Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 380 Inside and outside Moncado Fortress

It seems that Mr. Schmidt only uses the plastic energy system. After they sneaked into the fortress, Richard planned to move to the gate of the fortress. Although the city gate has now been sealed, sandbags piled up and artillery gunners manned both sides, it is still the weakest point of the fortress.

However, Schmidt stopped Richard and said what he was thinking: "Don't you think something is wrong with today's battle?"

Richard thought about it, but didn't find anything wrong.

"Morale! Especially the persistence of the garrison commander!" Schmidt quickly analyzed: "In the past, the officers of the Holy Kingdom were good at retreating. This is the first time our army has encountered a difficult situation. It is very likely that the enemy His tenacity was beyond the general's expectation, so he allowed us to sneak in.

“Maybe one, the garrison commander is a tough guy and has enough confidence in the defense of the fortress.

"Possibly two, behind Kondi is Valuvana, they are waiting for reinforcements. However, the three major legions of the kingdom are all held back, and it is impossible for the king to quickly pull out a team that can fight us to support the rescue.

"The last possibility is that he still has a trump card! Just like our army has our spell caster, the other party also has extraordinary power. The garrison commander is waiting for the force to be ready to attack our army."

Schmidt believes that the last one is the most likely, and he has evidence: "The weather just now was suddenly gloomy and changed drastically. It doesn't look like winter weather! I'm afraid it's not the benefactor of the church, but the mage."

Richard recalled that it was indeed extraordinary.

But the captain has one final concern: "But triggering such a large-scale spell, I'm afraid it's not something you and I can fight head-on."

"No, if there really is an Archmage here who is willing to support the Holy Kingdom Army, then the more effective way is to attack us directly and cause huge damage. But now that the spell caster is huddled in the fortress, and the battle has been going on for so long, he should have activated the spell long ago. "Richard ruled out the possibility of the Archmage and instead speculated: "It may be the middle and low-level mages who are casting spells collectively."

Schmidt is only a low-level spellcaster and cannot feel the macroscopic flow of magic power. Fortunately, Richard is of a higher level and has received guidance from the chief, so he can try to track the magic power gathering point here.

The two sneaked into a warehouse, and Richard held his breath and felt the direction of the flow of magic while scattering fine powder. The powder rose into the air and suddenly gathered towards the core of the fortress.

"This way!" The two were instructed, and Schmidt tried his best to lead Richard through and through repeatedly until he was close to the secret room where a huge amount of magic power was swallowed.

"My lords, how long will it take to prepare the magic? The enemy is already about to touch the first stack." A soldier's voice came from inside.

"Don't disturb us! It's almost done." The three mages were sweating profusely. They were surrounding a delicate wand. Now the wand is the magic node in the fortress area. The crystal on the head of the wand stores a nine-ring spell [Revenge]. storm】.

The name of this spell is very appropriate, it is their revenge against the invaders, and the effect is also very suitable for the battlefield - once completed, enemies without building shelter will face violent damage from wind, rain, lightning, ice and snow.

Unfortunately, this ancestral alchemical weapon has no energy, and a newly promoted intermediate mage and two junior spellcasters can't even activate the crystal to fully unfold the nine-ring magic.

They could know from the constant reports and urgings from the messenger soldiers that they were anxious about the battle situation, but it was useless to be anxious. Even if their teeth were bleeding, the spell was still not fully formed yet.

A little bit, a little bit.

However, a dense fog suddenly appeared in the enclosed space, and the fog also had the effect of absorbing light. The leading intermediate mage quickly realized that the cloud and mist were filled with negative energy.

"Enemy attack!" He shouted, but the final kick of the nine-ring spell made all three of them hesitate for a moment. It was at this moment that they completely lost the chance to counterattack. After Richard performed the [Death Cloud Technique], Schmidt followed up smoothly and took action to resolve the battle.

Richard couldn't help but ask the last survivor: "Will the mages in the Holy Kingdom also participate in the war? As long as you just sit back and watch, you will always be safe."

The dying mage struggled to respond to him: "Many people think so. But I am a Valois first, and then a mage."

