Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 312 What is it calculating?

Benedy observed carefully and had to admit that the ears of the black monster were the same as his.

There was a howling black beast that rushed towards the camp defense line. The knight stabbed it with his lance and then raised it upwards. At this time, the monster changed its posture, from being on all fours like a beast to standing upright, allowing the three people who followed to see it. It's even clearer - it's undoubtedly a mutated elf.

Rorschach and Caroline also joined the battle. Caroline fluttered her hand gestures, and then swung out several sharp blades. It was similar to the invisible sword energy, but it was actually a misplaced space rift, which was like a sharp and fast blade in time and space. The transmitted wave completely cuts through all the evil species that pass by, until the energy is exhausted and dissipates into the distance.

Rorschach raised his left hand and took the lead in using [Melting Ray] to sweep over the monsters that were approaching the camp. A burning smell filled the air, and then the strong wind blew away the strange smell and gathered most of the evil creatures together. He stretched out his other hand, and a giant palm burst out from the broken stone road. He waved his right hand and made a fist, grabbed the gathered monster, and then squeezed it tightly.

Thick dark red liquid flowed from the gaps in the giant palm of rock and earth. The other surviving evil species screamed like crazy towards the giant palm, and the tentacles that stood up trembled uncontrollably.

"The corrosion is systemic and thorough. They should be communicating with each other." After the test, Rorschach loosened his right hand, and a lot of flesh and blood residue fell down.

The knights stared blankly at the battle between the two mages. The other surviving evildoers glared at the camp with resentment and ran away whimpering. For the first time, the soldiers repelled (watched) an evil attack without any damage and surrounded them with cheers.

"I have never seen such a powerful mage. I thought the caster was just a trick with a stick and setting off some fireworks. It's so powerful! Thank you so much!" James seemed to be very familiar with Rorschach and Caroline. Yes, come over and communicate with them first.

Caroline took over the conversation: "Actually, Master Heisenberg has a staff, but he doesn't use it. Why don't you take it out, Master Heisenberg?"

Rorschach had no unnecessary reaction and said smoothly and calmly: "It's broken and it's staying in the storage ring." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and showed Caroline the gift from Bart.

"My master's alchemy skills are acceptable. Do you want me to try to repair it?"

"No, the energy storage crystal is broken, thank you." Rorschach turned around and asked if he could enter the camp.

As a hero, he can naturally be allowed to enter, but there are differences among the knights as to whether Benedy, a "bastard", can enter.

In the end, Rorschach made the final decision: "You have seen our strength just now. It is most reasonable for us to closely guard this 'evil'." Benedy blushed. He didn't even know why the language module failed, but It didn't stop him from nodding in agreement with Rorschach's statement.

The knight was shocked that even the evil ones would listen to the mage. Others also agreed with Rorschach's statement that once Benedy fell, it would be best to hand him over to the mage.

"Have you been around the camp?"

"Yes, since the outbreak of the evil species, the entire city has been in ruins. We have lost contact with the parent group and can only rely on the environment to support us in this camp." James naturally became the guide and introduced Rorschach and others.

However, they have been in the historical area, and on the other side is the "civilized world" in the core area. Rorschach did not criticize, but instead said along the lines: "We were originally practicing our skills in a magic tower in the deep forest. After we came out of the tower, we found that the city was destroyed. What happened?"

James had no doubts about the character, and he told the whole story: "They used to be in the form of elves, just like the one you captured, Master Mage. Just a few months ago, reports of corruption appeared one after another, and these monsters destroyed Most of the survivors in this city have evacuated, and we were ordered to protect. We were ordered to hold on."

They were walking towards the core of the camp, where the light spot on the map and the seal of the Lord of Order were located.

"So the thing you were ordered to guard is inside?" Rorschach saw the largest barracks, which had been built into a semi-permanent fortification. The knights built it with as large a stone as possible. Not only were engineers on guard and guards on the top, but there were also two teams of three people patrolling alternately around the building.

"No, no. This is just the camp of our commander, Lord Knight. If you study that evil individuals need an environment without being disturbed, we can vacate the infirmary. Thank you, there were no casualties in this defense. James thanked him again and repeatedly talked about how the evil ones were getting more and more difficult to deal with, and how difficult it would be this time without the help of Rorschach and Caroline.

As he talked, he wanted to take Rorschach away from the camp.

"I want to talk to the Knight Commander." After saying that, James was stunned for a while, and the other guards also stopped moving at the same time.

It was almost like it was stuck, but it didn't stop for long. After a second or two of lag, James said, "Okay, I'll report it."

Finally, they were allowed into the heart of the camp. The barracks that didn't look big enough from the outside actually had an extremely huge machine running inside. The small fortress was just over two stories high, but upon entering, the machine was at least five stories high, or even higher. In fact, it was half-buried below the horizontal line.

Countless brass-cast mechanisms are reciprocating, and parallel or staggered gears rotate at different speeds. The clicking sounds of countless parts are like endless clockwork. From time to time, there is a rough impact sound that makes people's jaw drop. The sound of acid rubbing and squeezing showed that the condition of this machine was not perfect.

Looking down from the rusty guardrail, the buried part is steaming with white mist, and the sound of waves is hidden in the mechanical symphony.

"Is this a difference engine?"

"You know the goods, but not particularly." The knight commander was still a little humorous. He appeared from the side of the machine and held Rorschach's hand: "The Knights of the Burning Lion thank you and salute you!"

Rorschach was still observing the machine, and it coincided with the blip on the map. Seeing that the mage's attention was focused on the huge machine, the knight commander introduced: "It is the Analytical Machine, the largest and most advanced analytical machine in Istani. It is a trophy that defeats the elves and dwarves. It is the crystallization of our human wisdom. "

"Then what can it analyze?"

"Mr. Master, we are just warriors ordered to guard it and cannot answer your question. In fact, we are still having a headache maintaining it. All I can say is that it has been performing very, very important calculations."

Caroline was a little confused: "What is the driving force for its operation?"

The knight commander still had no comment. Rorschach used [Messaging] to remind the teacher: "Use [Arcane Vision] to stare at it."

After Caroline complied, her breathing suddenly stagnated, because at this time, the machine body was no longer a metal casting, but imaginary gears and circuits operating at a speed beyond the ability of the naked eye to distinguish. It is an energy node where the magic power and the power of the Lord of Order are constantly flowing, sending and receiving, and the terminal is on the body of all the members of the Knights.

Rorschach flew over the railing and the moment his hand touched the surface of the machine, everything in the camp except outsiders stopped.

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