Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 373 Gobo Precision Instrument Factory

The one riding a tall horse and swaggering through the streets was, of course, Bart.

This wizard accompanying the army seemed to have become a little more plump after marriage, almost reaching the standard of "muscular". He wore a white robe inlaid with gold. In addition to an enchanted ring on one hand, there were bags of spellcasting materials hanging around his waist and saddle.

Not only that, there were classical metal decorations hanging on the harness. Rorschach used [Arcane Vision] to see that there was no magical reaction, just pure decoration.

Regardless of his identity as a wizard, he was definitely the fat fish that the kidnappers liked the most.

Rorschach thought for a moment, reached out and tapped Gutz on his shoulder, and the bird's eyes suddenly lit up with wisdom.

The march was always on a small road, and some places had grown grass and trees because there were few people walking on it. In short, it was not suitable for tall horses to pass through. Bart frequently checked his pocket watch and complained to the commander who was walking in parallel: "I think we won't be able to reach the South Camp before the sun sets."

"If that's the case, then we can only camp here. Fortunately, it's winter now, so we don't have to worry about mosquitoes." The commander comforted him.

Suddenly Bart's scalp tightened, and he looked around suspiciously. There was only a branch, but the mage always felt that someone was staring at him. Bart also turned on [Arcane Vision], and when he was about to scan.

"Ah, my eyes!" Bart was about to scan 360° when he was suddenly blinded by the wind and sand.

The commander was like a great enemy, and immediately asked the team to stop and be on guard, and then asked the scouts to explore the situation in the forest. Unfortunately, there were only a few bird calls, and nothing happened.

"Maybe it was just the wind that blew up the sand and happened to get into your eyes." After finding nothing, the commander thought it was a natural phenomenon, put away the scouts and continued to move forward. He took out the essential oil: "Are your eyes okay? I have the henbane eye drops prepared by the doctor." Henbane is a southern plant, and its juice can soothe the eyeballs.

"No, I still suspect there is an enemy." Bart was alert for a while, and only relaxed his hand holding the scroll after confirming that there was no abnormality. Although he did not find the enemy, he was much more cautious. He took off all the ornaments on the horse and the pure white cloak, and changed into the same uniform as other knights.

A strange bird cry sounded, and Bart shuddered. He wanted to catch the bird that made the sound, but the target had disappeared on the branch.

Rorschach stretched out his hand to hold the clone, took back the soul, and fed Gutz a few insects.

After confirming that Bart was restrained, he was relieved to set off. Since this army did not take the main road and Bart did not tell him, there might be inconveniences, and Rorschach could not find out the truth. Bart should not be able to see the bird clone, but he could not guarantee that other wizards accompanying the army would not see the abnormality.

The marching team was not long, and there was no team specializing in transporting supplies following, which meant that their range of activities was not far, and they should be in Byrne, where they could be supplied on the spot.

Rorschach watched the last soldier disappear into the forest, and then he emerged and mounted his horse: "That's it, we have to hurry up."

When Rorschach arrived in Lanst, the sun was about to set. He pushed open the door of a small factory, walked into the place with the bird on his shoulder and the afterglow of winter.

This factory nominally belongs to Becken Gopper, who has gotten rid of the identity of "unlucky apprentice" and became the factory director.

Of course, "Gopper Precision Instrument Factory" is just a code name. Like the other three major factories, it also belongs to the real creator Rorschach. From Munich to Würzburg, no one will question this.

Rorschach no longer cares about the equity, amount and other twists and turns. He only cares whether these factories can realize his ideas, how much material they can affect and produce, and how many people's livelihoods and even lives they can dominate.

The factory in front of him is still relatively empty, and all the machine tools are smaller than Kempson's, because it is precision-made. As the name suggests, the things made by the small factory are no longer limited to clocks and watches, especially when the (forced) studious Gopper has learned systematic mechanical theory and superficial classical mechanics, he is confident that he can try out the instruments proposed by Rorschach.

The pressure gauges, timers, and flow meters used by Bassev and Kempson Steel Plants all come from here, and there are even trial-made thermocouples, but the metal here is different from that in Rorschach's previous life. Only the principles need to be continuously experimented and accumulate data, and it takes a long process to be put into use.

The masters of other clock rooms are very concerned about this factory. They heard that Gopper, a young man who just graduated, can get the same salary as the master master, and they are already unbalanced. Bacon Gopper, who "gets the factory for a villain", also offered high prices to recruit people and poach the workshop's corners.

In response, the old masters scolded him for breaking the rules of the industry, and at the same time sent their own children to work in the factory, and repeatedly told them to behave well in front of Rorschach.

Seeing Rorschach coming, Gao Po immediately stood up from the workbench to greet him. The other apprentices took a look and immediately buried their heads in their own work, trying their best to be professional and "turn a deaf ear to the outside world" - this is also a part of "performing well".

Rorschach was very satisfied with this state. After looking around, he went all the way to the closed workshop accompanied by the factory director.

The only reinforced workshop in the factory is guarded by golems. Two earth golems are covered with steel plates and heavy hammers, consciously making way for their masters.

There are alchemy-related items stored inside, such as several sets of "Sky Knight" equipment on the bracket, but each one has slight differences, and there are also sealed computing unit parts.


"Yes." Gopper unveiled it for Rorschach - in the center of the workshop are two analytical machines, designed by the Munich Institute of Technology. Of course, they are a masterpiece of Byrne's reverse Istani drawings, simplifying the components and compressing the size. Get "tiny" mechanical computers the size of wardrobes.

Compared with the clock-like computing units, the two machines have more repetitive structures and can perform much simpler operations.

Many of the parts here are made by the masters in the outside workshop, but they don't know the purpose, so Gopper is responsible for assembling them all. Rorschach only trusted this craftsman who had accepted the "secret contract".

The mage cast the [Ether Membrane Space Compression Technique], and the two machines rose off the ground, whirled and shrunk, becoming only as big as a palm in Gopper's admiring eyes, like exquisite music boxes.

"Congratulations, your spells have improved again." Gopper showed a flattering smile.


"When you shrunk that cavalry equipment last month, it didn't have such a large compression ratio." He gestured at the size.

"Compression ratio" is all here, and it's not in vain. Rorschach was amused and smiled: "You can still use the words you learned."

Gooper felt that he had succeeded in making Rorschach happy, and he laughed along with him.

But the mage's smile became inexplicably sinister: "Beacon Gooper, you can't say similar things to other spell casters. The mage's spell casting level is like a woman's age. Any mention of it is offensive."

After reminding him, Rorschach handed him two prepared scrolls, both of which were [Arcane Vision]. This was of great help when assembling alchemical instruments, because not all circuits were exposed on the surface. After the explanation, Rorschach quickly left the instrument factory.

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