Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 336 On the Nature of the Soul

Rorschach began to read Master Humboldt's instructions for the next step.

A part of the separated "soul" descends onto the originally unconscious avatar, allowing it to gain part of the original body's abilities, knowledge and skills.

However, the ability, skills and knowledge of the ontology will not be reduced.

This is very interesting. At least the existence of this spell proves that in this world, if all the memories of a person are copied, the exact same will cannot be created. To put it more arbitrarily, the physical shape and connection of neurons as well as the transmission and secretion of hormones and pheromones cannot completely determine a person's thoughts.

In this step of [Descending Summoning Technique], the memory can be shared between the main body and the clone, just like a copy, but the main body must give something called "soul".

This characteristic is a mixed blessing for Rorschach, which means that he can retain the knowledge imparted to him by the ancient mage, but his super long memory will still exist, and what can be solved is the soul kneaded by the ancient mage.

He was horrified, thinking of the sixth level of the necromantic system [Intelligence Enlightenment]. The caster summoned wisps of white light that was like substance and poured it into the dead creature, gaining almost the same intelligence as the caster target before death.

And when he split Rorschach into two, could the ancient mage use the same spell on the two half-dead "Rorschachs"?

Soul, the elves call it "soul", what exactly is this thing? Various schools of thought have conjectures. Due to its elusiveness, necromancy was once considered taboo, so the relevant discussions are more metaphysical.

Master Humboldt believed that understanding the mechanism of the soul first would help Rorschach master the most difficult step of magic, so he used a lot of words to introduce relevant knowledge to Rorschach in his explanation:

Necromantic magic is also a gray area today. In principle, relevant research needs to be reviewed by the Arcane Senate. When the results are disclosed, it needs to be proved that the remains of intelligent races used in experiments by living subjects voluntarily should be used by the original The owner signs a voluntary donation agreement to the caster.

Even if the spellcaster uses his own slaves for experiments in countries where slavery has not been outlawed, he must use their remains after their natural death/death from illness/overwork. Anyone who violates the above rules in serious circumstances will be recognized as an evil mage by the Senate and the Owl Arbitration Tribunal.

Coming back to the topic, regarding the issue of the nature of "soul", the "transmission-reception hypothesis" that is more recognized by the mage community is the "transmission-reception hypothesis". This hypothesis is the "soul DLC" of the "original migration theory". It believes that the soul, like other substances, emanates from the original to the world in which it was created.

In the process of "transfer and surge", the "heaviest" part first degenerates into matter, and secondly, some are in the intermediate state of degeneration - magic power, life force, and other energies that are not completely materialized.

The "soul" will also degenerate. Its level is higher than the heaviest matter and semi-matter. The way it degenerates is quite special - it will use matter organized in a certain form as a suitable container, and then control it. , that is, the will of intelligent creatures controls the body.

Just as invisible water takes on a shape once it enters a container, once the transcendent, light, infinite soul enters the body, it degenerates into a tangible, limited, and destructible existence and interacts with the body.

The transcendent status of the "soul" also means that in addition to controlling its own material container, souls that are powerful enough or have special characteristics will be qualified to become spellcasters and divine benefactors. The essence is the soul's control of magic.

Based on the knowledge Rorschach learned in his previous life, first of all, this "container" can be more accurately said to be the brain.

The degradation of the soul is the process of sublimation of wisdom. Translated in Rorschach's language of science and engineering in previous lives, the "brain" is the biological receiver of the "soul" of the original broadcast. Just like a radio needs to be tuned, intelligent creatures need to receive stimulation from the environment. , aligning the structure and activity order of neurons with the original broadcast signal, and then inheriting the soul.

This is a slow process. The sound, light, smell and other signals in the environment are too complex, and most organisms are unable to complete "frequency modulation" in terms of both their physical structure and the signals they receive.

Therefore, ordinary animals only have weak consciousness, which is manifested as survival instinct. At this time, in the interaction between the weak "soul" and "body", even the body and the genetic material carried have the upper hand, allowing the soul to in turn become the genetic material. continuation service.

Intelligent creatures communicate through language and text, which greatly accelerates the process of frequency modulation with more concentrated information, promotes the container to accept more and higher-quality "souls", and performs centralized "frequency modulation" during the stage when the container has strong plasticity, that is, "educate".

There are also some life forms, because their composition is more chaotic and less corrupted than the material world, and their ability to receive souls is stronger. They can produce wisdom without passing on and iterating the "frequency modulation technology", such as elemental life forms and some monsters.

Spells such as [Intellectual Enlightenment] and [Descending Summoning] use magic to transcend real matter to accept the soul, forcing the soul to fall into a container that is not suitable for it. Its efficiency and power far exceed "stimulation of environmental information" and "education".

"In other words, these spells are to force the soul into the 'container'" Rorschach understood their principles, and Master Humboldt also wrote:

"In fact, the brain organs of the lowest animals are more complex than the internal structures of the most exquisite constructs, and are far more complex than the substitutes in this spell.

“I also think that the feasibility of these spells to bring souls down lies in the fact that the brain’s delicate but low-energy-consuming, fragile structure also assumes the function of controlling the body’s rhythm and movement.

"Magical creations do not need to run these life instincts. They can just be pure soul containers. After being transformed and activated by magic, they are more likely to show a certain degree of intelligence."

This theory would explain Rorschach's recent exposure to the following magic:

The necromantic version of [Intelligence Enlightenment] uses magic to transform the brain of a dead creature into a better receiver, and then forces the soul to degenerate into it.

The Nine Rings' [Construct Intelligence Enlightenment Technique] does not have a receiver based on the biological brain. The hardware is not good and the frequency modulation is more difficult, so the spell is also more difficult.

The "Truth Machine" uses a general computing core as the receiver, and is more specialized in calculations than ordinary constructs.

The [Descending Summoning Technique] given to Rorschach by the Forest Tower is named after its manifestation. It should be named [Spiritual Clone Technique] after its principle. The structure of the earth/wood avatar is too simple and superficial, and it was originally made in succession. The receiver is not qualified, but a non-permanent "virtual container" supported by magic power is constructed through spells. It cannot accept the original soul, but requires the caster to transfer part of it with his own soul.

"The way to separate the soul is to stimulate a strong emotion, or to separate from the body through meditation. The soul that has separated from the body will enter a new container through the bridge built by the two magic circles."

Strong emotions? But the impurities were made by the hands of ancient mages and have no emotions, but I have them myself.

If the original will is pumped into the substitute and the qualityless artificial soul remains in my body, then wouldn’t I become a substitute? ?

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