Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 322 Hundred Ghosts Traveling in Daytime

Before the detonation, they were evacuated, and the passage to Storm City was opened to the maximum. Even at this time, Storm City and Shadow City gradually overlapped and merged together.

Freddy was filled with emotion at this time: "It has to be a mage to do this job!" His past attempts were unsuccessful, but Rorschach came to the Shadow Land and returned the entire city to reality in about a week.

Although these residents have no choice, it is the best plan at this time. It is foreseeable that the semi-undead who rely on the shadow land to exist like the aborigines in Jiao Maoding District will usher in complete death. That's fine, after all, they should rest in peace. It is time to end the state of being neither human nor ghost.

But Rorschach's words to the people, "Say goodbye to the shadows," caused serious misunderstandings and panic. The first thing residents in the core area thought of was not that the shadow land was going to end, but that the evil red-robed mage was going to harvest them. s life.

It is mainly Rorschach's responsibility. He is now in extreme pain and excitement. After the "counter-spell" prepared by the wise man is activated, the two souls and alien parts are crazily smashed and mixed with each other like a wall-breaking machine. Mixed together, and injected with high-flux magic power to fuse them together, forcibly raising the young man's life essence to the level of an archmage.

At this time, the [Arcane Perspective] is no longer a simple aura, but everywhere you look, all energy, operation methods and rules are clearly visible, including everyone's vitality: as long as Rorschach is willing, he can temporarily reverse a certain life. body’s energy metabolism. There is also a soul. He can forcibly tamper with the neuron connection pattern in someone's brain.

Wait a minute, why are they all the skills of the Necromancer? Rorschach reviewed his thoughts and shook his head.

The fusion was still going on. On the surface, there was only one Rorschach, but he could feel that there were a lot of things going on in his mind, as if there were two inconsistent ideas competing with him.

Rorschach's magic power was increasing steadily, and Caroline even felt oppressed. Even as the process continues, he can move forward with the next step in his plan.

Under the "little misunderstanding", the crowd on the street began to panic, which caused great difficulty for the Rat Whisperer and the Gray Elves to maintain order. They wanted to run to a place where the evil red-robed mage could not see them, and wanted to return to their own place. In the ground or cave.

But everything has changed, it's the gray sky, the streets that I've never seen before, and the pedestrians who are more frightened than the residents of the Shadowlands.

They returned to Storm City and the real world.

Royal Palace, a routine round table meeting.

As the kingdom's overseas colonies continue to expand and become anxious, more and more knight captains are absent. At this time, only the permanent regiments of the royal capital, Golden Rose and Iron Crown, and Burning Lion, who are fighting against Al, are present. Elf Tuan Ye Song, White Embers.

The Twelve Regiments only have five seats and less than 2/3 of the number of people. In theory, this meeting cannot even form a resolution, but only in theory, today's issues are also focused on Storm City.

"I deeply realize my mistakes. My immature behavior in the past was to discredit the great and glorious Queen, the Knights, and had an extremely bad impact on the social stability of the kingdom.

"Here, I sincerely express my deepest apology to all affected individuals and collectives." Alfred read the manuscript without emotion.

"Okay, okay, I must have found someone to ghostwrite it." Captain Tieguan impatiently interrupted Captain Golden Rose's self-examination. After Alfred made a scene in the parliament, public opinion exploded. Even the mouthpiece controlled by the royal family could only tactfully say:

The failure of the war on Air Island was all blamed on the parliament's lagging behind and poor logistics. Alfred, the "frank-tempered" Golden Rose, expressed his dissatisfaction in the wrong way to the cowards who were lagging behind. The newspaper also reminded the public that Alfred was the youngest knight leader. The implication is: he is only a child!

Then the leader of the Iron Crown Knights wiped his butt, accepted questions from the House of Commons, apologized to the frightened members of Congress, and coerced and bribed the person involved to stop making a fuss about this matter.

The Queen sat in the main seat, her hair covering her ears. She said: "This matter ends here. Alfred will go to the countryside for vacation tomorrow."

Alfred felt real panic: "How long?"

"Come back when notified."

The leader of the Golden Rose nodded with difficulty: "As you wish, Your Majesty."

The next agenda is the serious matter. The Iron Crown Knights reported that the number of missing people in the city has begun to increase recently, and many people claim that they suddenly remembered their missing relatives and friends. And the files of the unknown third Earl of Elgin were suddenly found, and everyone remembered his name.

"There are various signs that major changes have occurred in the Shadow City. It is very likely that the 'removal curse' has expired and the seal of the past has been lifted."

The queen was slightly moved, and the leader of the Iron Crown Knights put forward his own idea: "Your Majesty, please give the order. The Iron Crown Knights are willing to form an investigation team to go deep into the shadows."

The elf group showed unusual passion, and both group leaders were willing to participate in the investigation.

"Is there anything going on with the Order? There is also the Magic Guild."

Captain Iron Crown was about to answer the Queen's question when suddenly the small bell on the round table sounded a rapid knocking sound. No one else is allowed to be present at the roundtable, which means there are emergencies.

"Come in!" Captain Iron Crown suspended the meeting after obtaining Her Majesty's consent, opened the door and let the guards in.

The guards reported to the rulers of the kingdom: "There is a large-scale riot in Storm City, and there are many suspicious characters and creatures appearing throughout the city!"

Noisy sounds came from outside the window, and strange sounds between singing and noise stirred in the foggy streets and cities. When the big shots came to the window, the first thing they saw was the slowly moving hills as high as the building, holding ancient wooden sticks and swinging rattles that encouraged people to leave the body.

There were also many people in strange clothes clustering around the shepherds, including little men with rat skin, who looked more like skinny goblins than dwarves. Each one held a newspaper trumpet and screamed and sang.

Both carriages and pedestrians were forced to stop, and were even trapped by the team that suddenly appeared from the shadows, and the painful cry of stampede could be heard. Another group of people with burns all over their bodies, like zombies, were running around in the streets. When the sun shined through the fog on these people, their bodies burned again, and fires broke out throughout the city.

The driver and passengers of the taxi abandoned the carriage in a hurry. The rat whisperer established communication with the horse and tried to control it awkwardly. The troubadour climbed onto the roof of the car and continued to play his song surrounded by magic trumpets:

“The stage is empty, why do we exist?

“In the Forgotten Lands, I already know the ending.

Anyway, the show goes on and we are invincible! "

For some unknown reason, most of the residents who fell into the Shadowlands returned to Storm City and were transported to the place where they had lived the longest.

Some lucky people can still go home and see their families and hug each other excitedly.

Others were treated as burglars who broke into the house, beaten by strangers and driven out of the door, and then they all witnessed the streets where ghosts were rampant.

The two cities overlap. The buried and forgotten Storm City of the past drags the present Storm City into huge chaos and carnival.

In the fog and screams, joys and sorrows, the capital of Istani experienced a day trip of hundreds of ghosts.

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