Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 375 Crisis, but making money

"It would be best if I could get a complete spell table."

Perhaps the guilds, especially the Arcane Senate, have mastered most of the currently known spells, otherwise how could they level up?

However, Rorschach vaguely felt that it was not that simple. The "ring level" may not be the product of a group of top mages "slapping on the forehead". He has seen the "Tree of Law" hanging upside down twice. The intersections on it are also distributed in circles, but there are sixteen levels!

The currently public and known spells are only nine levels, which coincidentally coincide with the caster level created by later generations. As for the ancient mage, this being was far more powerful than today's archmage. The peak spell he showed Rorschach was what he called "super magic", which should be higher than the ninth level.

The further up the tree you climb, the closer you are to the root, and the rarer it is to be illuminated. Rorschach remembered that the faintly flickering nodes at that time ended at the eleventh ring.

He evaluated the performance of the current tower spirit, decided to arrange a level descriptor up to the sixth level, and designed a variant according to the spell system.

This seems to be a way to make things difficult for the caster, but it is also a way to optimize the corresponding speed: in this way, when the tower spirit reads the level descriptor, it can also identify what series of spells the caster wants to emit, allowing the tower spirit to narrow the scope of the entry. Predict the "terms" that are likely to be used next.

This greatly compresses the casting process. However, in Rorschach's opinion, the whole system is still a bit rough. Although he has evolved from a "mute English" player to a "mute magic" player, he is not completely opposed to chanting, material assistance, gestures and other means. What he likes to use is Gestures assist in casting spells.

These either focus the spirit of the caster or are like miniature rituals to better mobilize the magic of the environment or create a stronger connection with the canon layer.

Therefore, in the future, "Spell Cloud" should also introduce this system, or be compatible with traditional auxiliary means, such as allowing spellcasters to use other means to mobilize magic power. Especially when more spells and higher energy levels are loaded in the future, even when the "talisman" is not enough to refer to.

"It's really a long road ahead." Luo Xia was a little tired after the adjustment and half slumped on the chair.

“You shouldn’t be left alone to design, one person has limitations, like.”

"Like what?" Rorschach found that Taling was very bold today.

"You should find more collaborators to make up for your weaknesses, or introduce new ideas to improve the compatibility of this system."

Speaking of this, Rorschach suddenly thought of someone—Teacher Caroline! If she can join the plan, she can replenish space-related spells. The previous letter received a reply, and Caroline had no intention of coming to Byrne for the time being. She seemed to be still sticking to her post and processing the stargazing data collected at sea.

He became energetic and sat upright in his chair: "Yes, you can contact the teacher again to join the plan."

"That's right, that's right." Talling sounded cheerful as if encouraging Rorschach.

Then Rorschach took out another piece of paper: "And Ms. Elizabeth, she is good at time-related magic, as well as spells and changes."

Ta Ling did not expect that Luo Xia would not be satisfied with just one, but would also like to find two more: ". That's fine too."

In the end, Rorschach was excited: "Would the Forest Tower be willing to teach me low-to-mid-level natural magic? It would be great if I could find a magic guild to get a public spell table! Master Feuerbach. He has a weird temper and masters They should also be some profound spells, which are not considered at this stage."

"." Ta Ling gave up on himself: "Just open source your system so that everyone can upload spells."

"That would be great! Why else would there be a magic guild or a paper that could not withstand plagiarism checks?" Rorschach had a beautiful vision, as if he had now become the "God of Open Source" and could "Start the Source God" at any time. "!

"Hey wait a minute, if I'm going to do this, my head will be blown by the old guy from the Austrian Senate? The situation is not chaotic enough now, so we can't get too excited." Rorschach shook his head: "Just test it in a small area first. , it’s better to find Teacher Caroline first.”

He took the letter and ran to the Magic Guild office. Yes, due to the growing population and industrial scale of Lanster, more and more apprentices who failed to be promoted to work in the factory, and it was said that Rorschach was permanently stationed here, the guild actually An office was opened.

It is currently nestled in a bungalow at the junction of the old city and the new city. Of course, it does not have complete supporting facilities and permissions. The teleportation array always points to the nearest Munich hub to connect to the communication network.

With the victory of the empire and the pressure from the upper echelons of the guild, the restrictions on communication within the empire have been lifted. Rorschach can be sent to Caroline quickly. However, the link to the Holy Kingdom is still in dispute, and the guild is unwilling to accept the empire. The empire did not want to let go of the review.

Now that the empire's anti-magic device has been exposed, the empire threatens to deploy it to the guild's border node cities to block cross-border communications. The guild threatens the empire. If they do this, the empire and the guild will become enemies.

It's a pity that the empire also has mages, and those military spell casters who have become small "honored nobles" and own manors in the north are the empire's "hardcore". And even if the empire cannot threaten the mages, how can the guild staff and senior spell casters ? Don't they have any weaknesses?

The two parties are still quarreling.

If Rorschach said that they were just talking, they were really at odds. On the one hand, the empire opened all the magic suppression devices in the major cities, and used cannons to guilds and mage towers to renovate the land, which would be a heavy blow. On the other hand, the mage could send out masters. Master Gao had all of them, including the Speaker, Prime Minister and Emperor, be shot in the back by six magic missiles, "ending themselves" to their sinful lives.

Anyway, in his opinion, the chief military mage was not very strong.

Unbeknownst to Rorschach, the Empire allowed the guilds to continue trading across borders, as long as goods imported and exported from the Empire were thoroughly inspected. Although the guild does not want the empire to extend this set of standards to messaging, it is really great to make huge profits!

What's more exciting than smuggling is that if others want to smuggle, the guild can monopolize the channels. So now the two sides are constantly quarreling at the bottom, while the upper-level people are trying to make money together. The hypocritical appearance is part of the show: show it to the majority of the people of the empire who already hate the Holy Kingdom.

The masses boycotted enemy goods. The pillars of the empire did not taste the fine wine from Valois, and the ladies stopped comparing themselves to the styles of the Valois court and the most fashionable costume jewelry.

Just when Rorschach was thinking about it, a reminder from the staff interrupted his thoughts: "Sir, your letter has been sent." After speaking, the staff sighed: "Have you heard that a device has appeared in the empire? , can it block magic?"

"I heard." Rorschach showed a confident smile: "I also heard that it lasted for a short time."

"Anyway, it would be bad if it interferes with our defense circle and communication system." The staff organized the documents and muttered casually: "The Holy Kingdom has a communication device that does not rely on magic to operate. The branch of the Holy Kingdom has already put it into trial operation. Yes. At first we thought it was unnecessary, but now it seems that others have gotten the news.”

"Yes, yes." As a spellcaster, Rorschach should feel the same for the guild's current predicament and work together to advance and retreat, but for some reason, he couldn't help but smile.

Before the staff noticed, she guided Rorschach to leave the guild while talking: "We also want this set of technology. We have obtained the drawings from the branch in Valois, but there are still many things that we can't understand at the moment. If there is A technician in this area would be great.”

"Madam, you are taking the wrong route. I am the person you are looking for. The name you are talking about is the 'telegraph system'. Take me to the person in charge of this place quickly."

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