Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 357 Strange phenomena and strange visitors

The news of the gathering of the Holy Knights spread all the way from the Holy Kingdom, even reaching Bain and Rorschach's ears.

At this time, he and Andre were in Kempson, the southwest corner of Byrne. This city is the "mining capital" of the kingdom. Unlike other idyllic or quiet small towns, it has long been destroyed by coal stoves. , the chimney was transformed into a dark sky and a dark place. In Rorschach's eyes, this was another kind of "vibrant".

Andre took the newspaper from the hotel foyer: "Teacher, the Paladins of the Kingdom are out. They..." Andre quickly scanned the newspaper report: "They did not hide their whereabouts at all, they were marching and preaching at the same time. Now even Byrne's newspapers were predicting the march's route."

This confused Andre: "How can there be such a fight?"

"Yes." Rorschach was confirming whether there were any errors in the drawings and casually answered the student's doubts: "All the sacred expeditions since the Silent Generations have been carried out with great fanfare."

He wanted to correct Andre's misconception: "For general military power, it pays attention to strategy and tactics, and the Holy Knight, as the weapon of the church and the steel fist of the Lord of Order, its power comes from faith and magic. I think now the Holy Knight The leader of the Knights just wants to recreate a small holy war, the bigger the better.”

Indeed, despite the kingdom falling into chaos, every monastery has retained its wealth and supplies, and the church's believers are still large. The "holy army" assembled in the kingdom does not have to worry about supplies at all.

Inspired by the hymn, whenever the knight's horse passes through the town or countryside, the wealthy lords and wealthy merchants will sponsor the goods, and some civilians who have no money but have faith will voluntarily join the ranks of the servant army.

There were even thieves, robbers, and other criminals who either wanted to atone for their sins or to plunder the villages and towns that followed the army and plundered the empire. In short, the army now defending “the Lord’s earthly kingdom” is indeed the same as it was during the Holy Crusade:

In the past, teams of monks, knights, civilians and even bandits, either because of faith or money, attacked the invisible god's territory in the Kingdom of Sand, plundering money and "recovering" the holy land.

When the holy bell strikes once, the knight's armor becomes stronger; when the hymn is sung once, the knight's sword becomes sharper. As long as we are united and have firm beliefs, the Holy Knights will be invincible!

But Rorschach always felt that the church was a bit path-dependent, and the empire must have considered the emergence of such an armed force and had ways to deal with it. "If Prime Minister Duplesi is still in control of the overall situation, the Holy Kingdom should not be like this."

But how come there are so many ifs? I heard that the Cardinal has gone south, and so far the Holy See of the Eternal City has not issued any strong voice or call for the great changes in the Holy Kingdom and the war between the two countries.

Just as silent as his god.

The steel plant was still under construction. Rorschach first asked Andre to test the new system of spells. The effect was the same as that of the nearby tower spirit body. However, Rorschach found that when Andre cast the spell, his own induction was stronger, and he had to pay some internal energy. Sex magic.

It turns out that I can also be a "server", so I myself am also a distraction. Rorschach regretfully declared that the experiment failed.

On his second day at Kempson, Rorschach received a letter from the Air Cavalry training officer. He told Rorschach that when the team was training and patrolling at the border in the northwest corner of the Byrne Kingdom, the mobile device failed several times.

In the letter, the instructor couldn't help but praise a female soldier named Tanya who saved the lives of her teammates in a sudden fall. Although she broke her leg, she still insisted on participating in the training.

Moved, the instructor speculated that there might be ancient magic ruins or unknown dead magic areas in the northwest corner of the kingdom. He invited Rorschach to explore it and hoped that Rorschach would enhance the stability of the device as soon as possible.

"Relics? How can I have time?" Rorschach put away the letter and was thinking about how to show that he valued the other party's invitation and refuse it, when Andre brought him a strange guest. He turned out to be Ha Accompanied by Mr. Sai.

Kempson's residents are all connected with mining. You won't find a teahouse here, but there are enough beer halls. Rorschach met his client in the private room on the second floor of the beer hall. He was a lean man. He was not too bulky in his winter clothes and maintained a capable spirit.

As soon as Rorschach entered, Mr. Hasse left the room, taking Andre out with him.

When only the young mage and the man were left, the other party spoke: "It's an honor to meet you. I am Second Lieutenant Adolf from the Logistics Department of the Imperial Army."

So straightforward? Rorschach quickly drank water to calm down his shock: "Your honesty shocks me, but I still don't know your purpose."

The man's eyes are a cloudy light blue, so light that they are a bit gray. Rorschach knew this because Lieutenant Adolf looked directly at Rorschach: "On behalf of the Imperial Army, I hope to purchase light phlogiston."

Tsk, how did the Imperial Army find out that I have something good? Luo Xia couldn't help but drink water again: "It seems that the Imperial Army is very well informed."

"Light phlogiston is classified as a strategic material, so we are more concerned about it. First of all, the purchasing department discovered that the price in the southern part of the empire has dropped, which is unusual - the dwarves who have a stable monopoly have always made less money than they have lost.

"Then we discovered that since half a month ago, Byrne no longer imports light phlogiston from other parts of the empire, but the products that require it are still being exported. Therefore, the Logistics Department inferred that there should be a production of light phlogiston in Byrne. phlogiston or alternative companies to finally find your BASF."

The second lieutenant showed a restrained smile, which can also be understood as a triumphant smile after digging through the layers of cocoons and discovering the truth: "After contact, I was told that neither Mr. Horn nor Mr. Hasse can make the decision. Your company cannot refuse when I propose After meeting the conditions, Mr. Hasay decided to recommend you.

"I didn't expect that the person behind the scenes was so young, and he was also a mage."

Rorschach was successfully aroused by the lieutenant's words: "Can't refuse?"

"Before negotiating with your trading company, our logistics department did a little investigation and found that the Fangda company that injected capital into BASF is a food factory and mainly produces sugary drinks. I think it is a little difficult to import raw materials now, right?"

When the Holy Kingdom went into trouble, Heracles' original energy potion puree was naturally unable to be imported, and the import of sugar was also threatened. Mr. Hasay is planning to establish plantations and cooperate with farmers to produce sugar crops, but it will take time. "Fonda"'s main business is facing a raw material crisis.

"If the Imperial Army can purchase light phlogiston from you, we will provide sugar quota. If you are willing to support us in building a light phlogiston factory on the front line, no matter how far the war develops, we will give priority to the trading company's raw material procurement. ”

It turns out that the favorable conditions are indeed irresistible. Rorschach did not agree immediately: "You and your colleagues have conducted a very detailed investigation of our trading company."

Second Lieutenant Adolf, who only cares about logistics, is still not deep enough and still smiles: "Even in Bayern, which is relatively independent, don't underestimate our intelligence network."

Oh sir, I don’t want to say this! Rorschach complained in his heart and stretched out his hand: "I hope this is the beginning of our good cooperation. I agree. Please discuss the specific matters with Mr. Hasay!"

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