Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 371 Don’t call me principal

"My request is to keep it confidential. You must keep it confidential. If someone knows what you are involved in after you leave this room, not only will our cooperation end, but your life will also end. Mr. Martin, I have never coerced you, right?"

Martin put on the necklace: "Yes, Master Rorschach, you are a fair person. I know that power has a price."

Rorschach waved his hand: "Don't say that, it makes me sound like I am doing some evil experiment. I am just doing academic research, and you are a volunteer, do you understand? I demonstrated the failed example to you, and I am also frank, hoping to make you aware of the danger. I promise you that I will never let you take risks before finding a safe way to transplant microorganisms."

Mr. Martin, a spiritual local in Stockholm, was moved. He held Rorschach's hand: "You are my role model! My morning star!" The morning star is probably the idol in the semantics of the previous life, but it may also have religious color.

I would rather be a mass entrepreneur than an idol or a leader, do you understand that it will collapse! Rorschach shook off Martin's hand and formally arranged a job for him:

"Volunteer is just one of your identities. You still need to do practical work during the internship! Let me be frank, your resume is very exaggerated!"

Martin was extremely ashamed. He felt sorry for the kind man: "Mr. Rorschach, I admit that it was Miss Hannah Vogel who taught me how to do accounting temporarily."

"It's okay. I have other arrangements. Do you know newspaper editors? Future Trading Company is going to prepare a newspaper company with two newspapers: Kempson Steelworkers and Bain Gossip. They are in need of writers like you. Because it is a start-up, you need to be an editor, a reporter, and a writer."

"No problem! It's great that you are willing to give me a chance!" Martin seemed to have forgotten that he only had food and accommodation during the internship and no salary, but it did not affect his gratitude.

He was given a call because Rorschach saw that his doggerel was bad enough! That's good, because it means he doesn't have literary youth syndrome, or at least it won't be very serious when he gets sick: "Regarding the content, I have a special request - your press releases or other texts must be read to an old woman who has never read a book, and she can only report it after she understands and figures out what's going on."

This is indeed a strange request, but what can an intern complain about? Martin happily agreed, and after another disinfection, he went out to find Hannah.

The test of magic talent was carried out at the same time as the enrollment of new schools and the recruitment of interns, and even a small-scale survey of factory employees was started, and files were established for everyone.

This made Andre very busy, because the fewer people involved in related work, the better. For new students and parents, there is only one explanation - test your child's IQ.

Don't understand? It's just to test whether your child is stupid or dumb!

Anyway, there are only three results announced to the public: smart, very smart, and extremely smart, and they are released randomly. In the future, if the child's grades are not good, the teacher will comfort the parents: This child is actually quite smart, but he didn't study hard. If the parents really believe it, Mr. Rorschach will also say: The child's great intelligence must have been inherited from you!

But he is not a teacher now, but the principal!

The former technical school of the Metallurgical Association was upgraded to the "Bain Southern Engineering School" and was grandly unveiled. It also has an affiliated basic education college, which is a mixture of primary and secondary schools, but the compulsory education period is not that long. First, they teach for three years, and after the examination, the smart ones are screened out, and the rest study for another two years. Those with excellent grades can go directly to the engineering school, or ask the principal to write a letter of recommendation to see if other universities are willing to accept them.

Yes, of course there is no "college entrance examination" now, but the letter of recommendation for "large-scale fair competition assessment, unified enrollment method for higher education institutions in Bain" is on the way to the palace.

"Principal!" Andre, who discovered Rorschach's obsession with the school and had a keen sense of smell, has changed to a new title and used it the first time he entered the office.

But this time he guessed wrong. Rorschach, who didn't want to be driven to the island, didn't like this name: "Call me Rorschach from now on. There's not much difference in age between us."

"Yes, Mr. Rorschach. These are all the test results, and the statistical table you requested is also out."

Rorschach glanced at the more than 400 new students of primary and secondary school age. There was a child with excellent magic talent, who could directly enter the Tower of Secret Magic as an apprentice, and another talented but worse, about the same level as Andre.

Among the interns of the three companies and the Bardolom Trading Company, it was 2:312, Hannah and the second son of a small noble. They had not received any magic-related education. The level of their peers among the apprentices would be higher, but with Rorschach's assistance, it was enough to cast spells.

In the last three steel plant teams that were randomly checked, none of them were there.

Although the sample size was still small, Rorschach roughly estimated that the proportion among children basically met the "three thousandths" proposed by Master Kano, and that among those who had received university education, it was slightly higher. Was it because their brains were more mature? Did they have a deeper understanding of the world?

And the laborers have none. Perhaps the more products they produce, the more numb and thin they become.

"Thank you for your hard work. Follow the textbooks I provide first, and adjust them according to the actual situation later." Andre was very familiar with the textbooks Rorschach mentioned, because they were the materials used by the Valoiana Normal School. They may not adapt to the local environment and may not be suitable for all children, but the school has just opened, so they can only be adjusted continuously. Fortunately, there are still teachers and lesson plans from the old guild schools and charity schools.

However, Andre is the most suitable person to teach them. Rorschach is only familiar with the "Basics of Alchemy" compiled by himself.

"Should I learn martial arts?" Andre joked.

"You're right, it's necessary. But during this period of time, I'll ask you to help me look after the school."

Rorschach's words shocked Andre: "Then there is a new factory in Lanster that doesn't need me?"

"I'll do the work. Currently, magic is overused in craftsmanship. If every factory requires large-scale converter support and mithril alloy wires, the construction cost will be extremely high and it will not be replicable. And it is relatively Compared with ordinary skilled workers, how can there be so many mages and magic apprentices to maintain our alchemy equipment? At least not now.

"So we must gradually optimize and retain the important and irreplaceable arrays, while other protective arrays and heat sources must gradually find replacements, replace intensive care with better steel and pressure-bearing design, and train more workers and masters. Reduce the current burden on the tower spirit.

"Until the students in this school mature and people without magic talent but who can understand magic join the factory, more magic crafts can be rolled out for production."

"You're right."

Rorschach stood up and packed his things: "Before I leave Kempson, I'll take a few lessons."

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