Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 465 Let it go to the battlefield first

If Rorschach really makes Saint Valentine a "martyr", then the former customers may really become followers of his ideas.

For Rorschach, the most troublesome thing is actually the use of the tower load, just like the unfortunate thing called "server" in the previous life. The performance was originally only considered to transmit text, but one day the user found a loophole and uploaded videos and live broadcasts to it.

This is unacceptable to Rorschach: you have become a joy saint, and I have to pay for all of you.

Now the processing power of the Tree of Law can only grow naturally and then condense new computing cores. If this set of spells really produces new cores, won't it smell like heather?

No, absolutely not!

Rorschach smiled at the "Saint Brother" who was about to be martyred, and Valentine couldn't help but frown. Is this a smile in anger? He was a little nervous, but fortunately Rorschach did not go crazy.

Instead, he invited Valan, who was known as the "gold-eating mad dog".

"Madam, and the four gentlemen, from the perspective of Byrne's law, your customers are actually engaging in mass rape. Of course, this is a new situation that the law cannot foresee, but please believe that I have a way to make the judge agree that it meets the definition. If the charges are proven, we will selectively arrest a few users and then publicly lash them out.

"As for you, you stole some of the pleasure without the knowledge of the users of the 'Delay Magic Patch' by improper means. I will suggest that they and the owners of the commercial venues jointly initiate a class action lawsuit against you for the crime of theft."

Is this okay? Although Valan was trying to scare them, he succeeded in scaring these young people. Great martyrs are worthy of following, but if they are labeled as "happy thieves", they will become a joke.

Seeing that the time was ripe to play the good cop, Rorschach cleared his throat: "In fact, I invited you here because I want to know more about how you implement this set of technology. Let's talk, okay? ”

He was sure from the moment Valentine came in that this guy was not a mid-level wizard.

Valentine was only a first-level wizard. According to the rules, he was not qualified to participate directly, but was the guiding wizard of the four-person team. This was beyond Rorschach's expectations, because of the restrictions on spell strings, a first-level wizard should not be able to call two three-ring magic.

“This is not difficult. I just constructed two spell strings, one for the collection end and the other for the receiving end. Your new system is very powerful, and the restrictions are also distressing, but I found two exploitable loopholes that are not necessarily loopholes. "

Valentin thought of using [Indifference] to remove some of the strongest feelings first. For customers who use the "Delay Magic Patch", a little numbness will naturally make them more able to withstand the test.

It can only be said that this idea is very advanced. You should know that the time-related props in Rorschach's previous life also work on similar principles, but they use contact-type fast-acting anesthetics.

And the degree of deployment of this spell is also very well grasped. In the past, [Indifference] was either used by the mage for himself, and combined with [Mechanical Mind] to give himself an "absolute rationality" buff, because too many emotions were removed, and he used the instantaneous nature of the spell to force an empty frame to force the tower spirit to cancel its support for magic when it just took effect, achieving the continuous effect of high-frequency weak effects, which is not obvious but effective in suppressing the user.

In addition, he discovered the special descriptor for determining the casting of the spell, allowing [Communication] to transmit the characteristic symbol of [Advanced Illusion] and the one based on [ [Coldness Spell] This string of content itself will not have any effect when transmitted in the real world, but when the information is uploaded to the "Tree of Law", the tower spirit mistakenly thinks it is a signal to cast a spell, so [Advanced Illusion] begins to take effect. Therefore, strictly speaking, Valentine nested two spell strings to achieve "synesthesia".

In order to allow the two spells to be translated and bridged, he even purchased the latest analysis machine of the fine factory at his own expense and asked Jennya, who was responsible for alchemy, to modify it.

Finally, the team was troubled by the limit on the number of times the spell strings and spells could be used on the "Spell Cloud". Fortunately, in order to encourage contestants to use alchemy, Rorschach has no limit on the number of spell strings stimulated by magic circuits such as scrolls and alchemical items, and they are all magic artifacts, so they are no longer restricted.

"It's a pity that I'm not a mid-level wizard yet, otherwise there will be fewer restrictions, and perhaps I can create a synesthesia-enabled artificial body for ordinary people, so that people paralyzed in bed can move around in another way. ”

For spellcasters, similar effects can be achieved through various clone and substitute techniques, but Valentine, based on the support of the "Magic Cloud", allows ordinary people to experience the "Magic Cup" almost without any barriers.

"I have to admit that you are a genius, Mr. Valentine." Rorschach listened carefully to the other party's technical report and recognized his strength: "If you can remember your original intention, then I am willing to help you realize it, but not now."

The processing power of the Tree of Law Tower Spirit is a precious resource. The design competition is a promotion period. The computing power of the Tower Spirit should be used first in production and war.

Rorschach stretched out his hand: "On the one hand, the system of the Magic Cloud is not perfect enough, and you can't use it for fun at will. On the other hand, your ideal has not been realized, right? If you can agree to my conditions, I am willing to lift the restrictions on use for you and your team. "

Valentine hesitated for a while, but still held Rorschach's hand: "Tell me about it. "

Hearing Valentine's ultimate goal, Rorschach actually thought of a ready-made toy - a big toy made by the Alchemy Department of the Starry Tower. In a sense, the brothers have basically realized Valentine's idea. The operator can remotely receive the vision and hearing of the alchemy armor.

But they were still not creative enough. They didn't expect that there was a way to play online and share joy.

If the old guys in the Alchemy Department knew about this, they would be ashamed: Why didn't they think of this?

The creative group's dark horse Saint Valentine team was taken to the newly established Vox Gas Car Factory.

"Vox" means "national" in the common language. The reason for this name has three meanings: its employees come from all over Byrne, and they are all unemployed people whose workshops have closed down; the funds for its construction come from all over the country, and the equity is also jointly provided by the royal family, the special zone and the bank; finally, its slogan is to allow all citizens to drive small cars.

However, Valentine was not taken to the assembly line of small cars.

"This is the assembly line of the constructs. Most of them have been perfected, but the control system needs to be improved. I need your technology and your wisdom."

The first batch of constructs have gloriously withdrawn from the production line. They are completely dependent on the control of the tower spirit. Now that the number of spellcasters connected to the spell cloud has increased sharply, the tower spirit has no spare energy to divide multiple threads to command them.

Therefore, whether it is the agricultural harvester or the spider assault construct, which is also in the agricultural channel, it will need to be operated by humans. The agricultural machinery can directly let the driver go to the cockpit, but the construct is better to be unmanned in one step.

If [Coldness] is replaced with a perception spell, it may be possible to achieve a technology similar to the Alchemy Department, and Rorschach can be sure that the cost is lower.

Now the high load is [Advanced Illusion] to create all kinds of feelings, which can be said to be full of color, fragrance and taste. When applied to remote operation, it can be completely replaced by a lower-level spell [Illusion] of one ring, so that the operator only receives visual and auditory signals from the remote end, reducing the burden on the tower spirit.

Valentine stared at the sleeping steel monster for a long time and said: "After the war, you will let us continue our business, right?"

"Of course, I wish you will make the whole world feel happy one day." Rorschach patted Valentine's right shoulder with his left hand, and suddenly patted Andre's left shoulder with his right hand.

Andre's legs softened and he was almost knocked to the ground, revealing a look of surprise.

Rorschach: "As a fellow young man, I advise you to learn to be moderate."

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