Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 387 The user you dialed did not answer the call

Chapter 387 The user you dialed did not answer the call.

Rorschach still remembered what Kano said about how the dwarves who tried to ascend to heaven with fuel rockets died.

He already had experience traveling through transmutation dust, but this was not what Rorschach wanted.

If we were to directly ascend to the symbolic world and then try to build a "server" for the spell cloud, that would be taking off our pants and farting - there is already an original layer, so it would be a pure trapping system with no advantages. Even if it is a trap, Rorschach needs to be smoother than the native spellcasting system.

So can we go further than the "church" field and place the tower spirit firmly between the material world and the symbolic world, or in vulgar words, in the "vesicle" between "reality" and "illusion"?

Rorschach knew that such a spatial structure existed. If the "church" is the protrusion from the material world to the symbolic world, then the "secondary plane" is the "space-time vesicle" separated from the main material world by great force. Its main body is real matter, but the sky is wrapped in transmutation dust, and the concept of "barrenness" fills the entire plane.

Strictly speaking, transmutation dust is also a similar product, but the direction of their change is opposite to the previous two examples. It is the result of the transformation of the symbolic world into the material world after the kingdom of God is broken.

There are precedents, and Rorschach believes that there are other similar existences, and there may even be fragmented and incomplete kingdoms of gods from the past, floating between the material world and the symbolic world.

So how to lock these possible "vesicle" positions?

Open the prayer!

"Teacher, have you suddenly studied mythology?" Andre brought a bunch of materials that Rorschach needed, some borrowed from the magic guild, and some from the libraries of various universities in Byrne.

In fact, he still wanted to borrow the Tower of Secrets, but now that Rorschach thought about it, those people would definitely shirk him in every possible way.

"It's a ritual related to prayer and ascension to heaven." Rorschach asked Andre to sort out all the recorded information on sacrifices to gods and rituals after the death of believers. Obviously, a devotee of a god has to pay tribute, and if the ceremony is correct it should first be transported to the god's kingdom. Secondly, most believers hope that their souls can ascend to the Kingdom of God after death and enjoy eighteen beautiful girls, handsome men, or blessings.

In other words, the above two types of rituals will point to the divine kingdom of gods, if the divine kingdom is not completely broken and the rituals are not completely invalidated.

First of all, evil gods and those with keywords such as life, nature, and earth in their authority will not be considered. Secondly, those whose silence is too early or too late will not be considered. Finally, gods with prophecy, perception, and spiritual wisdom will also pass. This leaves only There are about a dozen rituals of orthodox gods, mainly the gods of craftsmen and astral gods (such as the sun-the god of light, the star-the god of war) from various civilizations.

Rorschach created several more avatars - limited by the shortcomings of the avatars' spellcasting abilities, the avatars were all crudely made and were on the verge of collapse at any time. But these constructs have only one function - to perform rituals that point to the Kingdom of God. Most of their souls are artifacts created by Rorschach and then infused with the idea of ​​carrying out a mission.

They performed the ceremony in the vacant warehouse of the Kempson Steel Plant. In the huge space, more than a dozen ceremony sites were prepared. Makeshift altars and symbols were scattered here and there. Some of the ceremonies were inherited from the savagery period. , so animals of all sizes were prepared for the ceremony.

In short, it was like a chicken and a dog, and Rorschach had to pray to more than a dozen gods (the possibility of one god with multiple armors) in such an environment.

Andre looked at Chaos' super blasphemous party and was a little scared: "Teacher Rorschach, isn't it too risky for us to do this now?"

Rorschach was still making final preparations while explaining to Andre: "Those constructs are scapegoats. They contain unstable artificial souls. If the ritual is successful, even if a god really wakes up or responds, it will It was shattered the moment the consciousness came, and it couldn’t be found on our heads.”

It is equivalent to me setting up a dozen virtual machines to dial up here. Why does Rorschach in xx Park not consider the prophecy authority and the highly perceptive God here? Make sure that He has no ability to trace.

Andre was still worried: "My father warned me when I was a child not to underestimate the gods and doubt his power. If you really want to do this, you should ask the Archmage to take charge."

"I understand what you mean, but the Archmage is not enough. Look what this is?" Rorschach finally made the last insurance: he carved the holy symbol of the Lord of Light and Order in the middle of all the ritual "booths". The dagger used by Rorschach to carve it was still shining with a holy light. Andre looked at the emblem itself. Not only was the configuration accurate, but the grooves were also carved in the same standard as the magic circuit.

Andre couldn't help but swallow. The sacred aura it exuded was unmistakable. It was a genuine Holy Emblem of Order with mystical significance. In comparison, the ones in the chapel were just childish simple drawings.

Luo Xia put away the mostly worn dagger and said disdainfully: "As far as gods are concerned, can the Archmage match the power of the Lord of Order? The other stinky fish and shrimps on the field are not enough to defeat God King Tang Guangming with one hand. "

"I'm going to start now. You stand next to the Holy Emblem, hold this jar of Transmutation Dust, and if there is any abnormality, sprinkle Transmutation Dust on the Holy Emblem and pray to the Lord of Order."

"Is it possible?" Andre was considered a light believer in the Lord of Order before attending the Valuauna Normal University. But now, he should not be qualified to enter the church.

Rorschach patted the timid disciple and said, "It's okay, teacher, I'm very familiar with the Lord of Order."

Everything was ready, the warehouse door was locked tightly, and Rorschach gave an order for all the constructs to start performing the preset simple behaviors. Some started to add materials and light candles, some started to dance, and some took out their tools and put them on the unlucky animals. With a swipe on his neck, blood splashed all over the altar and was smeared on his face.

Suddenly, the magic power began to become chaotic, and various auras overflowed. Rorschach pulled up a blue light barrier to isolate each "stall".

During this period, there were scorching sparks and cold ice crystals colliding together, there were also sounds that sounded like hammering coming from a distant place, and other unidentifiable phenomena intertwined and occurred one after another.

Andre stood in the center shivering, but he still enjoyed watching the big scene.

In more than ten rituals, more than half of the visions gradually subsided, even if Rorschach took out the transformation dust to release magical stimulation, it was of no avail. Among the remaining survivors, some gradually extinguished, leaving only constructs with exhausted souls and energy.

Only three rituals entered the "finals", two of which were the Great Master and the God of the Forge. Rorschach asserted that the two pieces of iron were one god and two vests, and the other was a certain elf god. At this time, a cold wind howled at the ceremony site, bringing with it The salty smell of water vapor hit my face.

Rorschach first selected the two altars of the God of Masters. Now he could no longer find anyone to do it for him. He could only let the souls carried by the clones leave the body and explore along the paths connecting the altars.

"If there is a deeper mutation, destroy the ritual and activate the holy symbol of the Lord of Order." After the Rorschach clone gave instructions to Andre, he resolutely threw himself into the soaring flames like a furnace fire. It was like he was sacrificing himself, but at this time, relying on the characteristics of the clone technique, he kept climbing along the weak bridge between reality and the Kingdom of God.

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