Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 370: A Frank and Evil Experiment

"When can I start learning magic?" Hannah's face turned red with excitement.

Andre shook his head: "Sorry, first of all, you have to participate in the internship like everyone else, otherwise it will arouse suspicion. Also, don't forget the confidentiality agreement. As for the study time, wait for notification." Rorschach judged that there would be no end in the Magic Guild Before intervening in a war, one must keep a sufficiently low profile. If the magic is spread on a large scale, keeping secrets will be impossible.

"Of course." Hannah was a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Andre handed her an alchemy manual: "But you can learn some basic knowledge by yourself. If you don't understand, choose a time every week to come to me or Master Rorschach."

So Martin saw Hannah holding a beautifully decorated book, smiling like a flower, and coming out with the mage (apprentice). His face stiffened for a moment and he clenched his fists.

Martin even forgot how to relax his facial muscles and said to the girl without a sound: "Congratulations, Miss Vogel."

"You should call me Hannah. But Martin, do you know?"

"Yes, so congratulations on your wish"

"Great!" Hannah was always in excitement and didn't notice the other person's weirdness. She wanted to hold Martin's hand: "I just signed the confidentiality agreement, and I'm still worried about how to talk to you! Let's go together. Report"

Martin took out his hand: "No, Hannah, I have other things to do, so you can go first."

He turned around without looking back and came to a corner office.

Dong-dong-dong, the dull knocking sound reflected the thickness of the door. A well-sealed steel-clad wooden door was opened for him. There was a pungent smell inside, and it was filled with glass jars and cages. The pale magic lamp illuminated this. A strange room.

"Take another step and you can't look back." Rorschach's voice sounded inside.

"I have thought about it carefully, you don't have to test me anymore!" Martin stepped firmly into the unknown territory, the iron door closed simply, and then a mist enveloped him.

"Don't panic, hold your breath and count down to five." Martin felt a strong smell pouring into his nose, and his eyes began to feel sore. He quickly followed Rorschach's instructions to pause his breathing and closed his eyes consciously.

"Sorry, we need disinfection measures. The components in the mist are harmful to living things, but they can only kill little guys that are much smaller than humans." After Rorschach said this, Martin obtained the [Air Filter Bubble] and immediately much better.

This is a new laboratory developed by Rorschach. There is currently only one project - a living water microbial experiment.

Learning from the experience of nearly leaking information on the battlefield that caused an ecological disaster, Rorschach was more cautious this time. But this is also necessary, because his next operation is more dangerous: Rorschach is using blood and flesh to cultivate active microorganisms in a planned way. A mouse is held by his [Mage Hand], and from the rich blood vessel at the base of the tail, Make a small incision to squeeze out the venous blood.

The drop of blood dropped into the glass petri dish and it immediately reacted, with tiny tentacles waving in the petri dish. At this time, the living water body looked more like an accelerated growth of fungus than a tentacled animal.

Martin was horrified to see this scene, but the next operation was even more horrifying: Rorschach collected the No. 1 Petri dish and the corresponding mouse, then took out the second one, used a needle to absorb the microbial gel in the No. 2 Petri dish and injected it into the mouse's forehead. claw.

Soon, the little mouse began to struggle fiercely, and then fluorescent white foam came out of its mouth and eyes. Finally, it squeaked twice, as if to say: "Zhushu, this is really sent."

Then it exploded, and in Martin's dilated pupils, the torn experimental body was reflected, its blood vessels were punctured, and a strange group of living things was eating blood vessels, muscles, and even entangled bones and twisted them.

Before Rorschach could deal with it, a bird sprang out from nowhere and quickly took away the entire unknown creature. It pressed the mutated flesh and blood of the mouse with its claws, tore it into an edible size and then swallowed it. After I was full, I threaded the remaining part onto the test tube rack.

This guy was the body borrowed by the clone. On the day the clone's soul returned, Rorschach watched it fly away, and then immediately realized that there might be living magical microorganisms in the bird and he had to catch it.

Fortunately, it was exhausted and Rorschach didn't waste much effort. When he fed the bird, he was surprised to find that the bird seemed to have the ability to cast spells - the raw grains in its beak would quickly sprout and grow into young plants. However, it likes to eat meat, including insects. It became its hobby to imitate the past spellcasting of its clone - plants that spawned grains, inserted between its feathers, and fluttered with green leaves towards Rorschach.

So Rorschach took in a magical bird that lived in symbiosis with microorganisms and named it "Gasid Getz" in memory of Yaz. However, Gezi still has a role. It inspired Rorschach to study the possibility of symbiosis between other creatures and living water bodies, and then gave them magical abilities. Another responsibility is to deal with failed experiments.

He first determined that his blood transformed the microorganisms and could establish subtle reactions with him, and then he began to try to see if they could be safely transplanted into other organisms. He has now tried injecting and adding the mice's own blood to increase affinity. So far there's been little progress.

He needs help. After all, in the magical world, people and other humanoid intelligent races are special existences. Their affinity with magic and their position in the biological chain are special, so Rorschach decided to try to give miracles to people without the ability to cast spells. .

This is dangerous research and will definitely not be allowed, but since we are pursuing excitement, we must carry it out to the end.

But Rorschach hasn't figured out how to symbiosis. Anyway, he is not the master of the 21st century in his previous life, so he cannot do any genetic modification. The idea is still the same as using mice.

"It's time." Rorschach's voice was like the ghost of death in Martin's ears. He stepped back until he touched the locked door.

It’s over! His throat moved, and he silently recited Hannah's name in his mind, and squeezed out a sentence: "Am I going to die too? Don't let that bird eat me!"

"What are you thinking about?" Rorschach called him over, took out a small reagent bottle, and separated some strains of bacteria. In order to dispel the concerns of the experimenters, Rorschach took the lead in injecting five drops of his own blood. The bacteria inside turned out to be very honest and showed no abnormalities.

Seeing Rorschach's demonstration, Martin calmed down a little. He pricked his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood according to Rorschach's instructions. However, as soon as his blood droplet came into contact with the bacteria, the microorganisms immediately reacted. Sure enough, these tiny guys are submissive to Rorschach and attack other creatures with tiny fists.

"Now you have to carry this small bottle with you and put three drops of blood into it at nine o'clock every morning, no more and no less.

"If it's less, it won't be able to survive, and your hope of gaining the ability to cast spells will be dashed; if it's too much, the little guy's overactivation will pose a threat." In short, it means hanging on half-dead, cultivating dependence and affinity for the blood provider like an eagle. Spend.

Microorganisms iterate very quickly, which is possible.

"Don't spill it or leak it into the water. If an accident occurs, come to me immediately." Rorschach insured Martin and took out a necklace. The pendant of the necklace was an alloy box engraved with a magic circuit. Just enough to fit into the reagent bottle:

"If this box is destroyed, high heat will be generated immediately to kill the microorganisms inside. If you are unfortunately burned, I promise to cure it. Come to this laboratory to see me on the first and sixth days of every ten days. Observe the situation.”

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