Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 314 It went smoothly

After returning to the Shadow Land, the ruins were extremely quiet. The traces of the battle between the Analytical Machine-Burning Lion Squad and the Fallen Familia were still there, and the remains of those knights were also scattered.

Rorschach found a relatively complete sword and began to draw at the location where the seal had passed. Gradually, a magic circle on the ground began to take shape. Caroline looked over and saw that the core was a symbol with a regular hexagon as its main body.

"This is?"

"Be prepared for what's coming next." After finishing, Rorschach led the two of them out of the monument area and blocked the magic circle he had arranged with a blue light barrier.

Originally the node of the Lord of Order's power was symbolically the fulcrum of the historic area. Rorschach now planted a "bomb" on this fulcrum.

The seal node in Jiaomaoding District was lifted smoothly. It is at the highest point of the entire area, a bell tower without a bell.

The accident happened after the accident was lifted. The spearmen patrol of the old empire still walked along the mechanical route, and even paced all the way to the ground in the real world. Moreover, the corresponding area is Storm City.

There were no people on the street at this time. The kerosene in the street lamps was almost exhausted, and only weak flames gave off a small amount of light.

The skeletal ghosts across, across, and across the old empire returned to the Storm City they once ruled, and the loose armor and bones made a sound.

"Damn it, can't you see the road clearly?" The drunken man was lying on the roadside before he was woken up by his boots.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, the black eye sockets and gray tattered face were facing him, making the unlucky drunkard's soul fly away.

There was a strange decree in the old empire: people could not drink alcohol outdoors. It was said to be to maintain order in the city. Even though he had no eyeballs, the captain of the guard still "saw" the wine bottle in the drunken man's hand, and without saying a word, he picked up his spear and was about to plunge it into it.

The drunkard wanted to scream, but found that no sound could come out. Just when he was about to be stabbed to death with a spear, an entire group of old empire soldiers turned into fly ash and melted in front of him.

It must be a dream! The drunk man found that the situation at this time was perfectly consistent with a nightmare. He remained motionless, just holding back his strength and hoping that he could wake up.

Bang! He was knocked on the head and fell asleep smoothly.

"Fortunately, it was handled in time and no more residents woke up and discovered the abnormality here." Rorschach breathed a sigh of relief and retracted his enhanced hand.

Benedy always felt that he had seen this method of physical sleep aid before, but he couldn't recall it. He only had a dull pain in his head. "Let's go, the night in Storm City is colder than underground"

Caroline glanced back at the drunkard. When they returned to the Shadow City through the crack, a sudden gust of wind blew, and the old newspaper next to the trash can was wrapped and covered the drunkard's body.

Once your proficiency increases, it will be easier to destroy nodes located in semi-submerged areas.

The scene where the node exists is an abandoned subway station dispatch room, which has a line map of the Storm City subway decades ago, when there were only four lines.

"Why are there abandoned subway stations?" Benedy's interest shifted to the map. Not only was the station they were at, but there were more stations on the map that no longer stopped today. As a native Storm City elf, he Never seen it.

"You're a local asking us?"

"I thought you knew everything." Benedy pretended to be surprised, but Rorschach didn't look at him at all, wasting a performance.

When Rorschach took back the power of the Lord of Order, the space fluctuated again. No, it was a real vibration, as well as the light of the car lights and the sound of the collision of the rails and wheels.

It just so happened that the mobile mansion of the Earl of Elgin came.

"Teacher Caroline, can you help stabilize the space? If this continues, the count will plunge into the real world." Rorschach was still carving out his magic circle at this time and couldn't spare any time.

"Okay." Caroline acted decisively, and the crack was forced to close under her influence, allowing the Earl's train to pass smoothly.

The sleeping earl and his loyal servant were both in sleep, unaware of it. There were no problems before or after this seal lifting operation.

Overnight, Luo Xia and his party removed a total of three power nodes and returned to the historical area to rest. There are also nodes in the core area and suburbs flashing on the map.

It was easy to find a space to rest in the ruins. Rorschach insisted on setting up a bonfire with wooden boards removed from the furniture. Caroline slept in Rorschach's sleeping bag, Rorschach slept on a haystack, and Benedy was tied and lying on the floor.

Because Benedy couldn't sleep, Rorschach used physical sleep aid again.

"The last step is to go to the core area?" Caroline also saw Rorschach's map screen and his stern profile against the firelight.

"When we lift the seal, the power of the Lord of Order will be divided into three parts: scattered, recycled to the holy land in the deep dive zone, and attracted by the remaining nodes. In other words, the nodes in the core area will take over more of the power of Order at this time. Strength, but strengthened the power of the Marquis."

Luo Xia introduced to the teacher: "There are two ways. One is to wait and wait for the entire system to completely collapse. Carrying the power of gods comes at a price. When the entire system is not self-consistent, more divine power will only be a burden to the Marquis. He may even lose self-awareness in the future, similar to the Burning Lion Knight simulated by the analysis machine in the first seal.

The second is to defeat him immediately and lift the last seal. "

Caroline frowned: "If you follow your plan, the first method will definitely not be able to keep up with the changes in the situation, but it will defeat the Marquis. We were pushed into the deep dive zone by him.

"Okay, I admit that the Marquis is indeed as powerful as the Archmage, not to mention Rorschach, you speculate that he has become stronger now."

It's not just the Boss that has been strengthened. Rorschach wiped the surface of the map with his hand, and the displayed content changed. There was no longer only the power of the Lord of Order flashing, but a dark shadow shrouding the entire Shadow City. It was the remnants of Yis. Areas with mildew-like spots are parts contaminated by Mother Earth.

In addition, there are other mottled power remnants displayed in the ancient ruins area. It is obvious that more than three great beings have intervened here. Another example is the Holy Land in the Deep Diving Zone, and the remnants of Sylvanos' power.

And on the map, outside the Jiao Maoding area, that is, at the edge of the shadow, there is a conspicuous package - a light spot that suddenly becomes larger and smaller, or a wildly changing RGB lighting effect.

Rorschach guessed, no, you could think of it with a dwarf's butt, it was the projection of the God of Change. As if the map was afraid that Rorschach wouldn't be able to see it, the light spots didn't stop after switching the display mode.

He said something that Caroline didn't understand for a moment: "The reason why the Marquis is so powerful is because he is the agent of the power of the shadow. So why did the power of order choose him? Why is Earl Elgin so much weaker?" "

"Because of the size of the title?"

"Maybe. I'm going to bed. Good night, teacher." Rorschach lay down and added: "I will go find my friends tomorrow. They came down with me. They are probably hiding from the Marquis somewhere now."

"Are they okay?"

"It's okay, one is a gold-level adventurer." After saying this, Rorschach went into a long rest.

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