Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 332: Resist the urge to marry until you become a great magician

Rorschach wanted to take out the newspaper and read it, but he had to unwrap the sausage first.

Fortunately, even with oil stains, the headlines are still clear. It says that the whole country of Valois has entered a state of emergency, and each town has established a new authority. Some have independent parliaments, some have courts as the core, and some still retain their previous institutions.

In order to seek self-protection in the chaos, various cities set up camps and trained militias. Some cities signed mutual protection agreements, and some did not want to pay the bird tax and kicked the tax collectors out of the city after declaring autonomy.

Because it is a newspaper published by Byrne, it introduces and analyzes the situation in the Holy Kingdom without any scruples and with a sense of schadenfreude. In particular, the Speaker of the National Assembly invited Charles XVI to give a speech, hoping that all parts of the kingdom could unite closely around the Royal Capital, complete tax payments on time and in quantity, severely crack down on grain exports, and give priority to the residents of the Royal Capital.

Then the news disappeared. After all, the paper wrapping the sausages does not need to be very large.

Rorschach did not expect that the Holy Kingdom seemed to be unable to collect taxes after the National Assembly came to power, and he remembered that new coins were issued with tax revenue as a guarantee, so...

I would like to send you just one word to wish Mr. Necker, the greatest alchemist of this era and the finance minister who transcended his times, good luck on his escape this time!

"Is our purchase of raw materials from Valois going smoothly?"

Andre didn't expect Rorschach to suddenly ask this question after reading the food packaging. He only transformed the dust extractor and was not familiar with the main business of the factory. However, purple soda was still being produced continuously, so he guessed that everything should be normal.

Andre nodded: "I only know that the production went smoothly, but Mr. Hasay complained that the price of the puree was getting higher and higher, and he demanded real money settlement immediately."

It seems that the life of the uncle and nephew of Neusingen is not easy either. The climate is such that Rorschach, whose main assets have been transferred to Byrne, can't do anything about it. It would be the best help to have Lanster's factory to continuously inject cash flow into them.

There have been more checkpoints throughout Bain. Now they are walking on the main road that runs from north to south. Not only do they need to check when entering and exiting major cities, but even some larger towns have checkpoints, so the carriages stop and go.

Finally we reached Würzburg at night. Fortunately, Andre's mother prepared enough food to feed the two young men.

Although there is a kind of hunger that "makes mom think you are hungry", but the amount of preparation is too much, right? It was enough for two people, and they could even share some with the driver.

Andre sighed: "Mom told me to eat more and then do some strenuous work."

"Ah? Why?" Rorschach didn't quite understand what Andre's mother was thinking.

"She has inquired about it. The girls here like strong boys. She hopes that I can do it as soon as possible."

There are forced marriages in every world. By today's standards, Bart and Amelia are a model couple. And Rorschach and Andre are young people "who are about to reach the end of their flowering period".

Alas, conventional wisdom

"Tell her that mages only get married very late, and love will only affect your energy in studying magic. As long as you stay single until you are thirty, your magic power will be greatly enhanced." By then, even if you are not a great mage, you will be a great magician. Master.

"Mom said that she doesn't care what other mages do, she only cares about me starting a family as soon as possible, and she even used Lord Bart as an example." Andre lowered his head dejectedly. He was relaxing when he went home, but this period of vacation was not It was easy. If the collector didn't still need him to look after it, he would have even planned to stay in Würzburg.

Such a familiar routine! Rorschach shuddered and secretly spat: Damn Bart!

"Then let me tell you that according to Bain's custom, it is always on May Day to find the girl you like, so your mother can calm down a little bit."

"On May Day"

"On that day, you either lied about being sick and stayed in bed all day, or you studied magic with me. Anyway, there is always an excuse." This is called limiting the marriage push to a specific time period, and then focusing on dealing with it. Unfortunately, this method can only be used once, and the effect will gradually weaken as you age.

"Alas" I sighed twice when I got off the car.

Bart was in a good mood recently. He kissed his wife goodbye and returned to his post happily.

After the grand wedding, he became famous. Everyone had a good impression of the young master of Baldorum, because this "consort" would greet people cordially on the road, and as the resident mage, he would really provide cheap services. potions and small spells to solve various problems.

Although Bart's purpose is to win people's hearts and attack the throne of the parliamentarians, regardless of his intentions, this guy has persisted for almost a year and will definitely be rated as "Bern National Son-in-law", "Top Ten People Who Moved the Empire" and "Top Ten Residents in the Empire" "Mage".

Click, the door of the mage tower opened, and Andre welcomed him into the tower. Bart is quite satisfied with this boy. Compared with the previous assistant who came from the Chamber of Commerce, this apprentice has better knowledge reserve and personal qualities.

"Thank you." Bart nodded in response. Unfortunately, Andre's magical talent was limited and developed too late. I'm afraid that he would be able to barely become an official mage in his lifetime.

Andre was a little embarrassed: "There is a guest in the Mage Tower - Master Rorschach came to Würzburg with me last night, but he couldn't insist on staying in the hotel and wanted to stay in your Mage Tower, so he didn't notify you."

"It's okay, I'll check on him." With that, Bart walked to the guest room.

"No, he insists on sleeping in the bathtub so you need to go find him in the bathroom."

"Huh?" This surprised Bart. When he knocked on the bathroom door and got no response, he slowly opened it

Bart turned to ask the apprentice: "If you see something you shouldn't see, I will close the door. We will pretend that nothing happened and we are not allowed to tell Rorschach."

Rorschach was fast asleep in the bathtub, wearing velvet pajamas, so there was nothing Bart wanted to see that he shouldn't. But there does seem to be something that shouldn’t be seen:

The entire bathroom was filled with demon-gathering and self-charging magic circles, leading to Rorschach's location. He himself was soaked in diluted alchemical potion, and his eyelashes, hair and the surrounding area of ​​the bathtub were covered with tiny colorful crystals.

What kind of ceremony is this? Bart was startled: "Rorschach?"

"Huh? Oh, Bart. Long time no see. Is it morning or noon?" With his eyes wide open, he struggled to get up from the bathtub, bringing the alchemy liquid all over the floor.

Of course, sleeping in a bathtub would not be comfortable. Rorschach cast a healing spell on himself to save his numb limbs and curved spine. Then he looked at himself and the mess in the room, and disposed of all the liquid with a wave of his hand.

Bart witnessed Rorschach's smooth operation and sighed: "Your spell-casting skills have improved again."

In response, Rorschach looked at his friend, looked at him all over, and then said with difficulty: "You seem to be more approachable." You can't say that your friend is fat, right? But this is normal, at least it proves that Bart has successfully made up for his weight loss after fighting with the "dragon".

"Why are you sleeping in the bathtub? What are you doing with these magic circuits?"

"Gather enough magic to help you sleep. It's a long story."

Bart waited for the next step, and Rorschach sighed and said directly: "So I won't say anything anymore. I'm here to see you on business."

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