Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 368 Iron Hat King Hannah

People are eclectic.

If those young men from universities and rich ladies were allowed to come to trading companies to work for free in the past, and they were called internships, they would definitely not be happy, especially since everything is difficult at the beginning, and there will definitely be great resistance in the first period of implementation.

But if they are told that they do not have a diploma and will go to the battlefield to be cannon fodder in the Holy Kingdom after graduation, then they will feel that it is good and necessary to get training in the company.

Rorschach put the time at three months. The empire's current general expectation for the war is that it will last two months, which means that the "death deterrence" can last for at least two months. Plus the normal tolerance limit, one month, which adds up to exactly one quarter.

A letter asked college students across the country to work for him for free. Luo Xia was a male mage who was proficient in education, psychology and wealth-making scriptures.

When King Albert showed Rorschach's letter to Prince Otto, the prince's face was very exciting: Can you still play like this?

However, he knew that it was also the urgency brought by the war that gave the possibility of breaking through. Otherwise, when everyone was in peace, how could they be so tolerant of Rorschach, a catfish? Therefore, Rorschach said that personal efforts must be combined with the historical process, and finally coupled with the endorsement of spellcasting ability.

The majority of students were confused and dissatisfied with the new regulations, and they finally began to pay attention to those trading companies. But one group was very excited and actively signed up for BASF, Fonda and the new steel plant.

At the Grammar School in Würzburg, there is an interest club called "Thoth Key". Although they are ordinary people who have no chance to enter the magic tower, it does not prevent them from being fully interested in magic. So rather than saying that they are going for the company, it is better to say that they are going for the bosses behind the three legendary companies.

The club occupies an abandoned classroom in the corner, cunningly drawing all the curtains and using candles to provide limited lighting. The magic books and ritual items they collected are scattered in the corner. Perhaps the only real thing is the [Grease Technique] scroll that these people bought with their pocket money. The thick grease summoned is treated as a treasure and stored in a wax-sealed glass jar.

Because I still cook the recipe in a cast iron pot that I don’t know where I got it from, there is always a lingering weird smell in the enclosed space.

This club was one time away from being forced to disband after randomly mixing potions and causing an accident. It was Rorschach who gave these young people new hope.

"Martin, how are you?"

Martin signed up for the new steelworks, but as a grammar school student he had no way of dealing with hot metal with poetry. Sure enough, when he opened the reply from Kempson, it began with "I'm sorry":

"No, it was rejected. They suggested that I go to the food factory to see if there are any sales positions or publicity planning?" He did not expect that some companies would set up such positions.

"According to the information from my uncle, Master Rorschach has appeared most frequently in the new steel plant recently." The president of the society scratched his head. He and the members were rejected by the three companies without exception. The liberal arts students felt the malice of the science students from another world.

All members of the club sighed.

"Let's go, you can go to other trading companies. My dad told me that he has obtained the qualification and can issue us a certificate." After saying that, they blew out the candles and left the club one after another, discussing whether to drink sweetened drinks tonight. white wine.

Martin also wanted to go out, but his clothes were grabbed.

"Vogel?" The person who pulled him was a girl named Hannah. She had no sense of presence in the club and focused on divination of cards and crystals.

Vogel means "little bird" in the common language, and Hannah's voice is indeed as beautiful as a warbler. After confirming that only she and Martin were left in the classroom, she whispered: "Actually, I passed the exam for the new steel plant." Registration for internship qualifications.”

Martin was startled: "Really? Vogel, tell me." You know, in Byrne, most women study art. Do steel plants need people who understand art? Or does this Miss Hannah have any special channels?

Hannah and him analyzed that the steel plant did not need people to be able to do poetry, art, and music, but there should be jobs that required statistics, and she happened to be able to keep accounts, so she put it on her resume, and she got the offer.

Hannah comes from a wealthy businessman family. Her parents wanted her to take charge of the family's finances when she became the hostess in the future, so she learned simple finances, so they hired a tutor to learn from her. Unexpectedly, she would become a stepping stone to work in a factory today.

"But I don't know how to keep accounts. To be honest, I get a headache when I see the numbers." Martin shook his head: "So I can only congratulate you, Vogel."

"But I hope to go with Martin. Think about it, it would be too scary for me to go to Kempson alone without anyone familiar." Hannah mustered up a different kind of courage, her freckles cheeks were slightly red. : "You still have a few days, I can teach you, it's actually very simple, you just need a little bit of arithmetic and then be organized."

Martin hesitated for a moment and agreed to Miss Vogel: "I'll try."

Martin actually got an opportunity to intern at Kempson.

The two took tutoring lessons without telling other club members, and without telling their families when they went on the road, they shared a carriage with Miss Vogel. Although neither he nor Hannah knew why they wanted to hide it from other people, it was like this, and the relationship between the two heated up to the point where they shared lunch face to face in the carriage today.

When they passed through the newly built small bungalow accommodation area and came to the bustling "Tiankeng" factory area, their breath was suffocated: the people in the pit seemed a bit small, while the expanded blast furnace and the central tower under construction were like the entire majestic building. The pillars seem to be waiting to be capped.

"It's like an open-air theater in the old empire, performing operas that please the gods." Martin held it in for a long time before he came up with a description that he thought was brilliant.

"Please come with me." The two were taken to an office, where a young man was playing with an iron bucket.

Martin was a little nervous: "An interview is still needed?" If there is another card, his arithmetic skills will be revealed.

"No, my friend. What follows is a simple test, which will not affect your internship." The person in charge of the test was Andre, who showed a gentle smile and wanted to dispel the nervousness of the visitor.

Rorschach's "mass-produced spell caster" plan wants to be launched, but it will take too long to achieve results if it only reaches out to little kids. Therefore, no one of the intern college students who came to the three companies should be spared, and they must all accept the magical potential. test.

"Please wear this hat, it may be a bit heavy." Andre put on the stimulation device for Hannah first. Ancient military nobles had the technology to stimulate the resonance of magic power in ordinary people. Therefore, based on this "resonance" principle, the structure in the iron hat can stimulate the subject after being charged, making the endogenous magic power of the subject active.

Hannah's breathing quickened slightly, and Andre turned on [Arcane Vision] to carefully observe the magic aura of the person being tested. Martin was a little worried, standing aside and watching at a loss.

Andre took out several shining crystals, compared Hannah's magic aura one by one, and then recorded: 17 years old, female, amber magic aura, level three intensity, concentrated on the head and extremities.

The last sentence decided the fate of Hannah Vogel:

Has spellcasting potential.

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