Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 333 Not a good time

It is not good to ask others for help, so Rorschach decided to start with the customer experience of the "Pioneer Project". He asked Bart sincerely: "The new resident mage tower has been in operation for some time. Mr. Bart, how was your stay experience?"

"Everything is fine." Bart first gave a favorable comment, and then said: "But sometimes without me present, some people will accidentally touch the defense facilities inside and outside the tower, and because the output power of the energy-gathering array is small, it needs to be restored. The magic circle takes longer.”

Rorschach nodded: "I can improve the magic circle and increase its efficiency. In fact, the improved version is currently painted in your bathroom.

"But regarding the activation of the defensive array, if there is a tower spirit, many problems will be solved."

Bart shook his head: "Tower Spirit? Where can I get a Tower Spirit now? It is said that the technology has been lost, otherwise the empire has no reason not to equip any stationed mage tower. Oh, if it can be manufactured, it may be given priority to the empire's army. "Bart guessed that only the Arcane Senate or wild mages and ruins in the mountains may have relevant manufacturing technology.

If the Thirteen Magic Towers and other older mage towers had not seen living samples, the "Tower Spirit" might have become a legend. Some mages boldly speculated that the so-called Tower Spirit is an intelligent creature that has been processed by magic. The raw material is living people.

"When I was adventuring in Istani, I came across a method that might be able to create a tower spirit. But it requires watchmakers and other support, and it requires a lot of materials and labor."

"Really?" Bart was excited for a moment, then shook his head: "You just said 'maybe', so you didn't succeed, right?"

“The finished product is here in Istany, and it proves in some way that the idea is possible.”

Even though Rorschach didn't explain everything, Bart knocked on the table: "Okay, I believe you!"

After reaching the investment intention, Bart came back and said: "You suddenly returned to the Byrne Kingdom, and prepared a new self-charging magic circle, and discussed with me a trial of making a tower spirit." Obviously Bart is not stupid, he thought of a possibility : "Rorschach, are you going to build a tower now?"

"That's right."

"Rorschach, although I am glad that you are willing to stay in Byrne and that we can see each other often, now is really not a good time to build a magic tower, unless you choose to stay away from towns and villages and stay hidden."

Bart's reason is simple, the empire is preparing for war!

When the real swords and guns are ready to go on the battlefield, they will not say it out loud, but when the strongest country in the mainland goes to war with its neighbor and the second strongest country, just "accumulating force" will affect countless "muscle cells" and "nerve cells."

The Baldorom Chamber of Commerce, which is deeply involved in the field of logistics, can naturally feel that the empire's authorities are frantically purchasing important materials and artificially interfering with the prices of various commodities. Bart, as the resident mage, has received more and more notices asking them to Be prepared for supernatural attacks in your area

There are various signs that the empire is gearing up.

Various alchemical materials, alloys, etc. needed to build the mage tower are either under control, or their prices have been rising. Most of the qualified construction teams were probably requisitioned to build semi-permanent fortifications on the front line, as well as, unknown to both of them, railway lines that ran through the north and south of the empire and were ready to penetrate directly into the Holy Kingdom.

"Why hasn't the war started yet?" Rorschach was actually a little strange. He originally thought that he could hear the news of the war on the mainland in Istani, and even planned to hang out on the island for a while and wait for the mainland to calm down before going back.

However, until the bad things in Shadow City ended, the two countries were still in a strange peace. The empire watched the chaos in the Holy Kingdom with cold eyes, and did not forget to publicize in the newspapers how hot and humid the people of Valois were now, in order to Prove the correctness of His Majesty the Emperor's leadership and call on everyone to be loyal to the Emperor and patriotic.

Bart told him that the empire was sharpening its sword, and Rorschach was not surprised at all. What surprised him was why the empire didn't use its sword to slash at the Holy Kingdom.

"The Empire wants to send troops, but there is a big obstacle within it."

"What's the obstacle?"

Bart's way of answering was very special. He did not speak, but opened the observation window of the mage tower to show Rorschach the overlooking Würzburg.

