Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 358 Are you going to watch the battle?

Greedy, greedy. After the second lieutenant left, Rorschach began to reflect on himself.

In order to quickly withdraw funds, he sold water and gas to other workshops. For example, Byrne's special glass, when pursuing the firing temperature, will not use coal that is more difficult to control, weak firewood, and fire magic cannot be used, so it will import light phlogiston from dwarves.

And Rorschach stole this kind of business from the dwarves.

Unexpectedly, someone with a keen sense of smell discovered Rorschach's big toy.

He connected the information received in the past few days.

The "Mini Holy Expeditionary Army" with the Holy Knights as its backbone approaches the empire.

At first, the instructor of the "Air Cavalry" reported that the mobile device was malfunctioning, and Rorschach was also misled by the speculation of "ancient magic ruins". Now that people from the military headquarters appeared, he remembered what happened in the fortress city.

That night the rain of forbidden demons was like weeping.

So how the empire plans to restrain the church's armed forces, the answer is already clear.

But Rorschach didn't know the technical details of the empire yet. He only intercepted the principles from the leather armor, and based on this he developed [Forbidden Demon Scream], and subsequent anti-magic spells were also inspired by it.

But that is his personal spell, and it only makes sense if it is released on a large scale on the battlefield. How did the empire do it? The first may be collective spellcasting, performed by high-ranking spellcasters affiliated with the Imperium.

After receiving an order from the Imperial Army to purchase lightweight phlogiston, he thought of the second possibility: the Empire's anti-magic technology might be accomplished with the help of a large-scale device. The Imperial Army needed hydrogen to fill the airship so that the airship could carry large The device is mobile.

If they continue to purchase from the dwarf gas station, the number and operation status of the airship will be known to outsiders, so the second lieutenant and the group he represents will be very enthusiastic about Rorschach's gas production technology.

"Actually, it's quite unsafe." Rorschach felt that the airship was likely to become a living target on the battlefield. Of course, he was not afraid of guns and artillery that currently have zero air defense capabilities. However, as long as Valois's mages were defeated, the airship could easily become a target in the air. Super bomb, the crew compartment becomes a disposable incinerator.

Alas, I am worrying about my clients again. This problem needs to be corrected! Rorschach, who didn't know about the secret railway, also examined whether his conscience was enlarged.

He found a map, compared newspaper reports, and began to study the marching route of the Holy Knights. According to reports, the main force is about 1,500 cavalry, which basically includes all the paladins in the northern part of the Holy Kingdom, as well as trainee knights who account for two-thirds of them. In other words, the Kingdom Church is trying to compete with its current and future family fortunes.

The servant army rapidly expanded to more than 8,000 people within ten days of marching, forming a 10,000-person regiment with the Holy Knights. In addition to coachmen and servants, the servant army also includes priests, choirs, civilian troops, etc. Their combat effectiveness cannot be completely ignored.

The newspaper's evaluation was: "It will even be higher than the Second Legion of Saint Valois that invaded before. At least they have faith." In this world with gods, "faith" is true, and superstition and blind faith are even more terrifying—— This means that they are easy to obey the command of the clergy and the magic power they provide has strong resonance.

Extending the direction of the route and taking into account the influence of terrain, Rorschach drew a possible march route, and the intersection with the national border was drawn on the southern gateway of the empire, the fortress city Andorilla.

They did not consider the Salou battlefield opened by the Second Legion. Just like the Holy Crusade went straight to the ancient Holy Land, the current march of the Paladins was also a direct punch, and the Empire must find a way to catch it.

They would duke it out on the plains outside Andorilla.

"I really want to see it." Luo Xia came to a different world from his peaceful past life. He would definitely feel uncomfortable if he missed the next big scene. Moreover, he really wanted to know in what form the empire's secret weapon would be put into the battlefield. This would have a great impact on the future. The fate of the Byrne Kingdom and the personal fate of Rorschach as a spellcaster are also important.

After finding enough excuses and preparing himself mentally, Rorschach took action.

He wanted to go, but he would definitely not be foolish enough to risk it. The [Descending Summoning Technique] he learned from the Forest Tower came in handy.

Sneaking into the ravine outside the small town of Kempson, Rorschach first used the [Soil Shaping Technique] to condense the moist humus soil into a human form.

He scratched the surface, removed a packet of powder from the storage ring, and sprinkled it carefully and evenly. This is made by inactivating and drying "living water microorganisms (Rorschachella)".

When Rorschach poured in the sugary soda, the carbon dioxide inside was immediately released in the form of dense bubbles, which proved that the nutrient-rich bacteria began to activate. Rorschach felt it was necessary to improve the clone's spellcasting ability, and sprinkled it with Passivation Transmutation Dust.

Finally, he bit his finger again and squeezed out the crimson and bluish blood.

Compared with the casual and vital substitutes of the natural mages of the Forest Tower, Rorschach's is more luxurious and complicated, but in any case, the pile of materials is useful. He began to build two bridging magic circles, and released a bit of his soul to activate the clone.

It would be nice to have extra souls at this time, but Rorschach would not let the tower spirit replace him. After casting the spell, the substitute began to build muscles on its own, and then climbed up with difficulty.

Rorschach gained two senses at this time. Because the distance between the clone and the main body was close enough, it was a dizzying experience. He followed Master Humboldt's teachings to weaken the connection between the two. Now Rorschach's body will no longer have all the feelings of the clone unless he takes the initiative to strengthen the connection again.

This is much better, Rorschach dressed the clone in casual clothes. The height and physique of the clone are almost the same as the main body, because this is the best fit for the separated soul, making it easier to control. However, since Rorschach is going to a complex battlefield to dominate, he must not stand in Rorschach's face.

After adjusting the parameters like the first character in the game, he created a face that was similar in temperament to Rorschach, but completely different in handsomeness.

The dominated living water emerges and covers the soil surface, coupled with the "mapped" mimicry, forming a watery, close-to-real skin, while the transformed dust containing magic lights up the pupils.

Coupled with the mimetic hair and the khaki cloak prepared by Rorschach to blend in with the wasteland, the newly created man is close to perfection.

The clone carrying Rorschach's will does not need instructions. It can find its own direction, take transmutation dust, sugar and other supplies and start setting off.

"Hey, hey, let's ride a horse!" Rorschach asked Andre to help prepare the horse.

It's embarrassing to say that his strength is now at the top among his peers (a humble statement), but space-related spells are still a pain in the ass.

Currently, what Rorschach has mastered is the [Ether Membrane Space Compression Technique] that he used when he was a clone in Shadow City, and the second is the [Gravity Wave] inspired by Sir Alex.

Both spells are "heavyweight", but the most practical teleportation magic was once the responsibility of Caroline.

Therefore, Rorschach prepared the clone's horse honestly.

The clone turned around and showed a mean smile: "I feel very good. The power of this body can't be used to its full potential." As he said that, he bent his legs and jumped directly to a branch more than ten meters high, using extremely fast speeds. Sprinting and leaping towards the west at speed.

Did I squeeze in the soul that likes watching Naruto? The arms are stretched back without swinging, and the posture is a combination of silly and handsome.

Rorschach watched the "ninja clone" disappear into the dense forest and mounted his horse: "Forget it, let it go. I will communicate with the clone again when we get to the battlefield."

The acknowledgments will be merged to tomorrow. In addition, the phased requirements for graduation today have been completed. If nothing unexpected happens, I can add more updates tomorrow!

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