Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 347 Special Power

Rorschach was originally going back to Lanster, but he was intercepted and invited to the castle of the Byrne royal family.

The living room in the castle was transformed into a place similar to a command post. In addition to a conference table, chairs, and a hanging map of the continent. Rorschach saw that the military front from the Holy Kingdom was pointing at Lothar, a neighboring country of the Byrne Kingdom.

The army of the Kingdom of Valois marched from the north of the imperial capital, bypassing the southern gateway of the empire and the fortress city of Andorilla, in an attempt to approach the imperial capital at the shortest distance.

The war goal collectively passed by the National Assembly is to require the Kingdom of Marin to dissolve the Imperial Assembly and allow the southern states to regain their independent status. Otherwise, Valois has the right to follow the empire and annex the three principalities bordering itself.

Bart has arrived in the conference room. He is now dressed very neatly. The style is the same as the empire's military uniform, but the color is white cloth with blue trim that represents the empire's spellcasters.

There were other resident mages present, dressed the same as Bart, indicating that the empire had completed the recruitment of these spellcasters. At this time, they were no longer responsible to the parliament, but were theoretically under the control of the military.

He was a little nervous and sat upright awkwardly. He relaxed a little when he saw Rorschach arriving - because Bart's father-in-law, His Majesty King Albert, was sitting in the main seat.

Prince Otto was also present. When he saw Rorschach being brought into the conference hall by a servant, he immediately said to the other resident mages: "Thank you all for coming. Next is a private conversation between me and the two young men. Others can leave. "

The other mages stood up. The mage in Munich who had received Rorschach's wine before was a little surprised and nodded slightly to Rorschach.

Eliminating etiquette, Albert spoke directly: "I summoned many people today, and you are the last one. Master Rorschach, have you received the funds you need?"

"Yes, thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty." Luo Xia didn't make a budget. He quoted the price to Gaoli. Fortunately, the money was in place. Otherwise, the price of steel soared before the war, and the new factory might not have been completed.

"Verbal thanks are not worth a gold coin." Prince Otto seemed to be responsible for the red face. He stared at Rorschach: "The kingdom needs to be armed. How long will it take for your products to be produced?"

"High-performance explosives can be mass-produced within a month." Ammonia-nitrogen compounds are now absolutely available in large quantities. As long as there are no production accidents, smokeless gunpowder is not that simple: "As for gunpowder, if you want to exert better performance, you need to simultaneously I don’t know if there are enough gunsmiths in the kingdom to modify and upgrade the matching guns and ammunition.”

"At least how long."

"It only takes three months or even half a year."

"I don't quite believe that Valois can last three months." Otto said sarcastically: "We don't want to wait until the end of the war to see results."

"I am willing to contribute to the defense of the kingdom. No, more than one." Rorschach was unmoved by Otto's pressure. He lowered his eyelids and said calmly: "If your Majesty wants to see results immediately, I have an idea to organize a special force for the kingdom.

"This can test the results in the short term, but I think the scale of this war may eventually exceed everyone's expectations. I dare to make a few suggestions to His Majesty, which will not only tap into the kingdom's war preparedness potential, but also take this opportunity Rectify all trade associations in Byrne.”

Bart's mouth twitched. The last time he punished this "dragon across the river", he killed a local snake and ate up Byrne's entire glass industry. Now Rorschach seemed to be talking about "everything".

"Are you asking the lion to open his mouth again?" Otto felt that he could not let Rorschach continue to deceive him. He wanted to draw a cost bottom line to avoid endless investment in this mage.

"No, I need other help from Your Majesty."

The watchmakers in Byrne are very lucky. Although their business is often the first to be affected when the situation is turbulent, today they once again received a business that required people from the entire industry to take over.

Not from that mage, but directly from Byrne's royal family.

However, these masters were surprised to find that the content of the order was exactly the same as before. They were required to produce the same parts according to the same drawings, and doubled the number - ten sets were produced and polished.

As party A, the feudal lord was much more ruthless than Rorschach. He directly sent guards to "invite" these craftsmen together to take care of the food and food. Then, he had scoundrels to supervise the work in real time and strictly implemented the 16-hour work system.

Gopper, an apprentice who was released from the basement, turned into the person in charge of the project. He checked the work of other masters every day with a vernier caliper and a magnifying glass. However, his mentor, Mr. Boles, escaped because he fell ill. Gao Bo, whose psychology was gradually becoming abnormal for some reason, could only sigh.

Rorschach advocated creating more computing cores to expand the computing power of agents.

The reason why the royal family cooperated with him in gathering craftsmen and manufacturing these cores was to provide support for a special force.

Deep in the mountains, this newly formed unit began training.

"Press the button on this joystick, and the motorized device behind it will start to exert force. Remember, you cannot press the switch to the maximum gear at once, and the lift height should not exceed the tallest tree in the field of vision."

At this time, the instructor commanded the team members to try to fly for the first time. They were recruited and selected by Orions and outstanding shooters in the army. They were equipped with mobile devices that allowed them to take off, and new rifles developed based on smokeless gunpowder - the barrel was slimmer, Longer range and more accurate.

Rorschach drew the arrays of [Levitation Technique] and [Air Cannon] in the interlayer of the leather armor, and then attached an energy tank loaded with transmutation dust to become a so-called mobile device, which can make people fly into the air.

The energy warehouse is loaded with three cans of transmutation dust. As long as the valve is opened, alchemical potion will be poured in to absorb the magic power inside. The potion carrying the magic power will circulate in the circuit, and by controlling the circulation route of the potion, lift-off, landing, and landing can be achieved. Maneuvering operations forward, backward, left and right.

Their wrists are equipped with a watch-like device. The core is a dial and a compass that indicate time, and there is also a small crystal that indicates the magic power. When it dims, the valve must be turned to let the potion soak in. The jar transforms into dust to replenish the magic power.

"Pay attention to the brightness of the indicator crystal! Once it is the same color as the color chart next to it, or is darker, you must turn the valve once until it is used up three times!" The instructor is a resident mage, and he is not interested in Rorschach's invention. , because the premise that this device can be used by ordinary people is that it has highly concentrated magic power. To put it bluntly, it is so powerful that it can fly.

But he was interested in training these ordinary people to fly. When everyone was in the air, they were as clumsy as freshly landed fish, constantly spinning and rolling trying to find balance, while he relied on his own magic to leisurely stroll through the sky, guiding the flying postures of others.

These individual soldiers who can maneuver quickly in the air were named "Aerial Knights" by Albert himself. Rorschach wanted to complain that this name was really rude, but in name this was the king's newly formed personal guard, so Rorschach could only Accept settings.

But this name is also appropriate - they will be similar to the light knights, taking on the task of reconnaissance and harassment, but they will come from the air.

Compared with the mobile device, in Rorschach's view, the more core component of the equipment is the second watch - it maintains the lowest flux connection with Lanster's expanded wisdom core, based on Lanster, where the wisdom core is located. The heart spread out the polar coordinate system covering the kingdom and calibrated the coordinates of each member.

There is one more update, wait a moment

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