Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 364 Cunning and cunning

"You are an evil mage, and your whole family is an evil mage!" Although the chief did not move his hands, his eyebrows seemed to fly up: "It is a stereotype to crudely identify the necromancer as an evil mage and mediocre!

"Cowards who are afraid of death add boring value judgments to magic in order to avoid the most mysterious and difficult realms."

Don't worry. Joseph Rorschach was so frightened that he took a half step back. Due to the limitations of the clone technique itself and the limited functions of this body, "Seizing Shexia" cannot release high-level magic. Otherwise, he would definitely be able to attack and snatch the archmage with residual health and being restrained by the gray-clothed bishop. To the head.

Unfortunately there is no if. The Archmage grasped the void, and stretched out dark tentacles from the "Well of Remains" behind him to entangle Rorschach.

However, little Joseph's words awakened old Joseph, and he realized that the person in front of him was the chief military mage of the Imperial Army, and he immediately activated the ancient holy symbol again.

The burning flames of the surrounding airships instantly became more white-hot, and the billowing heat waves also penetrated the breath of death with the "light" attribute.

In the past, the Priest of the Order would hesitate because of Sauron's bluff, but it was just a blind spot in thinking. The reason why Rorschach immediately pointed out the loopholes of the Archmage was because he was a clone who had temporarily lost contact with his true body due to the tsunami of magic power.

The reason why it can maintain its existence is because [Descending Summoning Technique] actually dares to divide the soul and place it in the clone. Strictly speaking, this concept is extremely backward.

The most common situation - if the clone is contaminated in some way, do you want this soul or not? If you don't, the soul of the original body will be incomplete and damaged; if you recycle it, the original body will be polluted again.

Only ancient elves and natural mages who are good at purification and healing dare to play this way.

In any case, with Rorschach's interference, the original stalemate was broken again. However, for Sauron, this was a trivial matter. He could see at a glance that the strength of little Joseph's soul was extremely low. Although the endogenous magic power was abundant, he was not expected to be capable of high-level magic.

After dealing with the magic stick, it's your turn! The delay of time was enough. Sauron raised his hand, magic surged from the tattoo, and the preset spell was activated.

A ray of pure light came out against the trend, without being hindered by the priest's magic, and escaped straight into the old man's body. Then a horrifying scene appeared. Veins popped up on the old man's face and exposed skin, and then the blood vessels continued to enlarge and develop. It actually breaks through the skin and turns into flamboyant tentacles. Places covered by clothing were also punctured.

Joseph immediately stopped his magic and felt severe pain all over his body. He was also entangled and attacked by his own blood vessels.

It is unreasonable for the sun's light to disperse the night, because darkness is just "emptiness and nothingness of light". Therefore, in the face of the power of the Lord of light and order, negative energy and the breath of death will only quickly evaporate and dissolve, if it is not in the world full of casualties. On the battlefield, Sauron should have been at a disadvantage long ago.

Therefore, the [Vascular Mutation] he used does not rely on negative energy, but the excessive and condensed vitality to alienate the enemy's superficial blood vessels and mutate the tissues of these bodies. It is an eight-dimensional weapon that has the effects of consumption, attack, and control. Circle spell.

These life forces are transformed from the breath of death. Sauron noticed that when the body is on the verge of death, it will burst out with the strongest survival instinct - both the mind and the body will actively make a last ditch effort.

In a symbolic sense, he can also compress "death" into the desire and extreme rejection of life, and extract extreme life energy from the breath of death: they transformed from life to death in the past individuals, and in their superb skills Reversal in the hands of the Archmage.

The so-called necromancy system does not only study "death" and "negative energy". It also studies the origin of life extremely deeply. Compared with the natural system, it also retains the religious worship of life. The necromancy system's mages face life more deeply. Rationally, even with contempt for ethics, they believe that both worship and ethics are obstacles to research.

Therefore, injecting pure life force into others can not only be used as a treatment, but in the hands of a necromancy-specialized spellcaster, it can also be turned into a killing technique that is more difficult to distinguish and prevent.

The Lord of Order is merciful, and His power does not easily reject life, nor does it burn and disperse it. Joseph was severely wounded.

To be effective, you have to add white to black. The pure life energy should be followed by the pure breath of death attack. Sauron's breathing changed slightly. He was hesitating whether it was better to get a puppet of a divine benefactor or experimental materials that had been soaked in divine power all year round.

It depends on what necromancy he chooses to use next.

However, suddenly a blue beam of light passed through him sideways and hit the old man who was bound by blood vessels. This magical light seemed to have an entity, just like a high-pressure water cannon that gave Priest Joseph enough power to fly up and away from the negative energy of the Chief Mage.

Instantly under the sunlight, Priest Joseph enriched the power of light, and the mutated blood vessels were burned and withered. The remaining blue light filled the wounds punctured by the blood vessels, allowing them to heal slowly.

When he got out of the battle, he lost a lot of blood, which was not good for the old man. The pale-faced gray-clothed bishop stopped in the air, glanced at the young man who "attacked him", then saw the burning airship and device wreckage, and chose to leave the battlefield.

"That magic stick actually fought and ran away!" Rorschach tried his best to show a surprised expression. At this time, he was still tied up by the black tentacles, as if the light wave just now was not from Rorschach's hand.

The air became quiet, leaving only the crackle of fireworks and the sound of the steel skeleton deforming.

Richard and the mage with a moustache looked at each other. From the beginning to the present, they didn't know how to deal with this young mage who broke in.

The two relied on Rorschach to help them when they were infected by the Breath of Death. Therefore, the two of them did not take the initiative to attack the suspicious mage and waited for the chief's instructions in a tacit understanding.

Is Sauron angry? No, he was re-evaluating this young man. The quality of his soul was at most an intermediate mage, but he didn't care at all when facing a great mage like himself, and he seemed to be at ease.

His two attacks were indeed ineffective against him. The first time he was infused with death energy, the young man had no reaction. The second time the tentacles of negative energy came into contact with him, an ordinary person would immediately fall into a negative state, unlike him. He is full of energy and can cast spells happily.

Sauron, hesitant!

He repeated his question again, in Chief fashion, which was extremely rare: "Who the hell are you?"

"I've already said it, Joseph." Rorschach thought for a while, and suddenly thought of a useful tiger skin: "But my true identity is the commissioner of the special forces defense agency of the Imperial Military Department, codenamed Frosthawk!"

The chief seemed to have heard a joke: "Haha, the agency no longer exists. That grassroots team was completely absorbed by the military intelligence bureau after the death of agency director Sabins."

Not only Rorschach, but Richard was also surprised: "Mr. Sabins is dead? Wait, he is still the leader of the secret agency?"

"A suspicious air crash." Sauron seemed to know more, but he didn't say much.

Lao Da! Rorschach was still a little sad, after all, the bald man was okay with him. In addition, he wanted to ask whether the airships in the empire had debuffs that would make them crash easily.

Sauron waved his hand: "So stop pretending, you must be the loser of the Magic Guild!"

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