Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 288 Welcome to the core area

boom! The manhole cover was opened, and the dwarf was the first to come out. Then he threw a rope from his backpack. The small briquettes came up first, followed by the troubadour.

Singletary was pushed up by Rorschach's [Mage's Hand]. Freddy grabbed the rope and was pushed back and forth by the dwarf and the mage. Then Rorschach gracefully rose into the air and slowly emerged from the manhole cover. rising.

"Hey, get out of the way!" A carriage rushed towards them. Fortunately, the driver was very skilled and pulled the reins to avoid Rorschach and his party who suddenly emerged from the ground.

They came to a stone road in an urban area, and the dim light of a kerosene lamp shone down, illuminating the road and the houses on both sides. It seemed to be no different from some older urban areas in Storm City.

Pedestrians were sparse, appearing and disappearing in the mix of night and thick fog.

"We are back in Storm City? We won't become 'wanderers', right?" The dwarf wanted to get back into the well after observing the surroundings.

"No, if we were in Storm City, would there still be this thing?" Freddy held out his finger, and the others followed his instructions and looked.

"Yeah" Little Coal Ball wanted to scream, but Freddy covered his mouth. Rorschach and the dwarf instantly got into a fighting stance.

They saw a highly decomposed remains at the intersection. It was penetrated by sharpened standing trees, and its arms were spread out and fixed to guide the way. Under the light, this "road sign" was particularly scary. The remaining skin was almost detached from the skull and was crumbling. There were also maggots crawling in and out, which aroused the bat's interest.

Rorschach walked forward slowly. There was a wooden sign hanging around the man's neck, which read in red letters:

“The core area of ​​Shadow City.

"←Silver Street

"→Harold Avenue, Upside Down Church"

There are small prints outside the directions, which record that the skeleton was called Astaire during his lifetime, and he was a thief who was hanged for stealing the Marquis's property.

"The style of this Marquis is indeed very different from Elgin." Singletary commented as he read the small print on tiptoes.

"Hush, you also want to be a signpost?" The poet told the dwarf to be silent.

Although they were still underground, the wind still picked up, pushing the fog towards their faces, and the tiny cold water droplets made people's hair stand on end.

"This is...?" It turned out that the wind was caused by a notice, which was stuck on the street sign and was almost the same color as the wooden board when it was soaked in decomposition liquid: Do you want to know the truth? Welcome to the Upside Down Church to find the Black Monk.

Rorschach was a little curious about what the "Upside Down Church" was like, so he followed the instructions and walked to the right. On the map the count gave him, there was also a mark for this church, which seemed to be at the end of the avenue.

The thick fog will make people forget that they are still underground, but sometimes you can see hanging stalactites if you get closer. The so-called avenue is indeed spacious. There are many doll models on the roadside, wearing clothes, and a lot of debris piled at the feet of the dolls. It doesn't look like garbage, and there are many packaging boxes.

"This must be a rat whisperer's paradise!" Freddy guessed that with so many good goods piled on the roadside, the garbage guy would be absolutely delighted.

"There are more dolls than living people." Singletary seemed a little afraid of the environment here, clutching the hammer tightly.

Freddy smiled: "How do you ensure that the residents are all alive?"

Rorschach has become immune to monsters and monsters after coming to another world. It is normal for ghosts and gods to exist in a magical world, right? If something blind jumped in front of him, Rorschach could only reluctantly use [God Expulsion Technique] to blur its face.

It's one thing to not be afraid, but it's another thing to be cautious. He used [Arcane Vision] and [Dark Vision] to superimpose and look at it, and found nothing unusual. But he always felt that he had some tinnitus, and he seemed to be able to hear vague shouts, as if he were in some market, but there was no one else except the four people.

"Do you have tinnitus?" Rorschach looked at his companions, but he could only shake his head, but the bat screamed something sharply. The mage felt that the sound was getting louder and louder, and his head felt a little dizzy. His brain seemed to be soaked in ice water, making it a little slow and cold. He endured the feeling of nausea and asked Little Coal Ball: "What is the bat flying and the mouse talking about?"

"No, I just barked." Little Coal Ball didn't hear any information from the cry.

The sound was getting louder and louder, and there seemed to be some shouting, arguing, and the sound of a puppet creaking.

Others finally discovered that something was wrong. The dolls seemed to be moving. Their joints were stiff and they seemed to be trying to act like living people according to their clothes. They could even see male and female dolls walking side by side, pushing the most common stroller in Storm City.

"What the hell are you pretending to be?" Rorschach felt annoyed because his head was dizzy and couldn't help but cursed. Fortunately, it did not affect the spellcasting. He knocked his cane on the stone road, and the "expelling spell" with him as the center of the circle unfolded.

At this time, the invisible spell seemed to have taken on a physical form. Even the mist was pushed away, and the puppets came to a standstill. The guys in motion lost their balance and crashed to the ground.

However, in front, a doll wearing a dark blue police officer's uniform emerged from the mist, as well as a doll wearing a bearskin hat and red clothes. Now there were all "raw lobsters" and "cooked lobsters".

They picked up guns, which were not cold weapons, but standard firearms that Istani began to install more than ten years ago.

Bang bang!

The first round of gunshots was fired. It was obvious that the weapons had not been properly maintained. Three of the four "raw lobster" guns in the first row exploded, and the fourth one was not accurate, directly smashing the puppets next to the four Rorschachs.

"Master Mage, what are you doing?" The poet broke into a cold sweat. He had already protected the shivering little coal ball behind him, and he squatted behind the dwarf without exposing much of his body to the gun.

"Don't make any noise!" Rorschach's tinnitus had subsided. He released the [Hysteresis Technique] with one hand, which erected an invisible deceleration zone in front of him and Singletary, but the poet couldn't see it.

The "raw lobster", which was mostly maimed by the bombing, closed the team, and the "cooked lobster" rotated to the front row and raised its gun again to prepare for shooting.

Rorschach did not give the opponent a chance to shoot. His second wave of spells was ready - a ray roared out, and the puppets wherever it went decomposed and shattered like mist, and dissipated with the wind.

This ray seemed to extend to infinity and hit the end of the road directly. A majestic building was exposed in the gap in the fog. Everyone saw that the "Upside Down Church", as its name suggests, was really standing upside down on the ground! It is simply a spire rising above the ground.

"Keep moving forward." Rorschach felt that after recovering, he confirmed that there were no moving dolls, and confirmed that the energy storage of the staff was temporarily exhausted: "Be careful, I can't cast spells as fast as before."

There are also fish that have slipped through the net among the dolls. They are intact but motionless. The guns in their hands are lying on the ground together with their owners.

"What the hell, where did the bullets and gunpowder come from?" Singletary once again used his skills as a craftsman warrior and selected two muskets in good condition, holding one for himself and throwing the other to Freddy.

The poet still clearly remembers the "raw lobster" whose face was blackened when it was blown up by a gun: "You can't blow up your chest, can you?"

"I've checked." The dwarf was very serious. He couldn't joke at this moment: "Roheisenberg, do you want a gun?"

"No need, magic is more convenient." Rorschach is holding the cane now, seizing the time to absorb the magic power, partly to restore his own state, and partly to recharge the cane and restore the mithril channel inside.

After the four people continued walking towards the church, the thick fog gradually recovered. A puppet wearing a formal suit and a woolen wig slowly took out a quill and writing pad and wrote on the paper:

"Rorschach, destroying public property,

Singletary, Freddy, stolen guns! "

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