Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 323 Finally waiting for you

If the mountain is not mine, I will be the mountain.

For a long time, the Kingdom of Istani has always turned a blind eye to the Shadow City. Even if there were counts and marquis involved, they would just set up a file without names, and the disappearance of civilians was not a problem.

Until today, all the "lonely ghosts" have crawled back from the shadows.

"It seems that there is no need for the Iron Crown Knights to go over and investigate." The Queen remained expressionless, and calmly issued the order in the face of the commotion outside: "The Golden Rose and Leaf Song Knights guard the palace, and two teams are dispatched to escort the nobles in the royal capital out of the city.

"The Iron Crown Knights and the Royal Police Force worked together to restore order, and rioters who engaged in vandalism, smashing, and looting were directly killed. The focus must be on putting out the fire and not allowing a recurrence of the Storm City Fire.

"The Burning Lion and White Embers are trying to control the unknown creatures. Don't attack rashly. Try to communicate first. If the other party behaves aggressively, then fight back. Notify the magic guild, communicate with the Tower of Storm and the Tower of Time, and ask for support from spellcasters. Call Sir Isaac to the palace."

After the queen gave the order, the leader of the Burning Lion Knights hesitated and asked cautiously: "Do you want to contact the church?"

"The Church of Islam has no role at the moment." But the Queen thought of a new point: "General people can be organized to take refuge in various churches." There are churches all over the city, and believers will not begrudge the construction cost, so the best place is The churches are often the highest quality stone buildings and can be considered as civil defense facilities.

The huge shepherds had some difficulty moving in the real world. They liberated all the "sheep" and slowly walked outside the city.

Facing the crowd of Rat Whisperers, Singletary took off the iron thorn crown in front of them and handed it to the nearby briquettes: "Everyone has left the shadow land. My mission is completed! I am a dwarf after all. , how can I be the king of everyone? I don’t know anything about kings and countries, so it is more suitable for me to continue to be an adventurer."

The little coal ball grabbed the crown and was very confused: "Then, what should we do?"

The troubadour patted her head: "Singlev is right, I think you should follow the Shepherd and leave here."

The last big shepherd was indeed waiting for something and looked back at the Rat Whisperers.

Little Coal Ball thought for a while, then hugged Singlev and Freddy respectively: "Thank you."

The other Rat Whisperers followed suit, hugged the dwarf and the poet in turn, and then caught up with the shepherd's team. Finally, the elder gave each of them a mouse-skin cloak.

"My waist!" Hundreds of rat whisperers came to hug them. The poet first bent down to match their height, and later squatted down, causing pain in his waist and numbness in his legs.

Rorschach and Caroline were currently suspended in the air, using illusions to hide their figures. Rorschach's fusion is still continuing, and his strength has not yet reached its peak.

When everything is ready, all parts of the Shadow Land will "explode" under his control. The spells based on "Exile" and "Disintegration" will cover the entire area. Under the conflict of the two modes, the Shadow will escape at the same time. The surfaces of reality and symbolism briefly became isolated planes.

Even a wise man cannot predict what will happen after becoming an isolated plane. He has several guesses:

The ideal situation is that the shadow that has lost the support points of the two realms will collapse or collapse on its own. This is the best situation. In this way, Rorschach no longer has to worry about it, and everything will be fine.

But it is also possible that the residual divine power of the connotation after the collapse broke out and broke into small pieces or turned into a shock wave of pollution to the material world and the symbolic world. This is not allowed, so the shadow of the wise man is still holding on in the elf icon for the last time. , activate the remaining power of the Lord of Order, erupt in the form of "light", and cleanse the "dirty things" in the shadows.

This old man is so strong, and he has a spirit of contract. He worked hard, died, and turned into a ghost. Rorschach was a little moved.

"Rorschach, can we start now?" Caroline was a little worried. At this time, Storm City was in chaos and chaos. She began to try to locate the spatial anchor point on the mainland, ready to pull Rorschach along with her at any time.

The student's aura at this time was extraordinary. The most intuitive feeling was that the magic in the environment was gathering around the boy next to Caroline, and this area seemed to cover the entire city.

In the "eye of the storm" of magic, Caroline would not feel a great sense of oppression. This was also the result of Rorschach's restraint. However, when she tried to prepare for the teleportation spell, she found that it was difficult for the magic to obey her. dispatch.

This feeling is like a person facing a strong wind, and it will be difficult to breathe.

"Wait a minute, the current overlap between Storm City and Shadow City is too high." If it "detonates" at this time, Storm City will also be greatly affected, and then he will become a super villain who can blow up a large king's city.

However, Luo Xia frowned and realized that things were not as simple as planned.

On the banks of the Tams River, a magnificent building has sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Opposite the West Church on the other side, it is the Upside Down Church. Blackened thatch roofs appear among Storm City's burned-out buildings. The waves on the river seemed to have come to life, turning into tentacles and climbing onto passing ships, breaking them into pieces and dragging them into the water.

The billowing smoke from the fire was accompanied by firelight, dyeing the sky red and turning it into an orange-red like dusk.

There are various signs that the Shadow Land is being squeezed into the real world. No, the entire Storm City is accelerating to sink into the Shadow Land! Rorschach found that the ground seemed to be boiling, and a filthy and restless force surged up. He was very familiar with it, it was the mother of the earth!

The tall horses of the Iron Crown Knights were galloping on the street. Suddenly, thick tentacles burst out of the ground, and the people and horses were swept into the air.

The knight felt that his chest was being crushed through the deformed breastplate, and the air was being forced out of his lungs. He pulled out his sword with difficulty and slashed at the tentacle. Unexpectedly, the tentacle's pustule burst, and poisonous mist suddenly erupted into the entire neighborhood.

This evil god has been dormant, waiting for Rorschach to lift the seal and open the portal, and then greedily opened his bloody mouth at the last moment. He no longer only wants to get involved in the Shadow City, but is trying to take Istani's life with him. Wangdu ate it in one bite.

Now there are huge tentacles breaking out of the ground and rising upwards all over the city, either spitting out poisonous gas, or shooting out countless tiny needles from their thorn packs, like clouds, killing charging knights and gun-wielding lobsters.

Rorschach could only use his strength to open a blue light barrier as large as possible, extending it to the limit to cover a city block. The fleeing people found this piece of pure land that could resist the tentacles, and quickly rushed into Rorschach's shelter.

He invaded from the bottom up. The phantom of the wise man is still in the deep dive zone. If the power of the Lord of Order is detonated now, the disgusting guy can be eliminated.

Rorschach tried to contact the phantom of the wise man and sense his presence downwards, but was obscured by the chaotic fluctuations created by Mother Earth.

Going back to the deep dive zone?

When he was making a decision, another crack was suddenly torn open in the space, and a huge suction force erupted. Rorschach resisted for a while, then the crack stopped trying and an old man appeared.

His appearance was extremely decayed, his wavy hair was short and dry, and his hairline receded to reveal the entire top of his head. But the old man's eyes were as wide as copper bells, showing endless vitality, and he was dressed in Istani's outdated traditional clothes.

He held up a prism, and the scattered light swept across it, causing unnatural refraction in front of Rorschach and Caroline's illusion.

"Found it! Are you the source of this disaster?" The old man smiled: "No matter what, you have done a great thing, so please allow me to introduce myself first: Sir Isaac, here on command!"

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