Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 335 Reply from Forest Tower

Rorschach used his limited speaking talent to successfully pull Bart, who was not optimistic about the plan, onto the pirate ship.

But when it comes time to talk about real money, it will definitely not be enough to just draw a pie with the old king and Prince Otto. They are not stupid young people like Bart - they are young enough that their tear ducts can fill their eyes with tears.

It will take time for Bart to contact the royal family and arrange interviews, and Rorschach also needs to invite Hasay, a professional businessman, to be the main negotiator.

So after Rorschach finished writing the letter and asked Andre to make another trip, he had time to go to the Magic Guild's residence in Würzburg.

As expected, the reply from the Tower of Forest has been delivered. It was originally sent to Munich, which is closer to the sending place, but it has not been transferred yet, so Rorschach only needed to tell the staff and immediately sent it to Würzburg. . The small package was heavy, and the rolled letters filled the mailbox tightly.

Although he wrote to Master Humboldt, the reply was from Copper:

"Little friend Rorschach, the sample you sent us is very valuable. Its magical properties have opened up our horizons. It has been initially identified as a strain of bacteria that relies on other organisms to provide energy. However, due to its overly active form, some people think it should Summarize it as a protozoa. If you agree, we will name it after the discoverer. If you do not reply within three days from the date of this letter, it will be regarded as tacit agreement."

Rorschach? Rorschach? Wait, no more! Because of this, Rorschach was forced to write a reply letter, sternly rejecting the "good intentions" of the Forest Tower.

Rorschach continued to read. Regarding his question about "a good friend", the other party responded like this:

"For your friend's problem, there is no case in the Forest Tower, and naturally there is no ready-made solution.

The result of my discussion with Humboldt is that your friend can try to use the [Descending Summoning Technique] of the Forest Tower. In fact, you have already seen it - I relied on this spell to construct a clone and explore with you in the black forest. Although it is difficult, I believe that with Rorschach's talent, you can learn it and solve your soul problems.

"The advantage of this plan is that it is safe. Even if the spell fails, there will be no serious consequences. What you really have to worry about is that after the spell succeeds, if the soul impurities you separate are abnormal, an unfriendly clone may be born.

"In return for the precious sample, detailed instructions for the spell and two learning scrolls have been enclosed."

Rorschach was a little surprised that the style of the Forest Tower was so grand and resolute. He just sent a biological sample and got valuable spells.

The instructions for the spell were handwritten like the letter, but the handwriting was stronger. Rorschach saw that the signature was indeed Master Humboldt. He introduced the principle of this six-ring spell to Rorschach:

This spell requires the construction of two magic circles. The first magic circle is to use moist soil or xylem-rich plants to construct a clone body. The clone's body then stands in the second magic circle, pulling its "soul" through the magic circle. Transferred into the body of the clone.

The clone that has obtained the "soul" can move independently and inherit the spells below the seventh level of the original body. The caster can choose to maintain contact with the clone and gain the senses of the clone, or he can cut off the connection and let it act independently.

But no matter whether the connection is maintained or not, as long as the clone is destroyed, the main body will be seriously damaged, and his "soul" will be traumatized, which will take a long time to heal.

Since this spell was inherited from ancient elves, it retained the idioms of elves. Humboldt explained that "spirit" should be the concept of soul in the necromancy system.

This spell is much more cumbersome to cast than the ordinary clone spell, but with the cooperation of Master Humboldt in constructing a second magic circle, Cobb can sit in the forest tower and send the clone into the dark forest from a long distance.

Compared with a clone that is completely controlled by the main body, this spell creates a clone that requires separating a part of one's soul in exchange for autonomy. It's a risky move, but it works just fine for Rorschach's situation. Humboldt wrote:

"If your mastery of this spell reaches a qualified level, you can consciously control the separated soul. In our practice, the separated soul can be subtly different, making the clone better at a certain series of spells, or with different personalities. small differences.

"Given that the impurity is acquired, it is likely that it will be transferred into the clone first. At that time, you can choose to cut off the connection between the main body and the clone, and then destroy it.

"Please try with caution and contact us in time if unexpected conditions occur."

How do I contact you if I hang up unexpectedly? Rorschach complained, but he was still grateful.

There are two learning scrolls, corresponding to two magic circles, and their circuit style still retains some traces of elves.

I can master the second magic circle first, practice it well, and then learn the first magic circle to separate the impurities in my soul. Success would mean that he could have a good night's sleep without having to stock up on Hohobart's alchemy potions and occupy his rarely used bathtub.

The first magic circle was very simple. He first copied and visually analyzed the scroll, and then directly copied it using parchment paper and alchemical ink, so that he did not need to consume the original copy.

Of course, not everyone can imitate the above operations, because the alchemical ink itself has a small amount of magic power, which will be naturally released after the circuit outlines a closed loop, causing unexpected disturbances and magic effects, causing the scroll to be scrapped. The operation of re-engraving requires both understanding of the spell and mastering the production method of the learning scroll to avoid premature opening of key circuits.

For Rorschach, experience and a rudimentary knowledge of the elven runes alone were enough to decipher the secrets of the First Circle.

"Try releasing one." Rorschach activated the self-made scroll in the yard, and the magic power rippled. He felt that the step to activate was to first activate the soil, and then to shape something.

This spell is to use soil or plants to create a rough embryo of a clone. In addition to having the same shape, it also needs to use the moisture and inorganic salts in the soil, or the transportation system in the plants to twist and build a set of pathways that basically imitate the human body, allowing the caster's magic power to flow. Loop inside.

After having the spectrum, Rorschach tried a few more times and understood the mechanism of the first magic circle. The panel displayed [Natural Substitution Technique].

So this contains a pre-spell? The skills of ancient elves are indeed different from human magic. Now that a secondary spell has been disassembled after analysis, it is likely that the first spell can be learned separately and then connected together.

Most of the magic forms of elves are derived from rituals, so the [Natural Substitution Technique] needs to be performed within a magic circle. When unfolding the magic circle, it is necessary to replace the placeholder with symbolic runes pointing to the main body. The earth/wood substitute created in this way will be more likely to be descended by the "spirit".

Rorschach, who did not believe in evil, tried to release the spell directly without delineating the magic circle, but he failed to control it well, causing the soil to suddenly explode, like a shithole exploding. From then on, Rorschach never skipped steps and started the circuit honestly.

"Easy!" Rorschach successfully set up several avatars under the tower of the resident mage, some with plants and some with soil. These earthen avatars did not have hair, only dark surfaces and resolute shapes. They were all different. It is the innate ashes holy body.

However, his masterpiece frightened passers-by, and Bart's reputation was subtly harmed.

"Okay, let me see what it means to separate the 'spirit'." The very smooth first step gave Rorschach confidence. He felt that there was great hope of solving his problem before tonight.

Thanks to book friend "Riyueyuanche" for the reward on 3.28! I missed yesterday’s acknowledgment, sorry!

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