Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 376 Make money without avoiding relatives

When Rorschach showed that he had mastered the technology of wired telecommunications, the staff reported it to the person in charge, who quickly sent a letter to the branch director in Munich.

"Do you have time? The chairman wants to discuss with you."

"Are you going to Munich again?"

"No, he came in person. Right away."

The Magic Guild has been observing Rorschach. A wizard like him who actively intervenes in ordinary people's business and develops industries is an anomaly, especially in the Byrne Kingdom. If he was still in the Holy Kingdom, such actions would not appear so abrupt.

The Tower of Secrets and other magic towers in the empire suddenly discovered that the present was different from the past. In the past, they were high up and looked down from the sky. Now their superiority is based on a huge system, organized with the authorities and merchants of the empire, and is involved. One shot moves the whole body.

If there is no war, this development trend will continue. When the war begins, both sides will have to examine their relationship.

Therefore, the magic guilds in Byrne are evaluating what Rorschach has done, and the investment in the Tower of Secrets is more like casting stones to see if they want to follow him.

Coupled with the threat of the "magic-forbidden device" and the most important thing - the Thirteen Towers and the guilds can no longer monopolize relevant knowledge, the empire can use mages to deter mages.

The secular authorities are wooing magical power, and the guilds are seeking technologies that do not rely on magic. This is a two-way game.

The communication circle was emptied, and the transmission of all letters was suspended. After the operator poured in the maximum amount of crystals and magic power, the brightness of the magic circle circuit reached its extreme value - at this time it no longer transmitted files, but instead transmitted the chairman of Byrne's branch.

The light on the circuit of the teleportation array faded away, leaving traces of scorched black cracks on the edges of individual turning points and intersections. It seems that limiting transmission is still necessary to maintain the communication system. If large items and people are frequently transmitted, the magic circle will often operate at full capacity and the losses will be astonishing.

Of course there is a constant teleportation circle, but it requires extra money. If they are built to the highest standards, the cost of the guild's communication network will soar.

The chairman here is not as flamboyant as the one in Valoisana. He is an old man with a big belly and a beard and rosacea. If he were not wearing a wizard's robe, he would look more like a farmer who wants to drink two bottles of beer after work: "Master Rorschach, How much do you know about Valois' new communications technology?"

"Did you come here without asking your subordinates for confirmation first?"

"This shows that our guild respects you and attaches great importance to related matters. This is related to the safety of the guild and the interests of all mages." The chairman's appearance is simple, but he still has a decent tone.

Since it is all mages, why not let Valuvana's guild share all the techniques? After the chairman came over, Rorschach saw the drawings and thin manual sent from the Valois branch. There are drawings of transceiver machines and even switches designed by Master Poincaré.

It can be said that it is full of sincerity. But would this allow Byrne's guild to set up a telegraph? Of course not. Rorschach knew that the training of personnel and the various difficulties encountered during the laying process could not be explained clearly in a brochure. Even the technical manual, like the public patent document, was vague in key places.

And the guild staff still can’t understand it! For example, symbols related to electricity were all formulated using the Alchemy Department, and Rorschach was also fortunate to participate in them. However, these symbols were explained in the booklet with only one or two lines of small print, followed by a long list of formulas, which confused everyone in the guild who was not proficient in mathematics and evocation spells.

When Rorschach explained the basic principles and their meaning to them, the branch chairman's little eyes became brighter and brighter. Although he still couldn't understand, he believed in this "outstanding young man from the empire" and "Duma" who had studied abroad in the Tower of Stars. There is something real about "River Scholar".

Luo Xia saw that the guys in the management positions didn't take notes and watched him give a lecture, so he didn't want to waste any more time. He changed his tone: "Mr. Chairman, do you know what the real difficulties are in building this system?"

The chairman quickly answered: "You said it."

"It requires laying real wires! The wires need to be erected on land, and they need to be maintained and managed - all the wires are metal, what do you think will happen if there is no one to look after them?"

These days, there is no distinction between "precious metals" and other metals. They are both valuable to farmers and common people! If there is no one to constantly maintain and deter people, there will definitely be people who don't turn off automatic pickup.

At first, the chairman wanted to say who dared to touch the mage's things, but he imagined that if the lines in the wilderness were like this, there was no guarantee that no one would be tempted, and a bullock cart could be used to commit crimes.

Valois's experience is to pull wires and arrange manual inspections in urban areas, while immersing and burying pipes as much as possible outside the city. Mages are dispatched from each guild point to use [Soil Shaping] to dig holes and sink pottery pipes, and then bury the wires. Release the [Activated Rope] and control it to pass through the pipe and spread underground.

If Rorschach had not brought up the above problems and experience in solving them, Byrne's guild would not know how much time and cost it would have spent on trial and error.

"Also, the telegraph system requires power. If it is only for temporary emergency use, there are many simple methods, such as hand-cranked power generation, or using a power storage device called a battery.

"But this project will definitely cost a lot, so it is best to operate it on a daily basis and open it to the public to spread the cost. Then, we need a power plant that does not rely on magic to operate."

The audience nodded repeatedly, and the chairman's head started to get heavy, but Rorschach hadn't finished speaking yet: "The above facilities must be rolled out on the kingdom's land, including the erection of lines. We must coordinate the lords and land owners in various places, as well as obtain the royal family and municipal governments. Ministry’s permission and support”

The chairman took out a plaid handkerchief and wiped his forehead and rosacea: "From what you said, this is really a big project, not as simple as the guild's communication array network." The construction of the teleportation array is point-to-point, and it takes a long time to build. Early, now there will be new problems to be solved in the laying of cable telegraph.

“As for the last question, I think the guild should find a middleman to coordinate, and even the telegraph system itself should create a nominally independent trading house operation and let more influential people participate.

"In this way, the telegraph became Byrne's public utility, benefiting both the public who used it and the shareholders. Who would harm his own interests?

"As for the middlemen I'm talking about, I recommend the 'Bardorom Chamber of Commerce' to you."

Rorschach's recommendation was not based on selfishness or classmate friendship. The most prosperous business in Byrne's business now should be the Bart family's property. They are in-laws of the royal family! As a logistics company, the Chamber of Commerce has enough connections and strongholds in various places. If it takes the lead, local cowards will give it a face.

As for the raw materials for erecting telegraphs, the machinery used, and how to build thermal power plants

Isn't it a coincidence? Rorschach's industries happen to satisfy all of them.

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