Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 466 Special Prize in Design Competition

The design competition came to an end. After strict judgment by the "expert judges", the first place in the destruction group was given to "Long-lasting Stun", which is a combination of [Sensitive Nerve] and [Stun]. It is just two low-level spells, and the original effect is not very good:

[Stun] can only make the target stun for a short time. After all, it is just a harmless zero-ring spell. Mages with rich combat experience but insufficient output power will use this spell to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting and create flaws for the enemy at a critical moment. But for most mages, if one fireball is not enough, they will use two. What's the point of stun.

And [Sensitive Nerve] itself is a spell that buffs the target positively, and increases the sensory, motor and reaction abilities for a short time by increasing the excitement of the nerves.

The two spells were originally nothing. After being superimposed and stuffed into the spell chain, the target of the spell was first amplified in senses. This was the result of fine-tuning the [Sensitive Nerve] descriptor. The adjustment did not improve motor function. Then, the other axis would release [Stun] repeatedly until all the spell ticks were over.

Its constituent spells are simple enough, so the spell chain is also simple, the response speed is fast, and it is very friendly to the tower spirit and the caster himself.

As for the effect, which is similar to the previous life "a light bulb can't be taken out if it is stuffed into the mouth", everyone didn't believe it until they experienced it personally.

Rorschach was also one of those who didn't believe it. Then he seemed to be stuffed into a drum washing machine. Although he didn't move, the world began to spin, and all senses were strengthened. Sounds all became noises, and the field of vision began to disperse into dazzling spots of light. His nose was sour as if he smelled a suffocating mixture of all smells, and finally a familiar nausea, that is, the weak dizziness after the magic power was exhausted.

Apparently, the design team also made adjustments to [Vertigo]. There are 128 spell ticks, excluding the first eight spell ticks to wait for [Sensitive Nerve] to take effect, and the next 120 ticks are 20 times of vertigo attacks without repetition.

Andre immediately followed the thoughtful instructions in the design manual and gave Rorschach three consecutive [Resist Seasickness], and then helped him up from the ground with vomit.

Fortunately, there were only two people in the studio.

"You can vomit. Let's go with them."

According to the test, the target who failed the will test will lose the ability to move for at least one hour. Even if you survive the first [Vertigo], you still have to test the next 19 times, and you will always faint. It's nothing more than the length of recovery time.

And it has a very disgusting feature: it will amplify the feeling of the magic circuit in the body, and it is catastrophically enhanced. The higher the level of the mage, the easier it is to be affected, and the vertigo makes them lose control of the magic in their body. This is the feeling Rorschach finally experienced.

Therefore, this spell chain is rare, and in theory, it will not weaken the power of magic against most high-level mages. According to the evaluation of the magicians in the Arcane Tower, its effect is equivalent to that of the third ring.

Other works in the same group are too entangled in the power itself. In fact, in the eyes of the judges, the most amazing thing is the arrangement and combination of spells within the third ring. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot be compared with high-ring spells. In the words of one judge: "No matter how powerful those things are, they can't pass my shield."

Only this spell chain uses the lowest-level magic with a simple but exquisite combination to achieve a good effect, which makes all the judges climb out of their vomit and still have a bright eye.

What Rorschach values ​​most is that this work fully reflects the meaning of "spell chain". If there is no spell chain mechanism, it is a neurotic behavior to cast a [Sensitive Nerve] on the enemy first and then [Stun], and the enemy's lethal magic will be covered in the face by the time the spell is finished.

With the spell chain mechanism, this concept is worth realizing, and the author fully utilizes the "descriptor" mechanism to avoid the reinforcement of the enemy by [Sensitive Nerve] and insert 20 stuns without repetition.

In fact, there are also off-site factors to consider in giving it a rating. Because ordinary people participated in this competition, it was open to the public. Others were curious about what the wizards were tinkering with. If they used a spell that could destroy the world (although they didn't), even the "destruction group" had to consider the perception of ordinary people and avoid causing excessive reactions from the public.

At least it didn't happen when it was announced. Everyone just watched it for fun and said, "That's it?"

It wasn't until the public security team in the Special Administrative Region had a "Guaranteed to Vomit to Death" scroll in their hands that some unstable factors in society immediately realized its power. Being hit by it once will not cause any harm to the body, but it can ensure that everyone loses their ability to move after being hit, allowing the public security team to achieve harmless and safe law enforcement.

As for the countermeasure [resist seasickness], it is a first-level spell, and it must be stacked at least three times to defend against it, and the cost is already higher than the "Guaranteed to Vomit" scroll itself. Other spells with calming effects are of higher levels and more difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

To be honest, many apprentices were unconvinced because they took out more powerful spell strings.

No one from the team showed up until the time to receive the award, because they were all receiving treatment for a series of problems such as cochlear damage, neurasthenia, esophageal reflux and ulcers.

Apparently they used themselves as test subjects, and the other participating teams were really impressed, leaving only respect.

The application group's work mainly transformed spell strings into magic circuits to create alchemical items. The special prize was finally selected from two projects, and there was a dispute over which one to choose.

The first is the "accelerated fermentation tank", which does not use time magic to accelerate, but heats the fermentation in the tank to 80 degrees. At this time, the polysaccharide has been decomposed by heat, and the volatilization of carbon dioxide and alcohol is accelerated to avoid excessive concentrations of the two in the fermentation system. At the same time, there is a short zero-ring spell [Increase Resistance] to allow the microorganisms inside to survive the harsh environment.

This process is named "boiling fermentation" by the team. It needs to be started three times within an hour. After completion, the yeast itself will burn everything and hit gg, and the fermentation will separate into residues and wine after standing in the tank.

The only thing to note is that a large amount of gas will suddenly burst out, which will cause the pressure in the tank to rise suddenly, and a sealed and pressure-resistant iron tank is required.

Another strong competitor is the "ice and fire engine", which Rorschach saw at a glance that the principle is a Stirling engine. It is the heat engine that is most likely to approach the thermodynamic limit. In the previous life, the upper limit that limits it is mainly the temperature difference:

The engine is driven by hot and cold air. The air in the air chamber will output mechanical work when it expands when heated and contracts when cooled. The greater the temperature difference, the more powerful the engine. But in the past, heating was simple, but cooling was difficult. In addition, due to the heat resistance limit of the material, the temperature difference that can be achieved under working conditions is destined not to be too high.

Fortunately, this is a world with magic. The spell allows heating and cooling to be carried out alternately quickly. The final result is that the flywheel spins violently like a pill. It is said that after the first physical object was made, the flywheel directly broke the bearing, and almost reduced the number of team members from five to four.

Obviously, both works are inseparable from production practice. The ordinary people who choose to form a team for the quick fermentation tank are not students, but experienced masters in the food factory. They have a deep understanding of the fermentation process and can determine the heating temperature, the time and number of "boiling fermentation". If the latter work is not supported by a technician who has studied thermodynamics, the apprentice of the Tower of Secrets will definitely not be able to handle the engine.

Rorschach prefers the engine, but the other judges unanimously chose the "quick fermentation tank" and asked if there is a miniaturized version that can be placed in a private wine cellar. There is a rumor that has been denied by the official that Byrne's alcohol control will be upgraded to a prohibition. Such a magic weapon will definitely sell well.

"A bunch of drunkards!" Rorschach could only complain helplessly.

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