Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 367 No matter how hard it is, it can’t just be the adults.

There was silence in the venue for a while, and Mr. Hasse said tremblingly: "Then, is the source reliable?"

Before the war, the small expeditionary force that was competing against the "Holy Crusade" was still very intimidating. The Holy Kingdom believed that the Church of Order would definitely win once it started, and even elevated it from a "national salvation" movement to a "recovery of lost ground" movement:

In the past, the holy city occupied by believers of the invisible god was recovered through the "Holy Crusade". The southern part of the continent, which was invaded by alien races and monsters, was cleansed by the church and believers. Then a wave of classic re-enactments will come in a few hundred years. In a world filled with pagans, The empire of the unbelievers reestablishes the faith, the authority of the Church of Order.

From the "patriotic nobles" of Valuauna to the devout believers of the Eternal City, they all pray to God and shout to the enemy in this way.

There are also various emotions in the empire. Some people think that the church army is just a backward army with cold weapons and there are not many divine benefactors in it. However, our army also has military mages accompanying it, and with advanced weapons, it will definitely Can defeat the enemy.

There is even discussion as to whether the Empire should conscript all registered spellcasters within its borders to test their loyalty. What gives Magic a headache is that similar comments are clamoring in the media.

So when Rorschach announced that the "Little Expeditionary Force" would be cancelled, Hasse couldn't even believe it.

"Saw it with my own eyes." Rorschach added flatly.

Obviously he has been meeting Mr. Hasse and Andre every day recently, but Rorschach is so sure that Hasse will unswervingly believe that Rorschach has really seen the result. The previous question was more like an expression of surprise.

After that, the meeting went on normally. Hasay was a little worried: "Since cooperating with the military, we have indeed received a stable supply of sugar raw materials, and the new formula of Fanta Factory will be put on the market soon." Without the puree from the Holy Kingdom, the business We have to continue to do it, especially since Hasse hopes that the Imperial Army can purchase purple soda that has a stimulating effect.

He continued to report: "But other orders were not as good as expected. The logistics department seemed to think that the cost of cans was too high and the fragile clay pots were not convenient for transportation. They took a fancy to this."

At his signal, the person in charge of Fangda Food Factory took out a paper tube from his bag.

Rorschach took it over. The paper tube said "Bean Soup Sausage", but it felt very solid and solid, and was wrapped in waterproof wax paper. When opened, it is a compressed yellow-green powder paste. It should be boiled beans, roasted into powder and then compressed. During the process, a little spices, animal fat and enough salt were mixed in.

"As long as you put it in water and boil it, you can get a hot and fragrant bean soup, which can also be cooked with other ingredients. It is now sold well in the Byrne Kingdom. It is cheap enough and tastes authentic pastoral flavor. From Zhang Shao Anyone with enough money can accept it.”

Also a good source of plant protein. Rorschach weighed Su's "sausage" and nodded: "Well done. Reward the inventor according to the factory's regulations. As for other orders, don't worry, I'm afraid the war will not cease soon." The Empire's one-shot withdrawal of the Paladin This reflects the strategic thinking of the General Staff - to concentrate strength and defeat the enemy more quickly.

According to the empire's judgment, even though it has been preparing for the war for a long time, it can only support all the troops, finances, and warehousing for three months, so it must conquer the kingdom within this time limit, at least to conquer Valluana. During this period, we must also guard against interference from other forces.

However, Rorschach is not so optimistic. No matter whether they are top politicians or military geniuses, they can only decide when the war will start, but not when it will end.

Mr. Hasse continued: "But are we recruiting too many workers now? It's okay in winter, but in spring I'm afraid a lot of labor will have to be invested in agriculture, especially now that the situation is tense. And our current round of expansion and construction has swallowed up Large tracts of farmland and pasture in Langster and Kempson.”

"Don't worry, BASF's new factory will be able to produce fertilizer immediately. How are the statistics of the children of the new families joining the factory?"

"There was some resistance, especially among the newly freed serfs, who thought we were preying on their children."

"That's right, we are targeting children." Rorschach snapped: "But we are not sending the children to the factory, but asking them to go to school!" In the Holy Kingdom, the failure of the Valois Normal School became a success. A hurdle has been overcome in Rorschach's heart. Now that he has become the talker, he must pick it up again.

Businessmen always have to balance gains and losses. Hasay was surprised: "But there are too many families! If we need to build new schools, we will have to invest more. Although the cash flow of Fonda and Basif is positive, the steel plant The investment is huge, you have solved the housing problem, there is no need to build another school.”

The former vice president had a different opinion. He was very happy: "Originally, the guild had its own school to educate our children and train apprentices in reading, writing and basic skills. After the establishment of the new factory, the remaining seven workshops It will definitely not be able to sustain it. Originally we planned to support it on our own, but now Mr. Luo Xia has the intention to expand it on the basis of the old school. "

"Yes, that's a way. We will definitely expand enrollment in the future and divide education levels by age."

Seeing Rorschach's attitude, Hasay decided not to object directly or mention money. Instead, he asked other questions: "How many students do you want to enroll?"

“The more the merrier, but the tuition fees for our employees’ children are exempted.”

"In that case, Kempson and even families with a little wealth in surrounding towns will send their children here, and the school will need many teachers." Now, in the empire's education, in addition to public schools equivalent to elementary schools that can recruit a limited number of students, there are also higher education institutions such as universities. Education, and in the middle were the guild schools.

If Rorschach wants to establish an expanded version of the guild school, other middle-class families will definitely be willing to enroll their children, because there are no church monasteries in the empire. If you want to fill the gap between "public schools" and "university schools", you can only hire expensive tutor.

"So, where do we get so many teachers?"

Just like the Holy Kingdom, they set up a normal school. The pig's knuckles are cold. Of course, Rorschach is looking for universal college students: "Isn't this difficult to handle? Some time ago, Andre also complained to me that there were not enough people to be literate, keep accounts, and be responsible for research and development experiments. , these all need to be well-educated.”

"So the asking price will also be high." Mr. Hasay reminded.

Make an offer? When will college students still have value? Rorschach immediately began to complain: "Aren't there many universities in Munich and Wirz? Those students study poetry and music all day long, but outside the campus there are people who don't have enough to eat or wear, and there are wars outside the kingdom. I think this is not good.

"Mr. Hasay, let's make a suggestion to His Majesty! Make a requirement for students who are about to graduate from university. Before graduation, they must work in a trading company to test the effect of learning into practical abilities. Call it practical learning.

"The period does not need to be too long. If the trading company feels that the student is qualified, it will issue an internship certificate to the student, or he can directly sign an employment contract. If he is not qualified, he will not get a diploma or a degree certificate. If you give it to me, it will be for the purpose of guarding Byrne and being sent to the front line. go!

“Another very important point is that in order to prevent some unscrupulous trading companies from exploiting students, or students using improper means to obtain certificates, the Kingdom must carefully review and determine whether trading companies are qualified as internship units and issue certificates.

"Only high-quality companies like ours can issue internship certificates! Mr. Hasay, should you propose it to His Majesty or should I write the letter?"

The eye-opening Hasai immediately waved his hand: "It's better if you do it. Such a great idea must be signed by you."

After the meeting, Rorschach retained Andre: "To test every child entering school for magical talent, we have to develop a convenient and accurate process."

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