Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 390 Entering the venue by mistake

The monster isn't chasing him, but Rorschach is in free fall.

Just like a 3D game passing through the mold from the floor and falling out of the world, Rorschach watched helplessly as he was thrown out of the temple world after stepping into the air.

However, around him, the remains of many buildings and corpses were gradually exposed. Monsters similar to those that appeared in the second hall floated quietly and passed him by, but most of them had missing limbs and were lifeless. There are even more bizarre beings that were living things in the past, but are now lifeless without exception.

Did I fall into the cemetery? What's annoying is that they can float around the back of the temple world, but Rorschach is still falling, and what he sees along the way gradually changes from monsters and mythical creatures to human shapes. There are giants, strong ancient soldiers, and extremely beautiful women. These people have lost all color, like pale marble statues, floating and colliding, leaving broken flaws and even smashing each other into pieces.

Rorschach originally expected to be able to accept returning to the real world like this, but this space seemed to be confronting him, and a rapid and inevitable torrent of transmutation dust appeared below him.

Damn it! For the main body, losing this part of the soul will be very painful and suffer deep soul damage, but as a young man, he may still have the possibility of healing. But Rorschach's clone also had a strong desire to survive. He found that his spellcasting ability was restored when he fell, and he decisively released the blue light barrier surrounding himself and thickened it as much as possible.

The violent force was in contact with his barrier, canceling each other out. At the last moment when he was about to break through the power, Rorschach hit a hard barrier. It seems to have hit a "vesicle" floating in the transmutation dust, and the space jade of this vesicle is extremely solid.

The barrier was suddenly cracked by the impact, but Rorschach was still blocked from the outside. The dense transmutation dust continued to wrap around Rorschach, like a swarm of ants biting.

"Stand up for me!" Rorschach's survival instinct actually allowed him to break through the limitations of the clone. The transmutation dust that penetrated the blue light barrier came into contact with the spirit body. The direct soul damage gave him enough pain and stimulation. The next step was not Rorschach. The split souls were stimulated by the transmutation dust, but these unprocessed "Fragments of the Kingdom of God" were gradually assimilated by the blue light, forming new crystals to protect Luo Xia's body.

But becoming an Iron Bastard was not enough. Rorschach boldly used the assimilated and recrystallized materials to extract the energy contained in them for his own use. He is still being turned away by the "vesicle" under his body.

Damn it, and it exploded! Rorschach gritted his teeth and forcibly activated the [Great Disintegration] technique. The blue recrystallized transmutation dust fell off and merged into Rorschach's spirit body. Then, a circuit was arranged in the spirit body. After continuous improvement, the spell surpassed the clone's spellcasting ability and succeeded. !

There is no sound in the void, and there is no need for sound. Just a wave washed out, and everything around Luo Xia was annihilated.

In a mysterious and chaotic space, it was impossible to distinguish between the sky and the earth, only thirteen vague figures.

"The empire's troops are heading directly towards the capital of Valois. The empire is obviously preparing to end the battle before spring. If we enter March and April, the rain will increase and the muddy roads will hinder the army's progress." A great mage introduced the current situation. War situation.

The archmage from Valois spoke: "Does this mean that the kingdom only needs to hold on until the warm spring?"

"Not necessarily. The empire has rushed to repair a railway that runs through the north and south. It is likely to be extended after the rear is stabilized, greatly speeding up the ability to deliver supplies. In addition, the dwarves' supply restrictions on light phlogiston have not affected the empire's use of airships for support For logistics, there must be other suppliers.”

Feuerbach knew the inside story, but he remained silent at this time and did not tell someone's protégé.

Kano, who has a proud disciple, is very impatient with the current discussion: "The Empire cannot unify the continent of Ferallon. This is our consensus. In this case, why bother with these minutiae? The Imperial Army has military mages, and we are the mages of Valois Also join the war!"

