Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 334 Day Talk

Bart narrowed his eyes and was silent for a while: "Sorry, Rorschach, I still think you shouldn't put all your bets here."

He changed his relaxed and cheerful expression, hoping to make Rorschach trust his judgment with a serious face: "I believe in you, Rorschach. Since we parted ways after graduation, I have found that you have changed a lot, becoming stronger and more confident. , always have good ideas and strong action ability.

"So if I connect you and His Majesty the Prince again, I believe your plan can be implemented, but why are you so eager? You and I are both so young. We should preserve our strength in times of turmoil. When the situation is stable, the factory will be fine. You The mage tower can definitely be built easily.

"If you build a factory or tower now, overcome many difficulties, and build your 'kingdom', I'm afraid there will only be more trouble later: no matter what your factory can produce, from preparation to trial production to stable volume It takes time to produce, and the war may start at any time, maybe between the Empire and the Holy Kingdom, or even between the Empire and Byrne. Can it be too late?

"If your product is for the general public, you will lose a stable market during the war, and you will not be able to complete the thrilling leap from product to commodity. If your product is provided for the military, when the situation is tense, there is a high probability that you will not be able to withdraw funds for a while. Because the payment you get will be something like war bonds, you have to pray for the victory of the debtor.

"If Byrne is defeated, the situation will be even worse. Your factory, the mage tower you built on the edge of the city. All your hard work will become the spoils of others.

"Oh yes, we also need to consider the price and supply of raw materials and currency value fluctuations when the situation is chaotic.

"In short, no matter what you do now, you will face great risks. Right now, no matter how high the profit will be, the risk will always be greater than the profit.

"So give up. The accumulation now should be enough for you to have no worries about food and clothing for a long time in the future. Wouldn't it be good to find a place to live in seclusion without being disturbed and improve your magic? Many mages came here this way."

Bart was worthy of being the young master of the Chamber of Commerce. He tried his best to explain the pros and cons to Rorschach, and he judged that Rorschach's reckless attempt would definitely do more harm than good.

Rorschach listened carefully to his friend's sincere advice and responded: "Yes, we are very young. If we can be promoted to Archmage, we can get more life. So even if the worst case scenario happens as you said, as long as we are still alive Can’t you just start over? In that case, why not just let go and do what you want to do?”

"So what you want to do is do business?" Bart smiled: "If you were my father's son, he would definitely be very pleased to establish you as his successor."

"No, I'm not doing this to make money!" Rorschach said resolutely: "Just because I want to do this. Just because the world is too boring."

"Bored?" Bart's eyes widened. Judging from his appearance, Rorschach was probably not drunk, but when he heard this, he doubted whether his friend had drunk too much: "This is the first time I heard a spellcaster say he was bored."

"It's just boring!" The wind on the top of the mage tower passed through the room, and Rorschach's words echoed in the room: "Since the Silent Age, has the presence of mages or the absence of mages affected the world? In other words, if there is no Will the lives of us, the civilians, get worse?"

Bart was still thinking, and Rorschach said: "No! Our spells, scrolls, and potions are so expensive that they can't afford them. In the countryside, many people have never seen magic in their lives. For them, magic is simply It's a legend.

"Even if magic really breaks into their hard and difficult lives, it will be no different from natural storms or earthquakes. It will only frighten and hurt them, although the caster is likely to pretend that these people do not exist.

"Most mages keep playing with ether as a secret, guard it closely, and then turn their noses up to the sky. Look at what nonsense most mages are studying every day now."

He casually reported the research results of the mages from memory: "'Mimetic pattern design of [Spirit Armor]' 'Research on the trajectory and attenuation of [Magic Missile] in non-air media'."

"Oh, and the project of the two apprentices I led, 'Research on the optimal unfolding shape of blue light barrier in multiple scenarios'. Most of their content was copied from an old article and applied to the new spell I developed. It’s a new achievement!”

