Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 372 Your Majesty, what is the motherland?

Impassioned speeches came from the classroom. Rorschach and Andre walked over one after another. It was a young lecturer who read a special letter to the young people.

“Your Majesty, your great King, must withdraw your objections to the formation of the National Guard, for you will convince the people that the King is no longer the King of the Valois nation, but the King of exiles and enemies.

"Since the birth of the country of Valois, countless people have made great efforts and sacrifices for it, and it continues to this day. Whether the devotees are in the name of God, or for glory or family, for wealth or fields, all people can only do so in the name of God. It is in the struggle against a common enemy that we can unite as the oppressed.

“Therefore, the motherland is not a fantasy in carols, not an imagination in words, it is the beauty poured out through blood and terror, and it is the homeland of the Valois people.

"It is the motherland that has always given you and her successive rulers authority, and the form of the motherland is determined by struggle, which is why I dare not call her 'kingdom'. Please remember that it is not the leader of the struggle who decides the struggle, but the leader of the struggle." It is the object of struggle!

“Struggle means disappointment in the past and hope in the future.

“If you do not change your position, still stand on the side of the weakened power, still hope that external forces will intervene and change your situation, and allow people to focus from the disappointment of the past and hope for the future to the despair of the present, then the struggle will be It will happen in the most cruel and tragic form, that is, a more thorough change!”

This is actually a letter written by the Minister of the Interior of the Holy Kingdom to Charles XVI!

As the kingdom's three old legions struggled to fend off the imperial army, the northern blade gradually approached the royal capital, and the entire kingdom once again fell into great turmoil. Except for Charles XVI who was confined to the palace.

He can only use his influence on the royalists to influence the situation now, and firmly believes that the deterioration of the war will only benefit him - if the church army wins, the royal power will be rebuilt along with the rise of the church's authority; it doesn't matter if they lose, the empire The emperor has promised Charles to restore his "dignity as a king", and his wife is a relative of the emperor. In short, they are a family.

So when the parliamentarians headed by Maxim "The Rock" pushed for national salvation, especially the formation of the National Guard, Charles XVI tried his best to obstruct it.

Even his Minister of the Interior could not stand it anymore and wrote this letter of admonishment despite the wrath of the king (no longer lethal) and the risk of being dismissed.

Then he was fired by the furious Charles XVI.

Former Minister of the Interior Roland followed the example of "Master of Alchemy" Necker and also made the letter public, causing an uproar centered in Valouana and even affecting Byrne.

Now, the young people under the podium also heard the content of this letter, and the reciter was impassioned, deep and sincere.

Students are listening and students are thinking.

They, too, have a country, and a king.


Slow applause sounded from the door, and the speaker was startled. He put away his lecture notes and said hesitantly: "Now is the history class. The students are all interested in the current war. It happens that I have something related to Valuana in my hand. news."

You can read newspapers about the war, and read how the empire's mouthpieces preached how the army was victorious. It is quite intriguing that this lecturer chose to read such a letter to the impulsive young man, which was not easy to obtain and would not be allowed to be circulated within the empire.

Idealism is the crystallization of intelligence, virtue and conscience. It is not exclusive to a certain group or a certain region.

The lecturer was a little uneasy. He knew that Master Rorschach was very close to Byrne's royal family, and he was afraid that Master Rorschach was good at association and scrutiny.

But Rorschach said with a smile on his face: "Students, you are lucky to have such a teacher." After that, he left the classroom and did not forget to close the door: "But when talking about these sensitive things, please close the door. "

Although it is winter, the entire school is heated! The school near the heat source was so hot and stuffy that the door had to be opened. Not only that, Rorschach also wants to heat the newly built residential houses.

After all, we all work in steel plants and coal chemical plants! If he could still suffer from the cold, then Rorschach could find a piece of coal and injure himself to death.

The person who has the most opinions on the "Warm Housing Project" is Jason. Although this leather-clad man used to lead a mobile engineering team, the current situation was turbulent. He and other dwarves had always decided that signing a long-term agreement with a high-quality employer was a wise choice.

Originally, he could just cultivate it, but the dwarf's nature was very objectionable to a power workshop with a heating function.

For example, the high-pressure steam coming out of the waste heat boiler travels through low-alloy high-pressure resistant pipes. There were no rare earths from the previous life, so Luo Xia tried them one by one with those used in alchemy, and made a batch of high-pressure-resistant pipes.

After flaw detection, those with no obvious defects were sent to Lanster, and the remaining ones with minor flaws did not need to be returned to the furnace. Rorschach used magic to shape and reinforce them and then used them on the heating source bus. Compared to synthetic ammonia with a pressure of hundreds of atmospheres Production line, steam pressure is very easy.

In Jason's eyes, these high-temperature and impact-resistant "super steels" should be used to make invincible and cool armor, but they turned into thick tubes with a diameter higher than his.

"It's nothing. I expected to spend so much money, so I just treated it as a technical reserve." Luo Xia was very indifferent.

"Technology - reserve?" Jason immediately understood the meaning of the phrase: "Reserve for what?" He slapped the steel pipe hard and made a banging sound. This was because he hated steel and said: "Aren't you making cannons? Cannons? Cannons?"

"If a cannonball can hit hundreds of kilometers, it's not bad compared to magic, right?" Rorschach hugged it and said, "Of course it doesn't have to be something stupid, big and black."

Jason shook his head: "That's magic!"

"Okay, let's go and get the money to work. The construction schedule can't be delayed while I'm away. If there is more rain after spring, the construction conditions will not be so good."

After assigning the task, Rorschach embarked on the journey back to Lanster. Guz on his shoulder persisted in trying to put wheat seedlings in his master's hair.

Nowadays, there are more and more obstacles blocking the road, so Rorschach simply hangs his own license on his mount, which is parchment anyway. Even so, there are still several lines of defense guarded by soldiers who will intercept and inspect them.

It wasn't until we entered the mountain forest between the two cities that the forest paths became smoother. A few dark shadows occasionally flashed across the sky covered with dead branches and evergreen trees.

Rorschach knew it was the "Air Cavalry." The royal family regarded this unit as a treasure and always wanted to expand it, but Taling's computing power was tight and Rorschach refused.

Now that more people are connected to the "Spell Cloud", Rorschach has to adjust and upload more magic. Upgrading it has become an urgent issue, which is why he is anxious to return to Lanster.

There was movement from the left side of the rustling forest, and Luo Xia Le Ma used [Mirror Flowers, Water Moon] to hide her figure. On the other side of the road, Byrne's light cavalry and the front row soldiers responsible for driving the mountain appeared first, followed by the large troops.

This legion, which did not take the main road, had to pass through the forest, and the line was extremely long. Rorschach could fly over, but the horses would be frightened, so he could only wait patiently for the team to pass.

Among them, Rorschach saw a familiar figure, riding a vehicle that was taller than an ordinary war horse and swaggering with the army.

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