Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 311 The battlefield between the ruins

Under the dim sky, there are numerous and crooked ruins.

This place is even more desolate than the deep submersible area. There are at least some deep-sea monster-like beings wandering around the holy land, but here there are only endless building ruins.

They went deep into the ruins, both of them following Rorschach, and the map in Rorschach's hand had a dot that was constantly glowing, indicating the existence of the crack.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are traces of sword slashes on many walls, as well as blood splattered on them.

When they passed a corner, the wall was smeared with blood. Although part of the wall was peeled off, they could still read it: "In the name of the Protector of the Country."

As we continued walking, similar marks became more and more frequent, as if we had experienced battles one after another. There were scorched marks, brick walls smashed by shells, and scattered crates.

Caroline had never seen these scenes. She explored from the core area to the historical area, so what she saw were ancient castles, works of art buried in the dust, etc. On the other side, it turned out that there was still a battlefield.

Benedy recalled the history he knew: "Istani once had a protector, who was also called the executioner. He could lead the kingdom to continuous victory against the enemies of Air Island, the sea and the mainland, but At the same time, he was equally vicious when he pointed his sword at members of the kingdom."

The subsequent script is that after the death of the Protector, everyone was afraid of the emergence of a second ruthless executioner, formed a council, and welcomed the king back as the head of Istani.

The parliament at that time was very naive, thinking that since they had invited the king back, the king would listen to the parliamentarians and be a puppet on strings.

"Originally, everyone thought that the era of terror was over, but the Queen and the Parliament clashed over authority again, so her knights once dissolved a parliament through violence, and established the 'Round Table Conference' composed of representatives of the Twelve Knights as The upper house and the reconvened parliament serve as the lower house. Now there are people who hope to return to the era of the Lord Protector's rule. Oh, it's just hope."

There is a flag on the street, embroidered with a flaming lion. It is majestic, its mane is a ball of blazing flames, its mouth is wide open, revealing sharp fangs, and the ground it steps on is also igniting fireworks.

Fierce as a lion, bringing destruction like the foehn. This is the flag of the "Burning Lion", one of the Twelve Knights.

"Queen? This history happened too long ago?" Has Istani always been a female ruler? Istany has always been isolated from the mainland, and the royal family never visits. People on the mainland know very little about the royal family's genealogy.

"Um, two hundred years? No, it's not that long." Benedy was also a little confused. In the education he received, "Queen" is "Queen", the only existence. Not even the resistance would question her rule over Istani.

Are the queen in history and the current "Queen of Purity" the same person? Impossible, there is no such long-lived individual now. Benedy shook his head, as if to shake away the chaotic thoughts.

Rorschach gave a different version of history: "Originally, the Knights were twelve legions under the Lord Protector, and they fought internally and externally for many years. After the Kingdom of Istani was completely settled, the glory and distribution of wealth in the past could no longer satisfy the Knights. , so when the Lord Protector died, they supported the queen as the master of the kingdom and restored the monarchy. In return, the queen essentially enfeoffed the kingdom to the Twelve Knights, and placed the Round Table above the Parliament."

"Nonsense! The Queen's return was a choice made by the Parliament. This fact has been consistently recorded in history books and poetry. Otherwise, wouldn't the kingdom have always been dominated by violence?"

"Isn't it? Especially when those councilors are neither divine benefactors nor spell casters, and have not yet mastered enough power." Rorschach didn't want to argue with Benedy, he shrugged: "I'm just entering the Shadow City I just heard it from hearsay, so you can’t say it’s wrong.”

Caroline did not participate in the argument. She just stared at Rorschach without saying a word.

Rorschach picked up the dusty "Lion Burning" flag. Its flagpole had been broken, but he found a broken crystal on the top of the flagpole. Obviously it is not just a battle flag, but also uses magic or magic.

Energy was injected, and a lion's roar erupted. However, the crystal was immediately shattered by the magic power charged again after hundreds of years, and the broken rod exploded in Rorschach's hand.

"It seems to be a magic circle with an 'invigorating' effect. It may also have the effect of intimidating the enemy." The spell was not completely released, and only a brief sound appeared. Rorschach felt the fluctuation of magic power for a moment and then immediately let go. , throwing aside the secondary damaged cultural relics: "The Knights don't have these things now. At least they are at the level of sacred objects."

After saying that, they continued to move forward, but an unusual sight appeared - a pair of armor that was easily torn, and remains scattered not far away. If you look closely, there are bite marks on the bones.

Something opened the armor like a can and "enjoyed" the "deliciousness" inside.

"It seems that the historical area is not as deserted as it seems?"

"Hey! Who are you? Apparently evildoers are out and about. Didn't you see my sacrificed brother? Why don't you hide quickly?" Just as the three of them were observing the deceased, a loud shouting voice sounded from behind. It was a heavily armed soldier again. When he saw a man and a woman holding an elf hostage between them, he immediately changed his mind: "Oh, sorry, it turns out they are the warriors who captured the evil ones."

"?" Benedy had a question mark on his face. So the "evil breed" is myself?

"If you want to receive the reward, just cut off the ears after killing him. If you don't do anything, he will be transformed." The soldier held the sword and approached the poor, weak and helpless Benedy step by step.

Rorschach stood up and stood between the two: "My name is Heisenberg, and this Ms. Caroline is a mage. We are capturing evil creatures and preparing to conduct research." After speaking, in order to prove himself, he summoned a light ball to float to in the air.

The soldier who knows [Light Spell] = Spellcaster, nodded after the appraisal: "James, trainee knight of the Burning Lion Knights. You must control the evil species and destroy them immediately once they become corrupted."

"Okay." After Rorschach waved his hand, Benedy immediately found that he was tied up and could not speak.

Damn it! He could only greet Rorschach cordially in his heart, but before he could say anything, his temple suddenly hurt like a needle prick.

The three of them still followed the light spots on the map. It seemed that the knight's route happened to overlap with theirs, and he followed behind after collecting the bones of his comrades. As they got closer to the seal crack, more and more knights appeared, and the collapsed and broken buildings were requisitioned as camps. Looking inside, there was even a blacksmith repairing weapons.

"Stop!" When they were about to enter the camp, Rorschach and his party were stopped by a guard, and James stood up to explain to them.

"But evildoers cannot be brought into the camp, not even those who have not fallen!" The sentry's attitude was very firm.

Just when Rorschach was about to take some measures, a high-spirited lion's roar suddenly sounded in the camp. Before the sentry finished shouting "enemy attack", countless dark monsters appeared around the camp. Their faces melted into a ball, and they lay on all fours on the ground. It kept jumping and climbing between the wall and the ground, and there were fluttering tentacles coming out of its back.

They rushed to the defense of the camp, and a few arrows hit the leader. The other evil creatures no longer charged, but roared, and at the same time the tentacles on their backs began to tremble.

From Rorschach's perspective, the magic in the environment also trembled slightly, and the evildoers seemed to be communicating with their tentacles.

"Is this a scoundrel? How can humans compare me to a monster?" Benedy, who was bound, was very angry. He could not speak and could only scream in his mind.

Rorschach glanced at the "captives" and used [Communication Technique] to say: "Don't you see that their ears are pointed and long? They are exactly the same as yours."

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