Rorschach understood what Bart meant: "Wiltz, is it the Byrne Kingdom?"

Bart lowered his voice: "Top secret news. In early October, the emperor of the empire hoped to come to Bain. He wanted to hold a military parade of the Imperial Southern Army in Bain. However, the reply to him was a cold rejection letter."

The main force of the Southern Army is the two legions of the Kingdom of Byrne. They are nominally loyal to the emperor and the parliament at the same time. In fact, their sponsor is Byrne, and their main task in peacetime is to protect Byrne.

His Majesty the Emperor prepared for a military parade, but was firmly rejected by King Byrne. The reason is very valid: neighboring countries are in chaos, and many people are rushing to the border. Byrne's army needs to defend the kingdom, and it is temporarily unable to be included in the sequence of the Southern Army and obey the dispatch of the Imperial Military Headquarters.

Byrne is the leader of Southern State. The second brother disobeys the elder brother and sets a bad example. Members of the Duma League who also hoped to trade with the Holy Kingdom and protect their autonomy from the imperial authorities all agreed. Everyone is bordering the Holy Kingdom. Even if they want to obey the dispatch, states and states must be allowed to retain enough garrison troops to protect themselves. Safety.

If His Majesty the Emperor insists that in order to resist foreign aggression, domestic peace must be settled first, then the empire must first engage in a civil war.

Fortunately, the prime minister took a step back in the end. He persuaded the emperor to stop the military parade, and changed the question of "whether to participate in the war" to the question of "how many garrison troops each country should retain." He put it in the parliament building and did not allow relevant news. See the newspaper.

Rorschach's head hurt. He didn't expect His Majesty the King of Byrne to be so reckless. This was a break with the emperor. It was best to pray that the empire would not win the war, otherwise the largest southern country would be severely liquidated sooner or later.

"So it's not just a question of the timing of building the tower. You need to reconsider whether you want to stay in Byrne." Bart sincerely considers his brother: "You are a free man, and I chose to be bound to the Byrne royal family. There is no way to retreat. If one day the empire and Byrne really come to war, then I won’t count on any members, so I might as well try to fight for Byrne.”

Bart has a strong optimistic spirit. Rorschach patted him on the shoulder: "Then I will not sit back and watch you die on the battlefield, and everything is still unknown. The Mage Tower must be built. Help me introduce His Royal Highness Prince Otto Well, I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse and make the royal family willing to pay for me.”

"You want to become a court mage?" Bart thinks this is not a good choice. He believes that Rorschach's current strength is already at the top of his peers and will only be stronger in the future. There is no need to condescend to the court or mortals.

"No, I want to persuade the prince to invest in a company under my name called BASF. Currently it only produces dyes, and I will prove that its products will create miracles during the war. Of course, while building the factory, my tower will be If it is built, it will be allowed by the prince, right?"

Rorschach's eyes were bright and he confidently announced his plan to Bart.

Thanks to "Feng Jian Bird k23", "Chinese Character Collection", "Yuluo Shaoshan", "Too Many Medicines", "SEERS", "Hen あ batch", "Ruixiang Yutu", "gvdsfag", "Humble Fool" and "OoPiaoxiangxueoO" "Ricardo", "Heat Death Walker", "Snow Chun Snow Chun Snow", "Apu", "Easy to Recognize-1", "Eternal Flame", "Ada 1994", "C919 Plus", "Whiteboard Cubic", "Better than Tiffany" No. 3", "Book Friends 130920043704777", "Interstellar Hamster World's No. 1", "Book Friends 20220916234039363", "Finka", "Autumn Ci Mo Goes", "Werewolf Explosion", "Untransmitted Roll", "Breaucrat", "Werewolf Explosion" and other book friends. Monthly ticket support!

Because everyone voted a lot at the end of the month, and the acknowledgments from the previous two days were backlogged, so if I were to count the IDs of all the book friends who voted monthly, there would be thousands of words, so I will omit it. Sorry. Thank you very much for the support and encouragement from all the book friends who have continued to read, voted for monthly votes, and recommended votes!

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