Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 292: Follow the guidance

Rorschach's perception of magic power should be the best among mages, but excluding visual observation, what he perceives only through "magic control" is often the "flow and sudden change of magic power."

In other words, his senses were somewhat similar to the dynamic vision of a frog, and he was not aware of the almost static "cloud of spiritual light" for a moment.

Could it be due to changes in environmental gravity? Rorschach still didn't know, especially since the "clouds" were motionless, so he couldn't figure out the mechanism.

What is certain is that the painting is important to the old man, and that is enough.

At this time, the black monk was condescending and saw the bats forming a large spherical shell and covering everyone's heads. Originally, he planned to blur his body and dive into it, but at this time, several gaps suddenly appeared.

"This is..." The old man was confused, and suddenly a fireball shot out of a gap and rushed straight towards the oil painting on the ceiling. The black monk shouted angrily and rushed towards the path where the fireball was about to pass.

His judgment was accurate. He caught the scorching fireball very well, and used countless tentacles to continuously twitch the fireball instead of causing it to explode. The rotating plasma caused the tentacles to continue to be scorched, and the energy was constantly reduced, and he was about to be destroyed. The Black Monk was "decontaminated".

At this moment, a new ray burst through, not only detonating a fireball and blowing up the black monk's face, but also penetrated the black monk himself. The tentacles that were baring their teeth and claws withered in the painful groan, and a black energy was Steam erupted from the black monk's body.

The tentacles under the black robe receded, revealing almost skeletal limbs.

"This is interesting." The old man smiled again.

Do you have any masochistic tendencies? Rorschach was convinced that his [God Expelling Technique] had caused harm to the monk. Obviously, the shape of the tentacles is consistent with "Is", so Rorschach tentatively believes that the old man's power belongs to Is or has the same origin.

It's a pity that [Fireball Technique] is needed to create opportunities. The preparation of "Expulsion Technique" is very hasty and it is not Rorschach's full strength. Otherwise, based on his performance in Valuvana, the Isth in the old man can be completely eliminated without the increase of the Tower of Starlight Torch. strength.

But now, you can see that there are still few tentacles waving under the black robe, as if they are still slowly dividing.

The black monk murmured, and Rorschach shouted: "Little coal ball, let the bat stop him!"

"Absence?" Rorschach often used the expression without any shadows when he was in a hurry. Little Coal Ball, who had a poor vocabulary, didn't quite understand it. However, she heard "stop him" clearly and screamed again. Under her command, the bat launched a new round of charge.

In the current state of the black monk, he really couldn't resist the countless "bloody mouths" with fangs rushing up to bite him. However, due to a moment of hesitation, it was still a moment late.

Just when the leading bat was about to bite or hit the old man, his incantation was completed and the bat began to flutter and fall.

what happened? Soon Rorschach and the others understood what had happened. It was extremely heavy starting from the head, as if the whole body was about to be pressed to the floor.

How was it done? Now Rorschach felt that it was not that the magic power was converted into repulsion, but that the gravity had indeed changed after the old man's energy spread throughout the space.

"I can't breathe." Freddy held the little coal ball under his body. The bat kept falling on everyone, filled with shrill screams and waving claws. Rorschach quickly put up a barrier to protect his teammates, while he The hoarse language of the black monk came clearly to his ears.

"I'm the master of this space now, and you can do it too."

Rorschach saw no reaction from the others. The dwarf held the hammer and gestured at the black monk with his thumb on one hand, as if he planned to knock the black monk down by throwing the hammer.

However, the gravity became stronger and stronger, and the hammer accidentally hit the ground. Even the blood pumping into the upper body became difficult. The reaction was especially obvious for people with poor physical fitness. Freddy's face could be seen getting paler.

Black Monk communicates only to himself.

He didn't finish his words yet: "You have some means of destroying magic and divine power, which are amazing, but you are like a magic barbarian who only knows the plasticity system. You only know how to use rays and projectiles to emit your power.

"Think of a solution quickly!" The old man seemed to be urging Rorschach, and his tone was not the condescending mockery of a victor, but even a bit persuasive: "Your companion, that useless troubadour, is about to faint. When the force returning to the earth exceeds the limit, the circulation of blood and body fluids in your body will be blocked, and the container holding the soul will be unable to maintain operation."

It's just cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, it's said so eloquently. Rorschach followed the black monk's prompts and released the "Expulsion Technique" with himself as the center of the circle. Everyone felt relaxed, and gravity returned to normal for a brief moment.

But then the pressure came again and got worse. Freddy lay directly on the ground, but this position actually reduced the burden on his heart.

"Not enough, not enough!" The old man kept urging: "What's the use of just taking it for a moment? Can I hold on any longer? Is this all you, a young man, can do?"

You old man. To put it lightly, these are naturally complex and large-scale spells. Rorschach not only needs to prepare for spell casting, but it can only be cast for a short period of time. If it is to last

Use [Reverse Ray]? "Reversal" costs less than "Expulsion" and can last longer if I work hard. Rorschach considered this. "Expulsion" directly eliminates the magic itself, while "reversal" is aimed at the effect caused by the magic, that is, the current abnormal gravity is relieved.

The black monk was still chattering: "Even people who don't know magic and magic often say that power comes from strength. Violence against people can give rise to people's power to dominate people. If you are still a spell caster and have a clear mind, just think Think about what your power can control and in what form.”

When he said these words, Rorschach started to cast a new spell, still using himself as the center of the circle to broadcast the [Reversal Ray] in the form of a "wave", temporarily lifting the oppression on the young man and his companions.

The Black Monk's control then counterattacked, and Rorschach was inspired by the words. He remembered that the last step of "reversal" was to give the target the "pre-casting" state through his own agency.

What if this process of “mediation” and “endowment” could be sustained? Rorschach began to try, and the states he needed to be given were very few, just "the gravity to correct the error" and the restoration of magic power that would be transformed into Yis's power.

If it is in the form of a ray, the casting target of the entire spell is directional. At this time, the Black Monk is asking Rorschach to cast the spell in the form of a field, which means that the casting target becomes the space and everything else in the field.

This was difficult, and Rorschach could only move to the center of the three people with difficulty, letting them get as close (crawling) to him as possible, and making the area open as small as possible.

As a result, everything in the tiny space returned to the state before the black monk cast the spell. Two kinds of gravity and two kinds of magic collided fiercely at the junction of the two realms, stirring up the ever-changing rainbow light. The original method of casting spells would definitely not be sustainable for a long time, and he needed to find a new method.

The highest level of proficiency is "Magic Control".

The mage pumped a large amount of environmental magic into himself for the first time in a long time, but this time he not only turned it into his own magic, but also tried to change the nature of the magic and let them be stained with his "brand". From the perspective of others, blue light erupted from the mage's eyes and mouth, and gradually transformed into a faint white light.

Rorschach didn't know what his so-called "brand" was, but since his proficiency in [God Expulsion Technique] gradually increased, he began to realize that the core of this spell was related to his own essence. Now he did not need to outline anything pointing to himself. Symbols are instead abstracted into existences similar to breath, and then woven into the magic energy spewed out.

The mere operation of these magic powers plays the role of "expulsion of divinity" and "retrospection", that is, it repels the power of the current Yis and provides support for the domain. Perhaps the power that has been absorbed, transformed and released by Rorschach can no longer be called "ether" or "mana", but new energy.

In a daze, he vaguely saw the nodes of intersection at the place where the domains collided and intersected, and in the space he controlled, which was somewhat similar to the scene seen on the original level.

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