Bart felt that Rorschach was a bit too cynical: "You can't say these results are useless, not everyone is as talented as you, and not all spellcasters can become archmages.

"It is through research and exchange and sharing that our level of spellcasters will improve. Even if we cannot become an archmage, we can still improve in a certain field."

"Then it won't produce any value? Research some techniques for you to kill me and I will kill you, and when the war breaks out, you will use illusions, teleportation magic and other means to hide and watch from the sidelines?" Luo Xia became more and more excited as he spoke:

"Some signs are good. For example, the wizards of the Tower of Forest are willing to inspect and record the ecology of various parts of the continent. They will find reasons and solutions for the reduction of food production in the fields. There is also the Tower of Stars, which is willing to decentralize some alchemy technology to let ordinary people People can also access some of the conveniences brought by magic.

"But more, such as the mage towers in Istani and the Mystic Tower in Bai En, they are always mysterious and hidden. For the citizens of Bai En, whether there is a Mystic Tower or not, Will there be any difference?

"The mages of the Storm Tower look at the blue sky and white clouds during the day and the stars and the moon at night. Will they make weather forecasts for farmers and citizens to facilitate their travel and work?"

Bart still has some differences with Rorschach on this point: "But the Tower of Secrets just happens to be in Byrne. You can't force the magic towers to be the same as the Tower of Forest. According to Andre, the Tower of Stars is nothing more than alchemy." The department has a closer connection with the public.”

"You're right, but my mage tower doesn't want this, and I don't want to wait any longer to learn some immortality spell, or become a lich and wait for ten thousand years, and wait until the world is no longer boring before I come out to experience life. I Start now and don't be idle from morning to night.

"When Master Kano first met me, he told me that about three out of every thousand people have magical talents, strong or weak, but only seven out of every ten thousand people can become spellcasters. This is still The empire intends to train civilians like us to learn the magic of Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu.

"In the world I want, three out of a thousand people should be able to learn magic, and all the remaining people can equally enjoy the miracles created by magic." Rorschach emphasized one word very strongly.

Bart was speechless for a moment, he suddenly wanted to light a new thing called "cigarette". But Amelia hated the smell, so when other nobles and wealthy businessmen were puffing away, he smiled and refused to encourage them.

A glass of wine is fine. Bart was a little confused. He didn't know if he wanted to drown out what was in his heart, or if he wanted to make the vague emotions stronger.

After a while, the resident mage made a joke: "Then I think you have to realize your ideal and strive to become a great mage and then become a god. This is a more feasible path."

"So that's what you think." Rorschach looked directly into Bart's eyes: "Isn't that right?"

"I don't want to become a god." Bart opened his hands and begged Rorschach to let him go.

"Why do you want to be a member of Parliament? Want to go into politics?"

Bart seemed to be choked and confessed with difficulty: "Everyone knows that I am a young master and other people in the chamber of commerce are trying to please me and obey my father's orders. When I was a child, I felt that he was like the king in the story. He is the absolute ruler of Baldorom, the ruler who speaks the truth.

"Until one time I accidentally bumped into my serious and stalwart father in the reception room, nodding and bowing to a nobleman, and flattering a congressman. His cramped and even ugly smile was more serious than that of a servant or subordinate."

"So you want to become a noble and a member of Parliament." Rorschach's eyes seemed to see through Bart: "Just like when you heard about my ideal, your first reaction was: I should become an archmage and then a god.

“Becoming a member of Parliament or even becoming the Speaker will not change this world where you need to bow to the powerful. When you climb up, you may be forced to bow to a higher position, and you may accept the flattery of those below you and enjoy it.

“Even if you become a great mage, you may not be able to be absolutely transcendent.

"Even if I have to become a god to implement my vision into reality, it will only be a process, not my purpose."

"Okay, I support you. I support you with all my strength." The sun rose a little higher, and the sunlight penetrated the windows of the mage tower, making Bart unable to open his eyes.

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