with the other hand: "Little coal ball doesn't want to be separated, and we don't want the garbage mountain."

Seeing that both employers were hesitant, Freddy quickly said: "The core area and other areas will become more weird and dangerous next, and you have to bring children to hold you back?"

"The little briquettes are not children!" The original maid let go of her hand and whistled, and the bat fluttered back and forth: "The little briquettes can communicate with flying mice."

Indeed, it is very convenient to communicate with small animals in this environment. You can also let bats shuttle underground and use sound waves to create maps for the team. "I suddenly feel that the little briquettes are more useful than you, Freddy."

"Huh?" The troubadour felt that he was being despised, and quickly waved his violin: "I can stimulate your fighting spirit when you fight, and I can also fight in close combat! Look! Mage is afraid of close combat, right?"

"First of all, I don't seem to be able to get the benefit of your singing." The bard's performance will indeed stir up the magic in the environment. It has the same effect as the noble's etheric resonance, but his performance itself is smaller in scope and more obvious in effect. But it has no effect on Rorschach, who can control the magic power in his body.

"I don't feel anything. The noise will affect my ability to hear the enemy's footsteps." The dwarf scratched his head.

"As for close combat." Luo Xia waved with [Mage's Kirin Arm], and a big hole was immediately punched into the wall of the pipe: "I don't bother you to worry about it."

Freddy finally accepted the status quo: "Okay, then I will reluctantly be responsible for giving everyone advice. So where to go next?"

What about the plans you promised? Rorschach looked at the map: "According to the information provided by the count, we will go to the core area to find the so-called marquis."

The dwarf took out his compass, and the four of them headed in the general direction of the core area through the complex pipeline.

"Have we been here before?"

The dwarf scratched his head: "Is the compass okay?" He used the illumination of Rorschach's light ball to confirm his equipment and map again: "We should...should be here...should have arrived?"

Underground, the four people fell into silence. The sewer pipes were very complicated, like dark pipe corridors and constant intersections that seemed to form a maze. The simple map did not clearly depict the entire system.

Just when Rorschach was hesitating whether to use [Stone Shaping Technique] to open a path, the bat suddenly called out to the little coal ball twice.

"There's movement above."

Rorschach let the ball of light float to the top of the vault and found a rotten cast-iron ladder and manhole cover.

After it became quiet, in addition to the sound of water, you could occasionally hear the manhole cover shaking slightly and the sound of someone passing by.

"Let's remove the manhole cover and get out from above."

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