Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 377 The First Transnational Telegram

Even if the guild doesn't build the communication system, Rorschach still has to build it. Now it's a good time to lay eggs, and he can find a good enemy to pay for the construction costs.

One code equals one code. Providing technology and OEM manufacturing are transactions. When establishing a new trading company, Rorschach will definitely spend money to intervene. The ideal situation is to rely on public lines to set up several dedicated lines of your own.

Although the company has not yet started operations, the guild has already eagerly begun laying out trial lines. The line starts from Kempson, the steel city near the border, and runs diagonally southward.

Yes, they want to roll out the trial line abroad, namely the Holy Kingdom.

The connection status of all nodes in the communication circle network can be monitored by the General Assembly of the Imperial Capital. If Byrne's branch wants to contact the Holy Kingdom privately, it has to use a portable communication scroll with low connection rate and high energy consumption. The branch, and the Tower of Secrets behind it, really want to change this situation.

On a dark and stormy night, a series of soft popping sounds emitted from a dirt road on the border of the Holy Kingdom.

Patrols organized by nearby towns were walking along the road holding torches. This was not a battlefield. What they had to guard against was not the Imperial Army, but the roaming bandits.

"Stop! What's the sound?" The leading team leader was once an Orion and was very sensitive to movement. "It seems to be coming from underground?"

"Could it be some kind of animal that made the hole?"

However, before they could react, the torches were extinguished one after another, and everyone suddenly lost consciousness.

Three mages from the Tower of Secrets appeared out of thin air. Their faces were a little embarrassed: "Can this also happen?" This is the team laying underground lines. The Bayern branch and the Valois branch have agreed to lay a cross-border line. The team The end point of responsibility is exactly where the patrol is.

One of the mages confirmed that the patrols were all ordinary people and ordered: "Mark the end point and let Valois be responsible for connecting them. As for these people."

The patrol disappeared, remaining unconscious and in no pain as they left.

In the middle of the night, several more mages appeared. They were from Valois, and they saw the big fork drawn with toner in the middle of the road in [Dark Vision].

"This is it."

The mage released the clay pipe from the storage bag, and one pulled out a large roll of wire. They began to cast spells, and the ground cracked, revealing the lines buried by their predecessors. The clay pipe sank in, and the wire seemed to come alive, crawling and crawling like a big snake, drilling all the way into the clay pipe.

"Byrne's specifications are the same as ours!"

"Nonsense, the technical information of the Bain Branch is produced by the Royal Capital."

Finally, a dark red light lit up at the interface, which meant that the two wires were welded together. After confirming that the entire line was clear, bursts of current flowed through the line, leading from south to north to Kempson.

The new collector is not yet skilled, so her decoding time is a little slow. After the translated plain text was written, the chairman, who had been watching, took it and read the contents of the telegram to other people present.

The world's first telegram was absurd, while the first cross-border telegram brought news of war: "The vanguard of the Imperial Army has arrived in Condy, about 140 kilometers away from the royal capital."

Richard is one of the commanders of the Imperial Army's vanguard.

Since the annihilation of Andorilla, he had naturally received awards and promotions, and the appointment of major was issued during the march.

At this time, he had separated from the large army led by Major General Karl and led his own infantry regiment to escort the baggage behind. Behind them, there was a group of exiles who were lucky enough not to die, riding in luxury carriages, looking forward to joining the imperial army to "clean up the chaos" and rebuild the old order.

The war went so smoothly that it was a bit boring. In the early part of the month, the Karl tribe came into contact with the First Legion of the Holy Kingdom. The Imperial Army had the upper hand and successfully defeated the opponent. The remnants of the First Legion fled to the coastal areas, which was equivalent to the left door of the Valois Capital opening to the Empire.

The First Army also wanted to reorganize and join the Third Army to attack the Imperial Army's salient. However, it encountered the Imperial Army's follow-up troops at the Pas de Calais in the coastal region. The commander of the First Army did not expect that the Imperial Army could penetrate the lowland countries so quickly. , was forced to challenge.

At the right gate of the royal capital, the broken parts of the Third Army and the Second Army were scattered on the eastern front of the kingdom, huddled in various fortresses. Except for the Byrne Army, which had little desire to attack, the other imperial forces began to gather and concentrate their efforts to defeat key points.

This "right door" is leaking air from all directions and will be smashed into a big hole. The idea of ​​linking up with the First Army and counterattack is out of the question.

In just half a month, Richard's legion, as the vanguard, invaded the area adjacent to Valuauna. It seemed that victory was in sight, and the most fertile capital on the mainland was within reach.

The only thing slowing down the advance of the imperial army now is the speed of supply. Fortunately, it is winter and there are no muddy roads.

The Karl Division did not even participate in any decent battles in the follow-up. If the enemy troops were fighting in the wild, they would have to retreat if they could not withstand a round of artillery fire, and they had no spirit to defend the kingdom. Only when we reach cities and fortresses can we have more decent attack and defense.

Because of this smoothness, the soldiers were also somewhat relaxed. They walked lazily, and the luxurious carriages following behind them even gave the procession a touch of amusement. Some soldiers even teased the women in the carriage, while the exiled nobles pushed out poor servants to fight.

For this reason, Richard scolded and punished several gangsters with military law, and had to spend time cleaning up the team. Being taciturn, he was steady and advantageous when he was Karl's deputy, but when he was on his own, he had to turn his silence into ferocity and majesty to maintain military discipline and combat effectiveness.

Whenever the large army in front captured a city or territory, Richard's infantry regiment was responsible for gathering his own wounded, receiving supplies from the city for supplies, and releasing exiled nobles to restore order in the city and maintain stability in the rear.

Such an easy job is obviously a sign of Carl's care for Richard, but the major is very dissatisfied.

"We can enter the city soon, right? Although it is not the royal capital, the capital of the region is not bad." Richard's adjutant rode alongside Richard, imagining the long-awaited experience of tasting delicious food and sleeping on a soft bed after entering the city. bed.

Some god invented a strange bean sausage to replace the jam and spice rations. It's a good thing for soldiers, because the substitute food is only available to officers, but for officers, drinking bean soup for three days in a row is the limit, and eating the soup cooked by this thing for half a month, regardless of the gas released from the top or bottom All taste like beans.

Richard was not as optimistic as his adjutant: "The capital of the Conti region also has a complete fortress. The general should evaluate the defense situation before deciding whether to attack. Whether to camp and wait for follow-up troops or to attack the city directly must wait for his order."

To take care of the traveling speed of the baggage and infantry, they only walked slowly on horseback. While taking a break, a small carriage ran out from the exiles behind and headed towards the commander. Due to the relaxed state of the team, the other soldiers just ate and drank water and watched the carriages pass by the edge of the temporary camp.

"What are you doing!" the adjutant shouted, drawing his knife, and the guard also raised his gun and pointed it at the visitor.

The driver was an old servant, and a plump-faced 28-year-old girl walked out of the carriage. Although she was a little dizzy in the bumps, she still followed her father's instructions and took out a flower basket to hand to Richard.

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