Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 369 Standardized Testing

After Andre filled in the file of Iron Hat King Hannah, she glanced at her companion Martin: "This...Mr. Martin Weber, it's your turn to test."

After saying that, Martin also put on the iron hat. After activating it, he felt nothing except that his neck was very tired.

Andre didn't even bother to take out the crystal to check the level, because in [Arcane Vision], this kid was completely incompetent, and his dim spiritual light was not as good as a tree on the roadside.

So the result given is of course "no casting potential".

Martin watched Andre stamp the red stamp fiercely, and was shocked. He felt that he had missed something.

After putting away his hat, Andre goes to the next step of testing those with potential. He motioned to Miss Vogel to follow him and opened the next door for her: "Congratulations, please come with me to the next test. Sorry, Mr. Martin, please stay and wait." Andre stopped Martin from following Han. Na's footsteps.

The light behind the door was strangely red. Martin was now extremely uneasy and shaken, and Hannah was also very hesitant. But Andre seemed to have said something to the girl, and Hannah's face showed huge surprise. She immediately turned back to Martin and said, "Sorry Martin, please wait for me."

The two were talking while walking, and the door closed before Hannah finished speaking.

It was very straightforward and decisive. Martin was a little dull. He didn't call "Miss Vogel" again, but "Hannah".

"Don't worry, they are just going for the next test." A new young man appeared behind Martin. He patted Martin on the shoulder: "My name is Rorschach."

"You are Rorschach!"

"You know? Well, I can tell you what test you just took - we want to see if you have the potential to become a mage."

A huge shock hit Martin, it was clear that he was the loser and Hannah was the lucky one. Arithmetic can be taught, but spellcasting ability cannot be acquired through tutoring.

"Your information says that your major in college is literary history of the old empire, but accounting?" Rorschach raised his eyebrows. This gentleman's resume is highly similar to Miss Hannah's.

Martin hesitated a bit, and Rorschach failed his test.

I calculated faster than you in elementary school! Rorschach stopped Martin from continuing to calculate profusely and asked him if he had any other talents.

Martin quickly handed over the poetry collection he had brought with him, and then Rorschach turned directly to the end:

Ah, little daisies, little daisies in the sun.

Your fragrance and delicate petals remind me of the tips of her hair.

This is winter, why is spring coming? Rorschach turned the page forward and asked, "Did you write it for the lady just now?"

Martin didn't expect Rorschach to start reading directly from the last one: "No, ah... yes, I haven't read it to her yet."

This kind of limerick... Rorschach found it uninteresting and closed the book. Next, he approached Martin step by step and described the future to him: "You don't want to see Miss Hannah drift away from you and become a stranger after she becomes a mage, right?"

Martin swallowed.

Then Rorschach whispered like a devil: "If you were given a chance to become a spellcaster, would you be willing to take the risk? The worst case scenario would be death."

Martin looked at the door where Andre and Hannah entered. The thin iron sheet was like a thick barrier to him. The young man quickly made up his mind: "I do!"

On the other side of the door, Andre handed Hannah a contract. Before entering the door, he told Hannah that after testing, Hannah had the potential to become a mage, but she had to sign a contract.

The content of the contract is to keep it secret. You must not reveal any information related to magic to others without permission, and you must voluntarily bear the consequences of learning.

"Drip the blood into the center of the contract and the rune will take effect." Andre instructed Hannah to prick her finger and drip in the blood. After Hannah finished, she said: "Now that you have my blood, can you control me? Or does it only take a magic to take away my life from thousands of miles away?"

Do you think so and still dare to do it? Andre quickly dispelled the misunderstanding: "Ms. Vogel, you are overthinking. We just want you to keep it secret. We can use a secret contract to lock your location when necessary, but we will never threaten your life easily."

Now the room they were in was shrouded in red magic lamps, and the original colors of all objects were distorted. Andre handed her a paper card with a string of words written on it.

"Look at it and say it ten times while imagining the color of the card, then take it out through the door on the right."

The card is actually white, but it is naturally red when illuminated by red light. If Hannah had a talent for transformation and illusion, it would be possible to change the color of the card under the stimulation of ambient light.

When she walked to the next room, she already had a pink card in her hand.

Andre showed a satisfied smile: "Very good, Miss Vogel, please listen to my description and then hold up this crystal ball."

He began to describe how to imbue an object with endogenous magic, telling her to imagine patterns and how to relax the muscles throughout her body.

When Andre finished explaining, the crystal ball in Hannah's hand really lit up.

The actual [Light Spell] does not require a crystal ball, but can give most objects luminous properties or create floating light groups. However, these testers have not received training in the spell, so they use the built-in incomplete [Light Spell] array. The crystal ball tests their potential in evocation magic.

Andre once suggested using this crystal ball to directly test magic talents, but Rorschach rejected it on the grounds that the evocation system does not represent all magic. The first test must be passive and cannot allow the tester to take the initiative to complete anything.

In the penultimate test, Hannah saw a small metal ball suspended in the center. Andre put a colorful crystal under the base of the ball. Soon the ball began to rotate, and it rotated faster and faster. It began to glow with incandescence.

Hannah inexplicably felt the pressure blowing against her face like the wind, and her whole body fell into a strange experience of alternating between burning heat and cold. Andre's voice rang in his ears: "Calm your breathing, stabilize your condition! Take a deep breath!"

Hannah did as she was told, forcing herself to start taking deep breaths in and out, the discomfort subsided.

Seeing that Hannah's protective resistance test also passed, Andre stopped the prototype of the scaled-down magic-forbidden device produced by Rorschach. Rorschach's trial product could not achieve the expected effect, but it could also produce chaotic magical winds, so he put it here as a test instrument.

Taking Hannah to the last room, there was only one empty wall with a huge magic circle drawn on it, and the core was a hexagonal rune.

"Congratulations on passing all the previous tests! This means that you have the talents of transformation, illusion, plasticity and protection magic!" In Andre's view, this woman is already an all-rounder. "Next, just use the technique of lighting up the crystal ball to try to activate this magic circle, which will prove that you still have the potential of the natural system and the conjuration system.

"Don't worry if it doesn't light up. You are already qualified. I will use my magic power to help."

"That's not right." Hannah stopped and started to lick her fingers: "Transformation, illusion, plasticity. Why is the prophecy missing?" She is a member of the "Thoth Key" society, and she loves divination the most.

Can I say it's because Teacher Rorschach is not good at it? Andre felt that it was necessary to maintain the high image of the company and the Rorschach Master Tower, and explained: "The prophecy spells are too mysterious, and it cannot be judged by a simple test. With the subsequent study, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with them." Knowledge of astrology, profiling, etc.”

"Okay." Hannah accepted Andre's words. She put her hand on the rune and activated her magic power.

The magic circle lights up, and Rorschach's "magic cloud" has an additional connector.

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