"Then you should go to the battlefield, raid key figures, and attack artillery and cavalry positions."

However, the other party could no longer answer.

As a low-level spellcaster, Schmidt can relate to it: "According to experience, when the density of projectiles and shells on the battlefield reaches a critical value, the most commonly used [spiritual armor] by low-level mages cannot provide sustainable protection. , the caster needs to prioritize saving his own life."

"That's not a reason. We can come. There are three of them, and we can go to the front line." Richard picked up the wand. After the crystal on the head of the wand lost control, the internal energy imbalance has been shattered. Presumably, the large-scale magic outside the wall should also be terminated. .

Schmidt shook his head: "Major, most people are both enthusiastic and cowardly. You should not be too harsh on them. Besides, they have sacrificed their lives for their motherland."

At the same time, Commander Karl became increasingly anxious, constantly switching between looking at his pocket watch and telescope. But the magic he was waiting for never came.

Now the first ring of the fortress has been breached by sporadic blasts, but there is still a stronger barrier. If you only break in through the gap, the design of the bastion will allow the defenders to superimpose firepower and give the invading enemy a head-on blow.

"How many more demolition teams do we have?"

"Including the reserve team, there are still thirteen teams that can carry out the mission, but there are not many explosives left. If this continues, we will not be able to break through the second line of defense. General, do you want to move the artillery position forward?"

"Stand by." He picked up the telescope again and looked at Moncado opposite.

The turning point has finally arrived! Earth and rocks were thrown up, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the fortress. The sound overwhelmed all the sounds of firefights. It was like a heavy hammer hammering into the hearts of everyone on the battlefield, and everyone on the battlefield was trembling.

"It's a sacrificial explosion!" The six-pounder cannon definitely couldn't hit the inside, it was the two spellcasters who broke in!

Almost at the same time, a pillar of fire erupted in the telescope, like the breath of the legendary red dragon washing from the inside of the fortress to the city. The artillery near the fortress gate was destroyed one after another, and the defenders lost their lives in the flames before they even found the enemy.

"Okay!" Karl cheered excitedly. He saw that the huge iron-clad wood fortress door lost its hinges and support, and collapsed. The soldiers of the Holy Kingdom behind the sandbags were left in horror, panic, and no longer had the will to fight.

Karl issued the last key command in the Battle of Moncado Fortress: "Assault the entire army, attack! Attack!"

"The capital of the Conti region has also been breached. From the map, Valouana is in danger." Rorschach sighed after receiving the battle situation from the telegram.

He still felt that the Holy Kingdom had some strength, but he did not expect that the three legions would be beaten severely by the imperial army in the east and west of the kingdom, and then quickly start a battle to defend the royal capital.

This battle situation was beyond Byrne's expectation. His Majesty Albert also did not expect that the Imperial Army would accumulate such strength. Feuerbach's plan to encourage him to become independent and stab the Empire in the waist was also shelved.

Andre was a little frustrated after receiving the news. After all, he was a Valois man. Although his life in Bayern was very stable, he still had the urge to return to his motherland and support the front line.

Andre was responsible for summarizing the information, and he also got the intelligence: "The defender's fortress exploded at the last moment, and the city gate was destroyed by magic from the inside."

"Don't think about it, it must have been done by an army member of the empire, probably a classmate of mine from the academy." Luo Xia touched his chin: "Now, there are always mages in the Holy Kingdom who can't sit still, right? Old people can bear it, but I don't believe in hot-blooded young people. You can also watch the loss of your family and country.”

Whether it was under the banner of defending the motherland and safeguarding the achievements of the Great Revolution when the Holy Kingdom attacked, or the current special military operation of the Empire "to end the chaos in the Holy Kingdom and restore the authority and stable order of Charles XVI", this war has gone beyond the past lords The realms are at war with each other, and there are always more casters involved in the warring ulcer.

"Hurry up and get started, so that we can fish in troubled waters." For some reason, Rorschach was a little worried about his senior brother. He had a hunch that Pascal was likely to go to the battlefield.

"There is one more thing." Andre put the most important thing at the end and said: "His Majesty the King has sent a letter, inviting you, teacher, to enter the palace tomorrow."

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