Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 374 Descriptors and Ring Orders

Rorschach doesn't like Gooper, at least not the current owner of the factory.

When he wanted to explore his own work, Rorschach was moved by his spirit. Not only did he give him the drawings of the computing core, he also paid a lot of money to hire a professor to give him extra lessons. Rorschach hoped that he could advance from a craftsman in a craft to an engineer who understood the basic principles.

Gao Bo's learning progress surprised Rorschach again, and then he handed over the newly founded instrument factory to the young man, as well as the basic knowledge of making alchemy tools.

Including Rorschach himself, Andre, and newly recruited interns to fill management positions and promote new masters who are more dissatisfied with the previous workshop. His business is organized by a grass-roots team composed of a group of young boys.

But they are not all young boys. For example, Mr. Hasay, or the person in charge of the steel plant, they are all "old sausages" who have changed their ways from the original trading company/guild and also inherited some habits. When Gopper suddenly changed from an apprentice to the "master of the first factory", he was on an equal footing with the heads of the three major factories, and because he had to deliver instruments, he was entertained and feasted a lot, and he gradually became slick.

This is an objective factor. Rorschach's decision at the time may have been too casual and did not take this into consideration. But he still doesn't like Gooper because of Andre's comparison.

This apprentice, who was called "Valuana" with some contempt by everyone when he first arrived, has now become a role below Rorschach and above other leaders. Others will finally solemnly call him "Ander" Mr. Lie”.

But he was not dazzled by the influx of wine, money and flattery. More importantly, Rorschach can still joke around with him. Andre had respect for Rorschach as a teacher, but that was all.

Andre's existence makes Rorschach convinced that he can bring more changes, and Gooper's transformation reminds him that many things will not change. Thinking this way, Rorschach didn't know whether he hated Gooper himself or the reality he had to face.

Rorschach returned to the computer room where the Talling body was housed. He released the machine and modified the interface so that the Talling could connect to it. Working can drive away such worries.

The machine was running, and Rorschach wanted to test the newly added functions. He uploaded a new magic [Spirit Armor], but the analysis speed did not speed up much.

"Analyze the sound. Are you sighing?"

"Your performance has not been significantly improved. It is the same first-level spell as the last [Electric Claw], and the analysis speed has not been accelerated."

Ta Ling's voice showed no fluctuation: "Master during analysis, I think your test is not rigorous enough. The speed of uploading and parsing spells needs to take into account the limit of the connection between the storage unit and the computing unit, and the resources occupied even by spells of the same ring. It’s different. For example, compared to [Electric Claw] which only converts electrical energy, I also need to call up the concept of ‘armor’ to understand the entire model of [Spirit Armor] and disassemble the ‘entries’.”

Rorschach was not in a good mood. He said casually: "Well, I wrongly blamed you."

But Ta Ling's next words shocked him: "And I think your thinking is wrong."

"Huh?" He jumped up and turned, turned, and the tower spirit stabbed its master in the face!

He waited for the next step to see whether he would give it a reward or unformat it. The tower spirit could not feel Rorschach's thoughts and just said straightforwardly: "Is there a direct relationship between the number of hardware connected to my body and my performance? With the core The weak performance cannot simulate human-like thinking like Ta Ling at all.

"It's just using [Intellect Enlightenment] to transform a main core into a soul container, and then adding computing machines. To 'me', it's just adding more available tools, sharing simple tasks, and it won't let them The nature of it has also undergone a qualitative change.”

After all, no matter how sophisticated these machines are, they cannot compete with billions of transistors. Rorschach has already understood this, so Ta Ling's soul inherited his conclusion: "Continuing to add machinery will only make the improvement in performance smaller and smaller. It is recommended that you stop starting with simple substances and consider structural changes. Good 'container' form."

Rorschach agreed with Taling's suggestion, but he began to doubt: "You are right, but how should I upgrade you next?"

"." Taling was silent for a moment before continuing to activate the wave function analysis machine and sound-generating components: "Sorry, I can only give you suggestions based on the memories inherited in my soul. The above are all your existing cognitions. What follows? Innovation is your privilege.”

Luo Xia felt a little relieved. He continued to think along the tower spirit's reminder and realized that there was also a problem with the "spell cloud" now. Today's "polarized crystal system" storage is definitely an improvement compared to paper tapes, but why do spells need to be stored like this? Obviously, the memories carried by the tower spirit are not stored in storage units. But there is no storage unit, and the tower spirit does not have the ability to cast spells. Its sound still relies on the external magic circle.

"At least it gives a vague direction on how to improve next." Rorschach muttered and continued.

Previously, the spells were recorded in their entirety, and then the tower spirit analyzed, disassembled, and compared the "entries" uploaded by Rorschach. Even the same entry has differences, such as "element conversion". Different proficiency levels cause different effects, and the target elements that can be converted are also different.

After the tower spirit analyzed it, although it could not understand it, it could compare the frequency differences of the same "entry" in different spells and analyze more information. After finding the differences and similarities, Rorschach and Taling worked together to finalize the "characteristics" that corresponded to the entries one-to-one and the "descriptors" that guided the differentiation of the spells.

Build a system that interweaves the two to get a new way of chanting and casting. The "Major Accident Reversal" developed by Rorschach before is a spell string composed of multiple magics. As the first spell uploaded, Rorschach can only edit it with simple coding, but if there are more spells in the future, this unsystematic way will cause various conflicts and occupy storage resources.

Now with the addition of "descriptors", the tower spirit can call basic "entries" to provide more effects to the caster, and the caster himself has more freedom. Of course, Rorschach will not easily disclose the rules of this set of "descriptors". If the wizard who uses the "Spell Cloud" to assist in casting has a high enough understanding and mastery of this system, he will naturally learn how to match the "descriptors".

"The tower spirit's response and processing capabilities are limited. In the future, when the number of users increases, the tower spirit's processing capabilities and priorities must be reasonably allocated." So Rorschach added a series of special "level descriptors" to the "descriptors". The higher the level descriptor corresponding to the magic that occupies the tower spirit's processing power, the tower spirit will respond only if the correct level descriptor is added in the correct position during the chanting.

The corresponding levels are ready. According to the education of the Royal Academy of Magic, the ring-level system that has been passed down to this day was created by the earliest "Arcane Senate" for better communication and education, as well as to facilitate the assessment of the contribution of wizards' research. It is divided based on the comprehensive learning difficulty, casting difficulty and spell effect.

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