Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 379 A stepping stone

The main defense of the capital of Conti is the acropolis of Moncado.

Most of the city defenses in the Holy Kingdom are of this form, especially when the city develops beyond the limits of the city wall. The originally powerful fortress can no longer encompass the entire city, but becomes the fulcrum for garrisoning, defense and counterattack, and extends from there. The fortifications then wrapped around the city layer by layer, gradually weakening until they reached the edge of the city.

Overlooking the Moncado Fortress, its tough lines outline a geometrically symmetrical triangular protrusion, with layers of barriers stacked on top of each other, like thorny roses blooming on the earth.

Moncado Fortress is a model of defense since the popularity of dwarf artillery on the mainland. It was built by King Charles XIV of the Burning Sun. It is classic, elegant, and difficult.

By the time Richard arrived, General Karl's troops had already established their positions:

He deployed in strict accordance with army drills, dug parallel trenches along the outer contour of the fortress, and built a fort here. Then there is the rectangular approach trench extending towards the fortress.

This process is a common siege method in the mainland, and the defenders of the Holy Kingdom naturally have countermeasures - actively building a trench of their own under the city wall to stop Karl's siege troops.

But their blockade failed, and the defenders were forced to retreat back to the fortress, and the counter-approach trench was turned into a second parallel trench for the Imperial Army.

"Report, the enemy's counter-approach trench has been captured!"

Good news came from his subordinates. Karl had waited for Richard's siege baggage. Now that the ammunition was ready, the real siege could begin.

The artillery was mounted on the fort. Previously, only the artillery and heavy crossbows on the fortress attacked the imperial army building the trenches. Now it was finally reversed, and it was Karl's legion's turn to respond with artillery. It is true that the shells of the six-pounder appeared weak and powerless when hitting the low earth wall on the outermost edge of the bastion, but when it accurately hit the defenders' fort, it was fatal and effective.

The garrison commander was keenly aware after the Imperial Army opened fire that the opponent's artillery fire was more accurate than his own.

But they still insist that the Condi region is the northern gate of Valuauna and must not be captured!

"The enemy has no siege artillery, they are all field artillery, so their method may be to blast the city wall. Send another squadron and make sure to recapture Trench No. 3 for me."

The Kingdom's garrison commander's judgment was correct. Karl's siege method indeed relied on blasting. Already near the trench, teams of engineers carrying explosive bags began to operate under a hail of bullets.

Karl observed the battlefield and saw everything clearly. He turned around and told Richard who was waiting: "Now there is a task for you, Major Richard.

"The reason why we were able to arrive here first is not because of our outstanding combat effectiveness, but because we carry the least artillery and have the fastest maneuverability. According to common sense, our unit should not attack the city rashly."

But Karl did this, and there must be a reason: "According to the estimates of the Imperial Military General Staff, the Prime Minister, and the Marshal, the current scale of the war, with the strength of the whole country and many years of reserves, can only last three months. Now it is Whether we can capture the Condi region in the first month will determine whether the Imperial Army can capture Valuauna next month. If we win today, we can greatly speed up the process."

Does Carl have selfish motives? Yes, as the vanguard that lacks heavy artillery, he should fight in the field and chase down the remnants of the kingdom's army, but now he is letting the army storm the fortress with huge casualties. He wants to quickly capture the capital, which is a sign of meritorious service.

But it is not entirely selfish. Today's decision is all for strategic service. He is willing not to compete for the huge credit of taking the royal capital - in order for the follow-up troops to reach the heart of the enemy unimpeded, Karl and his troops will As a stepping stone, knock on the Moncado Fortress regardless of the consequences.

If they failed, new troops would attack again three days later. This is a three-month storm, and every legion of the Imperial Army will turn into lightning and strike down quickly.

Karl continued: "The key to this siege is not the demolition explosives carried by the engineers, but you. Whether you are willing to take risks and break the fortress's defense line for us will determine the victory of the battle.

"Your father and your teacher entrusted you to me to take responsibility for your safety. Now I am willing to take this risk, for the sake of the war and the empire. Are you willing?"

Explosions and gunfire continued, and Richard exhaled: "There are no cowards here, General."

"Okay!" He made a gesture, and the guards beside him stood up. Richard noticed at a glance that the other person was extraordinary. The guard was not carrying a long gun, but was wearing gloves embroidered with dark patterns.

He took off his military cap, his messy hair spread out, and a scar hung on his left cheek. This is a trace of dueling with others. In the culture of the empire, it is an honor for soldiers and nobles to carry it.

The white silk hand was raised in a military salute: "Captain Schmidt, a seventh-generation student of the Imperial Academy of Magic."

There is actually a mage accompanying the army, one bright and one dark! And he is still a senior. Richard was surprised and saluted in response: "Major Richard, a 19th-class student of the Imperial Academy of Magic."

Carl was making a huge gamble, and he put all his two most precious chips on it.

The sky was suddenly filled with haze, and clouds were gathering, blending in with the billowing smoke of the battlefield.

The two entered the trench. Richard made himself invisible, while Schmidt put on his cloak and his figure became blurred. They walked quickly one behind the other.

The trenches were first filled with his own people, and members of the infantry regiment led by Richard were advancing with explosive bags. Nearing the end of the trench, soldiers from the Holy Kingdom and the Imperial Army were fighting again. At this distance and in the narrow space of the trench, both sides were unable to shoot, and they could only fight with bayonets and swords.

Someone threw a canister in the direction of the defending squadron, and the airwaves caused by the explosion pushed the smell of gunpowder smoke, blood, and burning into Richard's nose.

However, they were invisible and carefully avoided other people, and could not rush to support, as if the two spellcasters were alone on the battlefield. And they are the most critical roles in the current battle.

When approaching the target, Captain Schmidt used [Messaging] to communicate: "Junior spellcaster, good at [Freeze Ray] [Force Field Wave] [Magic Missile]."

A standard evocation magic barbarian. Perhaps the teaching in the original magic academy was more extreme than that of Richard's class.

Originally, the spells that the caster was good at were taboo, but they were not fighting, but teammates who had to trust each other with their lives. Richard also reported what he was good at: "[Dragon Breath], [Death Cloud] and [Corrosion]. claw】."

Although he did not report his caster level, the first two spells were both intermediate and extremely lethal. Captain Schmidt looked at the young major and suddenly felt complicated. At the end of this war, maybe he will retire from the army, be knighted for his meritorious service and become the owner of a small manor, but what about this young man? I heard that he comes from a prominent family. Will he become the youngest general in the empire?

After dispelling their thoughts, the two of them had arrived at the foot of the bastion. They easily climbed up the first low slope, and then came the brick wall with the fort.

Richard clenched his fist, and sticky acid oozed from the skin of his hand.

But the captain interrupted his spellcasting and asked Richard to take a deep breath, as if he was spending some time mentally building up.

Richard waited wordlessly for the other party to cast the spell, and then something magical happened: his and Schmidt's bodies began to become thinner, existing in the world like mist. Schmidt stepped carefully and focused, and penetrated directly into the wall.

Richard was pulled by him and also completed the penetration of the wall. At the same time, because of his [dark vision], he saw the three-layer structure of brick surface, soil layer and stone base.

"The experience is amazing." Richard commented using the communication technique.

Schmidt took off his silk gloves and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The spell was cast successfully! If you have experienced the feeling of the spell being interrupted and embedded in the wall, I'm afraid you won't be so calm."

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