Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 293 Nodes and Fields

The black monk's expression changed slightly. He hesitated for a while and then slowly released his hold on Rorschach.

Therefore, Rorschach's domain expanded on his own, but the magical flux that needed to be transformed was greater and the burden was greater for him.

The two realms form a dynamic balance, with different forces intersecting and offsetting each other at the interface. Crystal particles with tiny and invisible edges precipitate out of thin air, and are quickly shattered and eliminated in the rapids.

As the realm expanded, the visions Rorschach saw became more blurry. It was originally just seeing flowers in the fog, but now even the vague fog is about to dissipate.

His brain seemed to be stirring and boiling with the circulating magic power, and his temples were beating drums in unison with the beating of his heart. Rorschach stretched out his hand at the last moment when the node was about to disappear. Of course, the node had no entity, but for him, this was more like a symbolic adjustment, trying to shake the node.

Why this idea? Rorschach couldn't explain clearly, but he had an intuition that nodes could change according to his own will.

Rorschach's intuition was correct, but he didn't know what it was that touched him at the last moment.

"Why does it feel so cold?" Freddy had just taken a breath, but felt that he had inhaled a big mouthful of cold air, freezing from his chest to his Tianling Cap. And the words he spoke also slowed down.

Singlev now threw the hammer at the Black Monk, but his movements and the movement of the hammer became sluggish.

Cold, stagnant. The energy level of the entire field is falling, and new magic is born when he jumps down. Both the poet and the little coal ball feel that their consciousness and body are disconnected, and they have gained a new sense.

Only the dwarf didn't notice what was happening.

The old man also noticed the changes in Rorschach's field. He no longer hesitated and simply stopped the super gravity in the church. This process is very fast. The original prerequisite for the existence of Rorschach's phase field was the confrontation of the black monk field. Now the circulating magic breaks free from its restraints and surges out in all directions.

The cycle was broken, and Rorschach stopped his movements with a groan. Now the fuzzy nodes were completely missing. An invisible impact washed the space of the main hall, especially the old man who was temporarily "washed" and fell straight down. Go down.

"Huh? This feeling is gone?" The poet smacked the experience of just a moment. Although his body experienced bitter cold, the new feeling was wonderful. He felt that if he plucked the strings at that time, something interesting would definitely happen.

It's a pity that the inner and outer realms have been lifted.

As soon as Rorschach raised his hand, the black monk changed from free fall to slowly falling, and the bats scattered in all directions and fled from the main hall.

At this time, both Singletary and Freddy were pressing towards the old man step by step with their hammers/fiddleheads in their hands, but they were stopped by Rorschach. The young man could finally see clearly the black monk. No, he should be called the gray monk now.

His robe was dirty, showing an uneven gray color. He didn't know if it was always like this or if he wore it like this every day. Only a little bit of the blackened surface, which is as black as carbon, is left, slowly recovering at the collar and corners of clothes.

This Yisi's strength is quite tenacious. The impact just now was equivalent to Rorschach's release of a full-state [God Expulsion Technique] and [Reverse Ray]. Even so, the Black Monk did not completely lose the energy given by Yis.

"Ahem." The old man's hands were very thin, nothing more than bones covered with a layer of bloodless, loose skin, but his face had been taken care of, and his withered beard and hair were not messy.

A wave of waves came from Rorschach's palm, but the monk stopped him: "Don't use Oak Man's methods. I won't accept this trick."

Oak guy. You mean Druid, right? Rorschach obeyed his wishes and gave up treating the old man.

But the others were still confused. The dwarf pulled out the rope and said, "Why are we still talking? It won't be a waste to tie this guy up first and then torture him."

The old man was amused: "Goblin, I really want to kill you. You are almost digested by the bat now."

Wait, why did the defeated Boss' mouth suddenly break into pieces? Rorschach originally thought that the Black Monk had always been a high-powered Riddler, but now that he has become weaker, his mouth has become harder, and he opened fire on the dwarf with his mouth cannon without hesitation.

"Say one more thing? I think you are getting tired of living at your age, so you can go to hell with a hammer!"

"If you don't like being called a gnome, why call me a dwarf? You're not as tall as the pumpkins I planted before. When a dragon comes to hunt, it starts with the taller ones. Even if you're full, it won't be your turn to catch you."

Singletary broke out, and Rorschach and Freddy controlled the dwarf and monk respectively.

It was still a bit difficult to hold the dwarf, so the poet simply lifted him up. Freddy said: "Old man, you did not kill me, but you also hurt me enough."

"You're pretty smart, it's good to know."

"Then why did you attack us?" Zinglev was unconvinced. He always felt that not giving the opponent a punch would be an advantage.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you stinky pickled fish?" The monk slumped on the ground with a shocked expression, accusing: "Use your brain that is dangling in the helmet to recall, are you guys the same? Who made the first move? I was just teaching an unwelcome guest a lesson."

It seems that the dwarves and bards were the first to shoot?

Zinglev paused for a while: "You are pretending to be a ghost in a dark place, and you are showing off your teeth and claws. Why don't you let us defend ourselves?"

What the dwarf said made sense. At that time, the Black Monk appeared like a ghost. When he was excited, he waved the tentacles under his robe, just like the monster waved forward. After experiencing the strange events on Harold Avenue, Rorschach and his group were already on high alert.

The black monk sighed: "I'm sorry. The power of the spurned person has penetrated me too deeply, especially when the emotions are strong. Those things are beyond my control." Obviously the "spurned person" is Yis.

Rorschach looked up and saw that the painting on the ceiling was still shrouded in clouds of spiritual light. He focused on the unfinished parts: "So what happened? Did Is get out of here?"

"He is the existence that has descended. It is easy to leave." The black monk's condition recovered a little, his hands were hidden in his robe again, and one or two tentacles were spread out quietly: "In the Silent Era, it is In our time, the battle between the earth and the sky has become intense, and Yith may no longer dare to occupy Istany."

He said: "You should know which two beings I refer to when I talk about the earth and the sky. Instead of comparing it to the sky, it is better to use the sun as a metaphor." The monk did not dwell on the rhetoric for too long: "In short, the spurned person He did not hesitate to abandon his believers, abandon his covenant people, and even break his covenant.”

Freddy, who has always been indoctrinated with traditional concepts in mythology, disagrees: "Is has helped the kingdom get rid of the old empire and the dominance of the Lord of Order. He just left us. What can we spurn?"

The old man bluntly rejected the poet's idea: "Child, do gods come to this island where guano accumulates to do charity? If there is a so-called good god, he is exactly the villain in the history of the kingdom, the lord of light and order, haha, it is limited to As far as humans are concerned.”

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