Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 310 This Rorschach is different

In the brain, the glistening milky white fluid in the stone platform had dried up, and it was as if nothing had happened.

Only Rorschach stood, looking quietly at the two people who were enjoying a baby-like sleep for a while, and walked towards his teacher step by step.

"Why did I faint?" Caroline slowly opened her eyes and found that she was still half lying on the floor.

Caroline immediately jumped back and took a step back, losing the calmness she once had on the podium: "Rorschach! you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Seeing that Caroline regained consciousness, Luo Xia also stood up without any fluctuation in expression: "It was you who forcibly broke through the space blockade in the brain. Although you succeeded, you fainted because of the backlash of the ancient elves' magic.

"While I appreciate your willingness to take such a big risk to get in here, I don't think this behavior is rational."

Caroline didn't expect Rorschach to say such words directly. She frowned: "It's not like you've been up there for too long. I'm worried about something bad happening to you."

Luo Xia nodded and thanked him again.

Then he squatted down and applied "resuscitation" to Benedy.

Benedy felt a splitting headache and struggled to push himself up to lift the back of his head off the cold ground.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the cold face of the young mage and immediately said: "I"

"You gained the memories of the elf elders in your brain and learned the secrets of the Shadow Land."

"Yes, yes!" Then the elf stared at the human mage warily: "How do you know?"

"There was an unknown light group in the stone basin that merged into your forehead, and then you fell into a coma. When you were in a coma, you kept talking in your sleep. You should be communicating with someone. I guess it was your ancestors who were communicating with you. dialogue."

Benedy accepted Rorschach's statement and continued, "So I want to."

"So you have to open other cracks in the shadow land to the real world, connecting the paths from El Island to Storm City. But now they are sealed by the Lord of Order, we have to open it."

"Yes, yes, no, 'us'?" Benedy, who had just restarted, remembered that he was half-captured by two hostile human mages.

Caroline was also a little confused: "Rorschach, are you planning to help him? He took advantage of us and colluded with Mother Earth."

"At least he is not a believer of Mother Earth now, and the other deceived gray elves are not hopeless.

"Open the passage and let the Gray Elf rebels come to the semi-submersed area to see what the Order has done with their compatriots on the sunken ship, so that the threat of the Order can be brought to light.

"Give the rebels a chance to directly attack the capital of Istani and force the kingdom to abandon the colony of Air Island. In this way, the gray elves can free Air Island without relying on gods, and they no longer need to turn to the earth. The Mother prayed for strength.

"At the same time, use their mouths to reveal the truth about Istani's atrocities on Air Island and the collusion between the Order and the Knights.

"Otherwise, the resistance forces will still be weak in the confrontation, and they can only continue to rely on Mother Earth, and the worship of evil gods will be more difficult to eradicate.

"That's how I figured it out."

"How can we defeat the Knights with the resistance alone?"

"The Knights no longer have the protection of Yis. Even if you don't rely on Mother Earth, you are just mortals challenging mortals.

"Of course it's not a fair battle, but as long as you can push the battlefield to the heart of Istani, you will have won."

Benedy was still hesitating: "Can it be done?"

"Just do as I say." Rorschach continued to press: "It is better than being with a cult that is also cooperating with the Istani authorities.

"You think you have seen the truth clearly - the cult is using you, and then you cooperate with them, and you think you are using the other party in turn, and you are complacent.

"Seek the skin of a tiger and you will not die a good death."

Benedy said no more. Rorschach took out a roll of ancient parchment from his robe, and after using a spell to activate it, it turned out to be a map.

He input magic power and adjusted it with his own will. The map was extremely detailed, and he could also zoom in and adjust the depth of the display.

"This is the map I found in the stone chamber while you were unconscious. It not only marks the way out of the deep dive zone safely, but also shows the way to other real worlds.

Now these entrances are blocked by the Lord of Order. We have to lift them one by one. At the same time, we will weaken the power of the Shadow City and weaken its expulsion curse. "

So Rorschach let the map float in front of him to lead the way.

Benedy, who said nothing, followed Rorschach, with Caroline at the end.

Rorschach twisted the stone platform in the center of the room, and the ventricle slowly opened an exit to the outside world. It went all the way down, and the three people exited through the open mouth of the stone statue.

They were wrapped in Rorschach's domain and floated slowly in the dark and turbid mid-air of the deep submersible area, passing other crooked stone statues.

At the same time, a thin mist of water condensed on the surface of the field, and an illusion effect similar to [Flower in the Mirror, Water and Moon] was added to the outside of this small bubble. The huge swimming fish in the deep diving area ignored them and passed by several times.

Benedy really wanted to go to other stone statues to find out, but the young mage in front of him had been silent since the beginning, and his words had an unquestionable tone, which made it hard for Benedy to make any other moves and obey the command honestly. .

Caroline looked past the elf and stared at Rorschach. She felt something was wrong.

"Rorschach, do you still remember the spell you were least good at in the academy?" Caroline asked using [Messaging Technique].

"[Water Making Technique]."

correct answer. But if it were normal, the boy would have said more, such as "You also suspected that I cheated on the assessment" and "Why are you suddenly exposing my shortcomings now?" In short, this Rorschach is different.

Still using the [Messaging Technique], Caroline continued to ask: "What if the resistance army knows the truth about the Order and still decides to cooperate with Mother Earth?"

"The Shadow Land will be destroyed soon." In Caroline's eyes, Rorschach made a prediction in a tone of stating a fact, and then he said: "Whether the rebels who enter the Shadow City will be buried with them depends on their attitude towards the evil god. "

When Benedy didn't speak, his mind was running faster, allowing him to successfully think of a question: "Your plan doesn't seem to take the Marquis into consideration."

"Removing the seal of the Lord of Order will also weaken the power of the Marquis. I also have a way to target him. If everything goes well, I will defeat him and his Shadow City in a lord-to-lord manner."

The domain bubble slowly sank, and they came to the edge of the deep submersible area. Here, extremely huge rectangular stones were used, every three of which were built into a "∏" shape, and a group was stacked up to form an open boundary.

They also have the runes of ancient elves on them, shining with the light of Microsoft. This was originally the "wall" that blocked off the Holy Land.

At the bottom of the deep dive zone, there are dark green strips. They are swaying and floating like seaweed, but if you look closely, they are tiny tentacles that are constantly fluttering - the product of the power of Yis being hijacked by Mother Earth.

Rorschach did not touch the ground. He led the two people to float towards a group of stone gates. When he raised his hand, the runes on it changed, showing the dim sky.

"Let's go and lift the first seal."

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