Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 471 Trampling Straw Sandals

Did Richard act on impulse?

Yes and no. After witnessing the uprising, he was not as "dumb" as Libus thought, but was thinking about several questions.

He was an officer, a nobleman and a spellcaster, but it was precisely his triple identity that allowed him to examine the current situation beyond the limitations of one identity.

He knew very well that the imperial army was not as pure and flawless as those retired officers believed, and that turning the entire empire into a large military camp would not solve the various problems of the current society.

What would happen if these people succeeded?

The civil service system headed by the Imperial Parliament and the Prime Minister would be subdued by the Imperial Army. The next war might indeed be more effective, but it would never bring happiness to the masses of the empire.

Richard knew how those small nobles treated serfs. At that time, the many soldiers who wanted to share the spoils would turn the southern part of the empire and the former Valois occupied areas into the same as West Marin, full of slave production and rough manor economy.

And the entire empire lost the ability to stop the war. In fact, it is already like this now, and the Prime Minister's reform is also an attempt to restore the mechanism of active truce.

No, this situation seems to have overestimated these officers. They are unable to come up with a decent blueprint. They just believe that the emperor is deceived and treacherous people are in power.

The solution is to destroy the body.

So they must be stopped. This is the responsibility given to him by his three identities.

The so-called soldiers, the so-called nobles, and the citizens of the empire must oppose the crazy wave at this time, because he has thought clearly that these frustrated and dissatisfied soldiers will not bring a better future to the empire.

The crown prince has his own protection when he travels. The military police in the imperial capital should have taken action-they can basically draw a clear line with the imperial soldiers participating in the action. Who said that the military pay of the two is not in the same order of magnitude?

What Richard is really worried about is that there are spellcasters joining the action, and those military wizards who once belonged to his original teacher, the master of necromancy.

Like the spellcaster who was just killed, what will those members who have lost the leadership of the master of necromancy and whose thoughts are more extreme than those of the retired officers do?

The key figure of the empire, the crown prince, must be prevented from being held hostage by these people. And this is the only key link that Richard can intervene in.

The first thing Richard did after making the decision was to stop the fight. He didn't care whether they were friends or enemies, and cast "I'll make you vomit to death" on several people around him.

Fortunately, his understanding of "spell chain" was not thorough enough, and the power was not exerted to the normal level, but it was enough to make the focus start to spray filth.

Since many people had drunk alcohol before, the smell of the room suddenly became extremely sour. In such an atmosphere, vomiting is contagious, and the drunk people are all club members.

So not only did the fight stop, but it also happened to let most of Hench's friends prevail.

"Hench, do you know where the Marshal's Mansion is?"

"He entertained me at home."

"Okay, now you and others go to him and report the emergency. I'll go to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As for Libus, you"

"I'm dangerous no matter where I am, but relatively speaking, you are the safest." If it were other noble girls, they would have to be shy to say this, but she quoted the lines of "The Domineering Wizard Falls in Love with Me" generously.

Fortunately, Libus added: "Do you believe in my ability to predict now? I can help you find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Hengqi thought of something and took out a medal from his arms: "This was awarded to me by His Royal Highness himself. It may help you verify your identity."

The two horses galloped in the imperial capital shrouded in the ominous night. Libus's eyes were bright and almost glowing. She led Richard all the way and successfully bypassed the marching team.

Some military police have reacted and started to deploy, and some are confronting the rebellious imperial soldiers on the street.

In the night, with tense nerves, it is unknown who fired the first shot, and it may not even be a gunshot, but there will be a subsequent exchange of fire, and the resolute faces of the actors are reflected in the firelight.

They also tried to shout to mobilize the military police, but unfortunately the military police even moved out the field artillery.

However, the rebellious soldiers on the other side achieved results-the empire's filth was set on fire. It is magnificent, but it is a rotten corruption, insider trading, and a worm that drags down the war, so there is nothing to pity for the soldiers who started the rebellion.

The military and the Supreme Command are enough.

When the two rode their horses, they saw the Imperial Parliament building on fire from between the buildings.

"Oh my God." Before Libusi could finish her sigh, they were discovered by the military police.

Obviously, the military police didn't know the intentions of the two. They warned first and then aimed, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

"Hold me tight!" The colonel took a quick decision and took the risk to get close to Libusi. When the two horses were about to collide, he immediately grabbed the other and lifted her up, and then used [Mage's Hand] to help her sit behind him.

The reason for this is that his spellcasting ability has not been fully restored. Even with the assistance of the spell cloud, the unfolded shield cannot save the two horses.

Soon the gunshots rang out, and Libusi's original mount neighed and rolled to the ground, while they broke through the bullets.

"It's broken, that's your horse, it won't be expensive, right?"

Richard was in no mood to joke back. The fight just now proved a fact: the military police had no way to stop the magician's surprise attack.

Maybe there is a magician around the crown prince, I hope he can protect it well.

"You don't know how to teleport?"

"Wow Richard, you smell so good. The base notes are cedar and musk mixed with sweat. It's a pity that it was ruined by the drunkard's vomit in the room."

The experience ruined by vomit made her a little annoyed.

"I think my mother is very accurate in judging people sometimes."


"She praised you for being brave and fearless, and not being bound by common sense and secular concepts."

"Feeling is not a good word."

With Libus's magical navigation, the two quickly approached the west gate of the imperial capital, named after Saint Clay, the guardian of the north of the old empire.

At this time, there were heavy guards by the military police, and theoretically they could escort His Highness into the palace.

But when Richard and his two horses approached, the area near the city gate was already in chaos. The attackers chose a good time-to start a riot when the convoy passed the gate, leaving it in a dilemma.

Now the crown prince's carriage should be among them. At this time, neither the reinforcements of the military police nor the imperial soldiers participating in the operation have arrived. It is the glow caused by magic that flickers in the dark night.

Sure enough, the attackers are all mages, and there are also some among the defenders. Their battles try not to affect the carriages, but they do not care about the military police and disperse the guard team.

"You can't ride horses here anymore." Richard got off and gritted his teeth to hold up the barrier again. He looked at the chaotic, forced-to-stop convoy: "Where is His Highness?"

This was also the question that troubled the attackers.

Libos untied her riding boots and took out a pair of straw sandals from a storage bag whose location could not be clearly stated and put them on.

Richard did not understand why, but after putting on the straw sandals, Libos' temperament changed, and her eyes went from shining to endless light spinning inside.

"Found it." She pointed to a plainly decorated accompanying carriage.

"Is there no limit to your predictions?" He felt that Libos could only see vague fates for a while, and then she could predict things accurately.

"According to the records of my ancestors, from the second day of wearing the straw sandals, I must close my eyes for 20 days, otherwise I will be permanently blind.

"And I haven't finished reading the new novel yet, so I need a handsome guy to read it to me. Wait for me!"

At the critical moment, Richard had already rushed out, and Libos gritted her teeth and ran wildly behind her on the straw sandals that hurt her feet, heading towards the battle scene.

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