Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 388 Finally learned the art of making water

If the Kingdom of God had an owner, it would naturally not allow a mage (a clone) to invade the territory through a sacrificial ritual. However, the original owner is no longer here, and Rorschach is like breaking into a lonely empty room, and it is leaky!

Hot on one side and freezing on the other, Rorschach felt that his split soul was about to be torn apart by the two extreme feelings.

The fiery side is the remaining divine fire, burning brightly in the furnace. The symbolic cluster conveyed by a superficial interpretation includes "phase change", "movement", "forging" and "purification".

The other side is not an environment changed by divinity, but this god's kingdom is already in a broken and open state. Rorschach's split soul carefully moved to the edge. This divine kingdom was slightly higher than the ordinary transmutation dust, like a lonely boat drifting in the bright crystal sea, and it was leaky.

Perhaps the "forge" has the strongest symbolism, maintaining its stable existence, while the surrounding land has been corroded and dissociated, and the open field faces the boundless, cold deep space.

Rorschach first observed the surroundings of the huge forge. There were twisted, abandoned machinery and scattered silver jars. Rorschach recognized them as dwarf wine vessels. When he brought it up again, he realized that it was surprisingly dense, and it was probably mithril. He looked at it for a moment and saw that there was no storage ring on his hand. He used "Ether Membrane Compression" and found that it didn't work.

"Broken jar." Rorschach confirmed that there were no special patterns or magic on it and threw it aside, then turned to face the star realm.

Viewed from the Broken Divine Kingdom, the galaxy is still moving, and little bits of light flow slowly around two invisible center points. Rorschach knew that if he ascended to the highest heaven, the two invisible "star cores" would show a different scene.

As the Kingdom of God floated, the unprocessed primitive transmutation dust suddenly roared in like a rising tide. Luo Xia secretly screamed "Fuck" and hurriedly left here.

He canceled the ascension of his soul, his body continued to become dull and degraded, and he fell back to the material world with the dancing fire in his arms.

Andre waited in place, every moment was torture, watching Rorschach plunge into the fireworks. Fireworks suddenly burst out, and just when Andre was about to activate the Holy Emblem of Order, the rising flames took on a human form. The flames extinguished and the ashes collapsed during the rolling, and Rorschach struggled to get up.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Andre noticed that Rorschach's skin had become smoother. It seemed to have the texture of glass or ceramic?

Maybe it’s an illusion caused by the firelight! Andre felt no need to scrutinize the teacher's skin health.

"It's okay, it's just that my whole body is stiff now." The clone forcibly moved its legs and feet, and regained normal flexibility after a teeth-piercing sound.

Since the master's kingdom is too fragmented and leaks are everywhere, Rorschach will naturally not choose it. He is not a great master of the space system, nor is he a paper craftsman. He will never tinker with it to place the tower spirit body there. With that level of damage, it must be scrapped, and it won't work even if the God of Masters comes.

Then only the elf gods who are suspected of being water-based are left.

"What are the two heavens of ice and fire?" Luo Xia learned the lesson this time. Even as a clone, he applied [Elemental Resistance] to himself. Now, he still feels the cold water mist and wind and snow hitting his body, but he can no longer cause any damage. .

It is still climbing in the opposite direction along the bridge. This time there is no God guarding the link, but the resistance becomes stronger the deeper you go.

thump! Rorschach seemed to be diving headfirst into the water. In the dim water, the exquisite reliefs and megalithic buildings have fallen silent, and are occupied by large areas of colorful corals. There are also aquatic animals from other worlds that Rorschach cannot describe, moving leisurely among them.

Is this the bottom of the sea? Rorschach saw no solid spatial structure, no starry sky or streams of transmutation dust. He felt tremendous pressure coming from all directions and pervasively. Compared with real human tissue, defects such as cracks in the earthen avatar are slow to repair, and the tissue's ductility is worse. In addition, the previous baking has a tendency to vitrify and glaze, and now Rorschach cannot tolerate water pressure.

He simulates the principle of compressed air, compresses the water below him, uses the recoil to shoot out like a torpedo, and moves at high speed.

But after moving for a long time, there was still no sign of the water surface, and the pressure was still extremely high. Rorschach didn't know how long it took to shoot out like a cannonball. The higher it went, the colder it became, until there was no more life and huge blocks of ice appeared around it.

This is when he looked up at the sky. Where there was the sky, there was a thick ice cap pressing on the water. Rorschach's clone used [Melting Ray], and the ice that melted could not even see the end.

How thick the ice is! Rorschach suddenly became inspired and used [Water Making Technique]. It is not a self-created conversion element, but the most common "calling water". As a result, huge water bubbles condensed smoothly in the endless sea without any hindrance. It's not that he has improved in this spell, but that Rorschach is undoubtedly in the water elemental plane at this time!

No, the rays just melted the ice cap and caused a collapse.

When Andre saw Rorschach again, he jumped out of the altar soaked and in a state of embarrassment.

Isn't it possible? Just when Luo Xia was about to give up, a man suddenly appeared and brought an ordinary glass bead.

"Teacher! Who is the main body and who is the clone?" Andre saw the second Rorschach appear.

Xia Xia, the main body, rushed over as fast as possible. When Rorschach released his clone, Lanster's affairs were still waiting for him to handle. Since both parties had to do things, in order to avoid interference, the original Xia decided to suspend synesthesia first and get rid of the other self and let it go.

After the matters related to Lanster and Talling came to an end, Xia Xia, the original body, found time to communicate with the clone and see how he was doing. So he finally saw his clone commit a terrible death.

Then, um? Intercepting the faith of the followers of the Lord of Order? Engaging in magic fraud, and praying to more than ten gods (and their vests) at the same time?

Not sure, take another look.

Oh my god, was it the soul of mechanical materialism or the soul of a reckless man that was separated before? It doesn't matter if it dies by itself, it is trying to drag the main body and Andre to launch a group annihilation rhythm!

So he didn't care about anything else and rushed over, but when he wanted to contact the clone on the way, it just happened to have started, wandering in other planes!

In short, the main body Xia almost spit out a mouthful of blood: "Your clone, according to the function, can't cast high-level magic, at best it is the level of an intermediate wizard, and you dare to go to the home of the god to hang out!"

However, he still recognized his own ideas, so when the clone failed, Luo Xia took out the "Ballan Pearl" that had been sealed for a while, but it contained the residual soul of the God of Fraud.

"The last attempt." Luo Xia's main body waved his hand, and only used the spirituality and waste generated by the ritual to pile up a messy altar. Anyway, Balan likes change, and the messy altar should be fine.

Sure enough, when the bead was placed on the altar, and then injected with magic power, it soon shone with a bright red and purple light, and there was explosive music. After being activated, the Balan Pearl began to shape a twisted vortex that was constantly changing in size and synchronized with the divine light, like a bloody mouth, waiting for people with excessive curiosity to take risks.

When did you become a RBG light bulb? Rorschach glanced at the vortex, simply took off the bead, and pressed it on the holy emblem of order: "Be honest, otherwise you will be sacrificed to the God of Order!"

The vortex suddenly changed, no longer like the mouth of a bottomless abyss, but a stable passage.

"Please." The main body signaled the clone to rush in bravely.

The clone Xia was a little embarrassed: "Should we be more cautious? After all, this is the passage opened by the God of Trickster."

"So you go, not me." Luo Xia pushed the clone in fiercely: "You should have been cautious a long time ago. It's too late to say anything now!" Of course, after the real body arrived, he could prepare and perform [God's Exile] as a guarantee in case of accidents.

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