Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 365 It’s broken, I’ve become a clone!

ah? Ah, right, right, right, Rorschach quickly responded to the chief mage's great guess with a determined expression: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Oh, only the guild is still so loose and slow, thinking that it is above everything else. The same is true for intelligence agents like you, who show up recklessly with outdated information."

Stop scolding, stop scolding. Luo Xia broke away from the tentacles and patted his clothes: "Thank you chief for your advice."

"Go away, tell your Arcane Senate, tell those academics in the tower: Times have changed!"

Are you going to let me go? Rorschach leaned forward and bowed to the other party. After glancing at the confused Richard, he quickly left the wreckage of the airship and disappeared in the fire and smoke.

"Teacher, are you going to let him go now?" Richard felt that things were too bizarre and was so shocked that he was about to be numbed.

"There is no point in destroying him or keeping him." Sauron's aura suddenly weakened, and rotten plaques began to appear on his body. He lifted up his loose robe and used his tentacles to remove the steel fragments embedded in his body.

The chief explained to the students and the mustache: "I observed the other party carefully during the conversation. It was not a living person at all, but a clone created based on the remains."

Since the other party is not a living person, it makes sense that he is not afraid of his own necromancy magic.

"The existence of our secret weapon has been exposed, but this is expected."

Building the first atomic bomb can be kept secret, but when it hits the ground and a mushroom cloud rises, the world will be shocked. Even if you want to hide it, your strength will not allow it.

The same is true for the anti-magic device. The chief has this confidence: "In principle, as long as the device operates successfully, it cannot be countered. Not only can it offset divine spells and magic, but it can also create a short-term magic vacuum later, which is fatal enough.

"So what we have to do in the future is offensive and defensive warfare to prevent others from destroying the device. But I don't think we need to worry too much. The magic guild will probably fall apart soon."

In fact, there is another concern that Sauron has not said: Although the soul of the clone is weak, it has abundant magical power. When the blue light emerges, Sauron vaguely feels that it can restrain his own magic just like the power of order and light.

I'm afraid this clone belongs to the Archmage! If the opponent's body senses that the clone has been destroyed and is tearing through space with his hands, he may not be able to defeat him if he is injured.

Who is the one? Feuerbach was a lunatic, but not so out of tune. He was a stern guy who kept a straight face all day long. Colbert? Yes, it must be that old but naive guy! Their acting styles are exactly the same, and the spells they cast are also very similar to those of the natural system.

After closing the loop of logic and occupying the depression with IQ, Archmage Sauron had a lot of ideas. He used part of the negative energy collected in the "Well of Remains" to heal himself, and filled part of it into the "building materials of the well".

The remains swelled, and Sauron drove them toward the middle of the airship, exploding one after another, completely shattering the remains of the device and making it impossible to distinguish its structure.

"Recycle the valuable materials inside and install the other devices on the train later." The chief ordered, patting the mustache on the shoulder: "Well done, I will report to His Majesty and highlight your contribution."

The mage with a mustache was very excited: "It all depends on His Excellency Sauron's cultivation!"

"You can't say that. We are all working for the empire, and it was His Majesty the Emperor who cultivated you."

After saying that, he led the students out of the airship.

While walking on the road, Sauron rarely said a few words to Richard like an elder: "You saw just now that with your character and ability, you are not suitable to inherit my true talents.

“To be honest, I don’t want to see my friend’s grandson take his own path.

"As long as you study the spells I taught you diligently, you will be able to protect yourself and the country on the battlefield."

He looked at the majestic and towering city of Andorilla and said calmly: "You go back to camp to repair, I have other things to deal with."

"is teacher."

Joseph Rorschach's journey became more and more difficult. He no longer had any flesh and blood to replenish, and the microorganisms in his body gradually entered a dormant state.

"We have to contact the main body." Rorschach began to think about how to reestablish contact. In the original spell, the clone after the connection is cut off can either return to the original body and the soul separates from the double and returns, or the bridge between the two magic circles can be rebuilt. You have to go back anyway.

But I'm afraid that this body won't be able to make the return journey, and its athletic ability is far inferior to that of the earth double. It won't be enough for him to create another transformation dust and carbohydrate supply.

"In case of accidents, we must first contact the main body and transfer the precious memories. Then we can consider the matter of soul reunification."

Rorschach began to try. He drew a circuit on the ground and stood in the middle of a magic circle. The center of the other magic circle had no substitute or body, but a "benzene ring" rune.

Then he found a ladle of water, released the dead microbial remains from his fingertips, mixed them well, and poured it on the magic circle.

The simple, rustic magic circle is activated, and the target on the other side points to the totem, and the totem begins to echo the body again.

"Huh?" "Noumenon Xia", who was negotiating the construction period with the contractor, sensed something and stopped working.

The leather-clad dwarf Jason saw confusion, surprise, and distorted expressions appear on the young mage's face one by one. Finally, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "It's bad, I have become a clone!"

Joseph Rorschach used the original spell to improve and reconnect with the main body, so he is the current caster, and the main body that is passively receiving the connection is naturally placed in the original position of the substitute.

"Who among us is following whom? We are our own people! It doesn't matter." After Joseph Rorschach transferred the memory, he decisively cut off the contact and ended the relationship that turned against Tiangang.

As the sun was about to set, Joseph used the scrapped spear as a crutch and walked back to the empire with difficulty. He slowly climbed up a hill with lush vegetation.

The clone cleared an open space, used [Stone Shaping Technique] to make a stone tablet of "Joseph Muller" and placed it.

Then, Joseph grabbed an unknown bird and laid it in front of the stone monument.

The fingertips gradually overflowed with mucus glittering with broken crystals, wrapping around the struggling little creature. The birds gained wise eyes, and Joseph finally rested.

The bird flew up, flapped its wings, and Joseph's body ignited with flames. When no microorganisms survived, the bird flapped again, and the earth and rocks moved, creating a small earth bag.

Finally, it picked up a grass seed, and under the stimulation of blue light, a small flower quickly grew and landed in front of the tomb.

At this point, the three spells are the current limit of the clone. Birds were chosen as the new carrier because of their low consumption and fast maneuverability.

"Asian Bird Summer" hibernates almost all intelligence and spreads its wings. Like a dove returning to its nest, it flew to Byrne with the help of biological instincts and vague beliefs.

The small stone tablet under the tree is engraved with: "Joseph Muller, a private private of the Imperial Army, Fifth Marin Regiment, died in the Battle of Andorilla at the age of 22."

This is all Rorschach can do for this soldier after using him.

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