Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 389: Temple of Thoth

Rorschach was no longer "ascending" when he entered, but was stuffed into a winding pipe. There was a suction force in front of him that kept forcing him to move forward. This made Rorschach a little nervous. Could it be that there was a master waiting for him at the destination, eager to summon his soul? "Hoo!" The end of the "pipe" was still water, but it was not the water element plane, but a huge copper pot. When Rorschach climbed out, he was surprised to find that the earthen body of the substitute had completely disappeared. Now he stretched out his hand and saw some transparent soul states, commonly known as "Agni". Living water microorganisms cannot leak out. Rorschach examined the water surface, but the water in the copper pot was extremely clean, and there was no trace of the melted and faded earth body. After climbing out of the pot, the transparency of the soul gradually faded, and he condensed into a state that was no different from the original body. "The sun is so dazzling." Rorschach couldn't help but squint his eyes. At this time, the space he was in was like a desert. When he looked up, a star that occupied most of the sky was moving silently. It was blazing white all over, and the uneven flow of matter on the surface could be seen faintly. The Milky Way circulates around it. It is almost daytime now, so Rorschach can only see the faint traces of the Milky Way.

This celestial body looks like a star. According to common sense, the distance between the Holy Land and the celestial body would make Rorschach, even if he is a spirit, sizzle. However, he just feels a little hot.

Perhaps it is also a "vesicle", which invisibly isolates most of the heat radiation, or there may be some laws in the Holy Land.

Looking at the horizon again, there is a huge tree-shaped object standing there, and energy is constantly flowing on its surface. And between Rorschach and the giant tree is a magnificent square, angular and intact religious building, which is ivory white and blends in with the desert-like environment here.

If the giant is the "Tree of Law", then wouldn't Thoth's temple be close to the original layer? Rorschach was shocked. However, in the legend, Thoth himself is the inventor of alchemy, and some people even speculate and respect him as the god of magic.

Sure enough, legends are always wrapped in the "core of truth".

Feeling that this "relic" was extraordinary, Rorschach moved more cautiously. When he climbed down from the huge copper pot, he found that the copper pot was carried by a huge bull statue, and there was an extinguished square fire altar with four horns on the side.

When Rorschach saw the scattered copper carts in front of the hall, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, because the broken ruts and scattered wheels of the copper carts proved that there was no god or other existence maintaining this place.

Rorschach then walked towards the hall step by step. The towering door sensed the arrival of the visitor and opened itself, and golden light flowed out from it, but the golden light was warm. Rorschach saw that the hall, from the floor to the wall, and then to the columns decorated with pomegranate pattern capitals, were all wrapped in metal of this color, but he guessed from the color that it was probably unoxidized bronze.

The main hall was empty, with only two rows of large candlesticks. The candles on them had long been extinguished. The sunlight was shining through the thin shells on the roof of the hall, but there was still a faint aroma of frankincense and burning grass. At the end of the hall was a tattered cabinet, and the main body of the base was two monsters with human faces and animal bodies and wings.

Behind the cabinet was a tent.

Are you going? Rorschach stopped and listened for a while. This place was absolutely quiet. If the real body came, he could hear his own heartbeat.

He carefully lifted the tent, and the second hall appeared. The second hall did not have a translucent shell roof, but the holy fire was always burning, providing flickering lighting. The first hall seemed to be a place for normal-sized humanoid creatures to enter and exit. Now the second hall is extremely magnificent. It is difficult to see the height of the roof under the light of the fire. It is roughly estimated to be dozens of meters. It is the real residence of the gods.

Various sculptures were lined up along the two sides. The sculpture closest to Rorschach was about the size of an ordinary person. There were images of wolves and humans, and some had pointed ears, which seemed to be elves.

Rorschach saw an old man with a hood on the left, and beside him was a lifelike and lively donkey.

It was Balaam, the wise prophet and the god of deception.

He recalled the conversation between Balaam's residual soul. He was Thoth, and Thoth was not him. In other words, this hall was filled with images of Thoth? Rorschach walked boldly on the carpet in the middle, looking at the various statues and guessing. But he felt that these images could not be simply regarded as the incarnation of Thoth, and Balaam himself also had different images and incarnations in mythological records.

Simply summarizing Balaam, He is a "subset" of the "Thoth set".

The closer to the end of the second hall, the taller the standing statues are. The last one on the right is almost towering. He has a strong and graceful male body and two faces: one is an ibis and the other is a baboon, unified under the illumination of the full moon ring.

Luo Xia has a "Moon-holding Ibis" medal, the main image on it coincides with the face of the ibis in this sculpture, but the moon phase on the medal is not a full moon. In other words, this is the appearance of "Thoth" generally recognized by the Kingdom of Sand and later wizards.

The statue opposite to him on the left has only a base, and the main body no longer exists. The next-level statue is a handsome man with a venomous snake tied to his hand. He also wears feather decorations on his head, holds an elderberry cane in his other hand, and has a wine jug on his waist.

In the middle of the end of the second hall, there is a towering throne. The statues standing beside him are tens of meters high and almost touching the top. The second curtain at the end is not big, and it is still the size for people to pass through. However, there are huge patterns painted on the wall above it.

The firelight is not clear enough, Luo Xia did not dare to light the lamp rashly and use [Light Magic], but turned on [Dark Vision] to observe. He saw some familiar patterns, but in the flickering.

At this time, he stood close to the bottom of the Two-Faced Thoth, and finally saw clearly and remembered what it was: the mark of the Arcane Monastery! The ancient secret deed shown by Kano!

Just as he remembered it, the pattern began to light up automatically, first a clear blue, then darkening to purple, and the change did not stop, gradually dyeing it into a blood-red red.

Rorschach's scalp tightened, because any change here meant possible danger. He looked back and found that a huge monster had appeared on the opposite side!

It had a human face and an animal body, with wings that were several meters long on both sides. It held a flaming sword in its mouth, and the eyes it looked at Luo Xia also contained a lot of anger. Rorschach had seen it before, but the first time was on the base of the cabinet in the first hall. Compared with the statue, the real thing has a more holy and weird temperament.

It seemed that a string in his brain was broken. Rorschach was horrified to find that the effect of [Dark Vision] disappeared after looking at the other party!

When did it appear? Can't I cast a spell now? Before Rorschach could prepare, the opponent swooped over without any warning. Rorschach was forced to roll continuously and reached the left side of the hall, switching places with the monster. Although the monster held the sword in its mouth, it could still roar and charge again.

Rorschach looked up following its swooping movement, and at this moment the pattern on the wall changed! Although the monster spread its wings in the air and quickly blocked the pattern, Rorschach already knew that looking from the left side of the hall, the holy emblem of the Lord of Light and Order was clearly painted on the wall!

If there is a big split of the body, let's see if you can still be arrogant! Now was not the time to test the strength of the blue light barrier. Rorschach rolled to the right again in embarrassment, avoiding the fire fired from the sky by the giant beast and the heavy body that was about to fall. At this time, he had rolled to a position very close to the curtain. Without thinking about anything else, he stood up and flew behind the curtain.

However, the third hall did not appear, and there was not even a floor behind the curtain. In a panic, Luo Xia plunged into the void.

"Who built the unfinished building——"

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