Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 346 Everyone’s expectations

Rorschach rushed to Munich. At this time, the entrance of the magic guild was already in chaos. The excited crowd was confronting the staff who maintained order. They held up the letters and gold coins they wanted to send, but the guild refused to give in.

"Damn it, do you know who I am? His Majesty the King would not be so rude when meeting me!" A middle-aged man straightened his wig. The King he spoke of referred to Albert of Byrne, who himself is from The exiled nobles of the Holy Kingdom.

There are not a few exiled nobles like this. In addition to the "office" Rorschach saw in Istani, the man who is now eager to deliver the news, there are also more powerful exiled nobles gathering in other southern states of the empire. The emperor and even They were tacitly allowed to operate their own small forces, preparing to "counterattack Valois" and restore "sacred order."

The staff was squeezed back by the crowd, and finally someone cast a spell. A piercing scream broke out at the door, and ordinary people who were unprepared were shocked to death.

"I borrowed it, give it a try." Rorschach squeezed in from the crowd and proved his identity to the staff.

"Master Rorschach, here is a letter from you."

Do I have a letter? I still want to write a letter. Rorschach took the communication box and it was Kano who wrote it.

"Can I write a reply here?" Rorschach took the letter and asked for a quiet room, and replied to the master on the spot.

The staff looked at it awkwardly and replied: "Only domestic transmissions are allowed for the time being, and international transmissions have been suspended in recent days." The empire requested the guild that all transnational information and material flows should be accepted during a state of war. The authorities reviewed it, but the Senate did not respond. The guild's current response is to directly shut down international exchanges.

What Rorschach got was the last letter from the Holy Kingdom. When he was about to send it again, the nodes of Byrne and Valois had been disconnected.

You are a magic guild! Rorschach was surprised, but he didn't say anything. He just took the letter to see what message Master Kano conveyed.

In addition to the greeting at the beginning, what follows is Kano’s complaint:

“Since the establishment of the new authorities, nothing has been settled, everything from taxes to bread is in a state of collapse. Parliament, regardless of faction, has agreed that a war should end the status quo.

"So those newspapers, like dogs, first spent a decade to spread the word that food was being smuggled abroad, that the empire had taken in the exiled nobles and was about to attack Valois.

"And in the next ten days, they began to brag about the kingdom's military power, using the unbeatable results of the fourteenth generation to embolden the people, making them believe that the kingdom would definitely win as long as it attacked.

"In the past, wars on the continent were games in the name of glory between nobles, especially lords and knights, and mages could watch with cold eyes. Now these damn newspapers and zoo-like parliaments are playing games in the name of 'kingdom' and 'nation' The flag holds everyone, even us."

Kano's headache is that the enthusiasm for war has also infected the companies affiliated to the guild. Those factory owners can't wait to receive orders for military supplies to get through this bad period. As a cross-continental organization, the guild should remain neutral in this war. Guilds and many enterprises need to make personnel cuts, which will cause a lot of loss of benefits.

There is also: "When the war came, this irrational action gave the guild and even some villains in the tower a reason to criticize. Many people no longer practiced magic, but attacked each other based on their positions and origins.

"I am tired of their quarrels. In order to calm down the commotion, I am forced to ask some mages with sensitive identities to temporarily communicate elsewhere. A small group of mages will secretly come to the Tower of Secrets. If you have the conditions, please accept a few of them. "

Kano gave a list. In addition to the name, there was also the caster level and recent research direction and content.

What's interesting is that most of them are mages with noble surnames. They used to unite against the chief of the Tower of Stars, but now Kano has become their patron.

"Hey, isn't this the master's handwriting?" Rorschach read the list and looked at the next page, but it was another letter, written by Pascal.

He introduced the situation in the parliament to Rorschach:

The representatives in the National Assembly are now divided into two groups: moderate and hardline, but they all agree that Valois needs to be mobilized through war, in the name of restoring the royal capital's local command, and through conscription and victory, the chaotic region needs to be mobilized. The kingdom is united.

His Majesty the King also cooperated with their actions. He first signed a royal order a month ago to reorganize the Kingdom's army into three armies, and granted the National Assembly the right to go to war in the form of a charter.

"The cunning Charles XVI believes that this battle will be lost, and the people will be disappointed with the National Assembly, and he will regain power due to the intervention and counterattack of the exiled nobles and the imperial army.

"What is certain is that the palace's support for the war was not out of loyalty to the kingdom. Anyone who still retains reason should see that under the severe winter, the kingdom cannot afford military expenditures, the soldiers lack weapons, the fortresses lack food and grass, and .I have to admit that many middle- and high-level generals with military literacy are in exile. They are die-hard aristocrats and stand on the opposite side of the National Assembly and the new system.

"The club is currently not in the mainstream of the conference and the voices of reason from our representatives will only be drowned out by the howls of fanatics."

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows. He was now convinced that the writing was from his senior brother, and the content of this letter was definitely not what this boy thought.

In fact, his guess was correct. The ideas expressed by Pascal all came from the club's leader, "The Rock" Maxim. This war met the expectations of almost all Valois people, except Maxime, and the members of the club who were influenced by him.

At this point, Rorschach has obtained first-hand information from the Holy Kingdom, but both of them are mages, not decision-making sergeants, so Rorschach cannot get any military intelligence from them.

It's strange that there has been no news from the agency, but for him, the agency's money is now negligible, and it's best not to cause trouble for him.

"Well, it's useless for me to obtain military intelligence. It's better to update the weapons of the Byrne Kingdom and protect the altars here." Rorschach wanted to leave the magic guild, but before going out, he suddenly realized that he really needed to write two letters. .

One letter was sent to the old village chief, asking how the situation in the village where the Mekle family was living was going and whether they needed help.

The other letter was for Teacher Caroline. He didn't know how the heart of the empire would react to the attack from the Holy Kingdom, but given that Teacher Caroline was from the Holy Kingdom, I'm afraid the situation in the future would not be too good.

Considering that the two of them were wanted on Istanilla's blacklist, Rorschach suggested that the teacher could go north to the dwarf country, but since it was winter now, coming to the Byrne Kingdom seemed to be a better choice.

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