It was the archmage from the empire who denied Kano's idea: "But the mages of Valois are basically members of the magic guild! If you insist on ending, I will be under double pressure from the empire."

Kano was a little disdainful that the Empire could threaten the Archmage. Everyone knew that the person who just spoke was suspected to be very close to the top officials of the Empire. At this time, he was making a fortune from the war and directed the branches of the Empire to purchase large amounts of war bonds.

It's a pity that we can't break up now

"What is Istany's position? Is it willing to support Valois? Even if it is neutral or out of considerations of continental balance policy, it should intervene, at least impose a resource embargo on the empire, etc."

The mage from the Storm Tower on the island smiled helplessly: "Don't you read the newspaper? Istany hasn't come out of the chaos yet."

"Then stop talking." Kano interrupted the other party: "Since the magic guild cannot end and maintain noble neutrality, then the mages of Valois can completely withdraw from the guild and participate in the war in their own name. Even if they are low-level Mage, it’s not easy to defeat an airship.”

If the blurry spirits in the illusion can be made clear, then you will definitely see someone staring: "Instigating mages to withdraw from the guild on a large scale? You are shaking the foundation of the guild!"

However, more great mages agreed: "I agree with Master Kano's idea. What is the foundation of the guild? It is the Thirteen Magic Towers we represent! Does any force in the world dare to touch our magic tower? No one has this intention. That strength. So as long as the backbone and knowledge of the Magic Tower are retained, what does it mean to let the juniors participate in the war and experience it?

"Mages have been fighting since ancient times, and peace is not the norm after all. When the war is over, most mages will naturally return to the guild." The mage who agreed with Kano paused: "As for some people who object, I think they are not worried about the guild. , I’m afraid I’m more worried about my own jars.”


Kano said bluntly: "I don't care how much interest anyone has in the empire, my jars will be shattered. Besides, today is different from the past. Regardless of whether you agree or not, and whether I agree or not, there will be more and more mages." Get involved in the battlefield."

Just when the archmages were about to reach an agreement, the illusion suddenly shook violently.

"There is an invasion!" The archmage entered this illusory place in the form of a spirit body at this time. This place has been the place where the thirteen chiefs have been together since the existence of the "Arcane Hermitage". Unexpectedly, it has always been secretive and stable. Accidents can also happen in “meeting room” spaces.

Even though everyone did not understand what happened, a few of them had already released their spiritual bodies and fled away. The remaining archmages began to prepare to cast spells, and their figures became clear as the magic power circulated.

However, what greets you is the sudden appearance of a space hole above your head, followed by a huge amount of transmutation dust roaring in.

This is no longer a lethal dose, but an avalanche of transmutation dust that can bury everyone alive.

The mages struggled for a while, but failed to repair the hole. Seeing that the transmutation dust was about to cause damage to the spirit body, Kano propped up the barrier, trying to reduce the explosion of the fragments of the Kingdom of God and buy time for everyone to escape.

"The space wall is broken. It may be a natural phenomenon. We can't take this place anyway." Kano took one last look at the chaotic space that did not distinguish between heaven and earth. The spirit body disappeared and returned to reality. As the transmutation dust broke through and entered the "vesicle", the thirteen chiefs lost the "secret meeting room" that had been passed down for generations since ancient times.

In the torrent, an unconscious Rorschach clone fell out. This spirit body was not damaged by the transmutation dust. A golden thread grew from the wound, growing like a plant rhizome, taking root in the huge amount of transmutation dust, and growing a golden trunk upward, and then sealed the space. leakage.

It is a branch of the "Tree of Law" that was once submerged in Rorschach.

The transmutation dust that had entered the "vesicle" began to change qualitatively, but under the guidance of the root system of the "Tree of Law" seedlings, it gradually stabilized. From then on, the concept of "land" came into being in this chaotic space, and the spirit body of Rorschach's clone was buried deep under the tree, as if it were its seed.

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