Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 313 Lifting the First Seal

The combination of the power of the Lord of Order and the most powerful analytical engine ever built by Istani produced strange effects.

The main body is just a mere machine, but it is like a fulcrum, allowing the power of the Lord of Order to attach to it, achieving an effect even more exaggerated than Rorschach's previous graphics card - supporting the virtual image of an entire team of Knights of the Burning Lion.

No, they at least existed.

Caroline and Benedy couldn't understand Rorschach's actions at this time, but they witnessed the people and objects in the camp disintegrating. There were a few bangs, and only a pair of incomplete and rusty boards remained where the Knight Commander originally stood. A, James, who led them into the camp, appeared again. He reappeared from the machine and walked to the door backwards like walking backwards.

Then it collapsed, the helmet rolled off, the sword broke on the ground, and the sword body was already rusted through.

The barracks also began to shake. Caroline wanted to drive the falling stones, but found that they were now insubstantial, and the real sea breeze roared in, bringing with it a salty smell and cold air.

The sea, they are between the steep cliffs and the coast. At this time, the moonlight shines on the surface of the earth and the ocean, reflecting the real world.

Countless rays of light converged on Rorschach, and the machine was eclipsed, leaving only its original appearance - the protective paint peeled off, and the structure was crumbling under the erosion of sea water and wind.

Rorschach landed, and Benedy was surprised to find that he could speak, and hurried forward, but he was much more honest now, and just asked: "Where are we now?"

Rorschach took out the map, and the content displayed on it changed drastically: "We have temporarily escaped from the shadow land at this time, and teleported through the crack to the northern end of the island on the west coast. The nearest city is called Lankshire."

"The entire camp and the Knights team are an illusion?" Caroline was a little scared. She didn't realize it at first. It wasn't until Caton entered the barracks that she realized something was wrong.

But I just felt there was something wrong, it seemed like Rorschach knew everything from the beginning.

"There should indeed be such a team in history. The broken flags and remains we discovered at the beginning are all real. The analysis machine intercepted and simulated a period of people from history."

"That scoundrel is also the one who slandered our elves with this piece of garbage?" Benedy was very angry. This is a racial knight!

"Haha, unfortunately, they are all real. They are all 'Yis Familia' that have been infiltrated and degraded by the power of Yish. Before the transformation, or their ancestors were real elves." After saying this, Rorschach wrapped his hands around In front of the mouth, it is in the shape of a trumpet.

But instead of shouting directly, he used magic power to drive the air to vibrate, and actually simulated the shrill screams of evil creatures. In Caroline's [Arcane Vision], the magic power also rippled, similar to the effect of the tentacles on the back of the evil being trembling.

Then Rorschach's foley was echoed, and black monsters emerged from the caves on the cliff, from between the rocks on the seaside, and from the sea itself. There were about a hundred of them, climbing up the rock wall with great agility. , screaming and rushing towards the location of the Analytical Machine and Rorschach.

"These fallen families are naturally able to invade the shadow land because of the power of Yis. The seal of the Lord of Order and the analysis machine are combined to simulate a squad of knights, which has been resisting their invasion. The Shadow City does not distinguish between day and night, in fact every day When they come out at night, they try to break through the cracks."

As Rorschach spoke, his hands did not stop. He transformed the waves of the sea into sharp and high-speed ice crystals. Countless ice crystals formed into pieces to harvest the lives of evildoers.

"Why are these degenerates obsessed with the shadow city?" Benedy wondered. Could it be that the cities on the ground did not accept them, so they had to register in the shadow city?

Of course, he also started fighting while asking. After putting on the mask, he held daggers in both hands and danced gracefully among the monsters. Every time he made a turn and other difficult movements, the head of the evil creature would fall to the ground.

"Because after Yis escaped, only the strongest power of Yis remained in the Shadow Land. They want to evolve and regain the favor of the God Lord, so they are naturally attracted to the Shadow Land. These corrupted existences should be found in all Istani. , or it may have been wiped out, there should be a relatively large population here." This is a sad story about the Yisi Familia who "want to progress too much", but after research by the Lord of Order, they decided not to progress.

Rorschach guessed that they lived by fishing and hunting, but they had indeed lost their minds. They had been acting like wild beasts for hundreds of years, without clothing or making tools.

Caroline still attacks through the space cracking blade, and sometimes teleports to move herself to a safer position. In fact, she wanted to ask Rorschach why he knew this, but her intuition told her that Rorschach would definitely just pass it by casually.

Is this boy who keeps destroying evil species Rorschach? She was hesitant, sometimes yes, sometimes something was wrong, very wrong.

At the end of the battle, Benedy put away his mask and bowed to the sea, as if he had completed a performance. "It was such a hearty battle!" He finally had time to wipe away his sweat. The sea breeze felt so refreshing on his soaked body.

But taking a closer look, Rorschach and Caroline were extremely calm, standing gracefully on the edge of the cliff, not a single drop of sweat to be seen.

"We need to return to the Shadow Land as soon as possible! Be careful of becoming a 'wanderer'." Benedy was unhappy, but he could only remind the two masters and masters who stood proudly at the end of the sea to get down to business.

"Don't worry, now that the seal here is lifted, we can return through the rift at any time. There is Teacher Caroline in the team." Luo Xia smiled gently at the teacher, revealing a beautiful 3/4 profile of his face in the moonlight.

Caroline nodded: "I can already sense the gap in the space, which can be expanded for us to pass at any time." But she was still muttering in her heart that something was wrong with this child. He would never smile like this before!

Before returning to the Shadowlands Heritage Area, Rorschach had one more thing to do. He became very interested in the Analytical Engine.

This sophisticated but open-air machine was already comparable to the tallest building in Storm City, and that was not all that was seen in the camp at that time. It is built next to the cliff, and the bottom is the power engine room, which should be driven by a steam engine. There is also a control room next to the computer room, with crates containing boxes of paper tape, broken lamps, and dusty desktops.

"It seems that in reality, this machine has not been completed and has never been operated once." Rorschach saw the drawings. The architectural sketch revealed its expected full appearance, with a shed to protect it from wind and rain. It was expected to be larger than the current one. The scale is even larger. If Rorschach inspected the furnace of a steam engine, he would see that it was clean and not a trace of soot.

Drawings and other technical documents are piled in the control room and archives room. Fortunately, this place has not been damaged by the fallen family members. Rorschach rummaged through the cabinets and shrunk all the documents. The drawings that were originally open and facing were reduced to only about B5 in size, and were then put into the ring.

Caroline noticed that he used extremely advanced space skills. It was not a simple shrinking spell, but wrapped all materials with magic power, isolated them from space, and then compressed the isolated space and matter in the "ether membrane" . In this way, when the magic is removed, the shrunken material will be restored without loss.

"Master Kano also taught you this skill?" Caroline wanted to praise her student and junior brother.

"I taught myself this. Does Chief Kano know this magic? I haven't seen him use it in the Tower of Stars." Rorschach's answer made Caroline breathe a sigh of relief.

She expanded the rift, and the three of them returned to the Shadowlands, seeing the familiar dim sky.

"How many more seals do we have to lift? The situation is tense and changing rapidly!" Benedy was a little worried. The Shadow City is so big, how long will it take to reach it?

"No, the Lord of Order's seal covers the entire system. As long as we remove the key nodes, the seals of other cracks will naturally collapse. I guess it's enough to recover the power of order from two more nodes."

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