Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 472 Screw it

As Richard approached the convoy, a small crackling sound sounded in his ears. It shows that [Radio Wave Communication Technique] is constantly being exchanged here.

He tried to access the channel, and sure enough, most of the transmissions were on the public frequency. The sound woven by magic power, radio waves, and sound was as lively and chaotic as the current situation in the real world.

Although there was a lot of noise, a few clear words could still be distinguished: "I am the palace guard mage, what are you going to do!"

"Where is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

"It's very dangerous here. Please ask His Highness the Crown Prince to follow us."

"Fart! Aren't you the danger here? You are rebels."

All of the above happened in the communication channel. From the perspective of the military police and guards, this group of spellcasters just closed their eyes and stared at each other, talking to each other very coldly.

Suddenly, an unknown voice came from and the communication channel suddenly became silent: "Let the Crown Prince come out quickly, or I will blow up all the vehicles!"

Then other mages from either side began to shout passionately: "Are you stupid*?"

"Did you get hit by the [Retarded Spell]?"

Not far away from Richard, a spellcaster was hit on the head by his companion. It seemed that he was the one who had just attempted an "indiscriminate attack."

Richard calculated that if he could defeat each one, he would be able to break out of the encirclement when the time came, and there were two exposed mages in front of him. He immediately fired two fireballs to roast them. Once a colleague, today's enemy was rolling on the ground. At the same time, Libusi caught up with Richard, rushed from behind him, and hugged his waist tightly.

This girl was not big and dense. Richard was shocked by the impact and pulled away and turned around to hug her. It's not about picking up a girl in a critical moment, but trying to protect her where the mages are fighting.

However, Libusi was not a liability. Her prophecy talent was at its peak at this time. With a "three o'clock" sound, there was indeed an enemy mage attacking on the right side. After Richard blocked it, Libusi drew out his loaded musket and struck.

The two of them were close to each other, and their tacit understanding was amazing. For the first time, Richard felt that fighting was so refreshing, it was the joy of cheating!

Under the night, the flashes caused by gunfire and magic flickered on and off. The two young people completed the ballroom dance that had not been performed at the ball, following each other's steps, tossing and turning around each other. Although there is no dance music accompaniment, this dance of death is thrilling and beautiful enough.

The last two people approached the convoy under the guidance of the Eye of Omen.

The military police at the last line of defense were very nervous and could not understand the strange man and woman. They raised their guns and were ready to provoke.

However, Richard and Libus' figures flashed and passed directly between them. The military policeman stood there in shock, wondering whether he was dazzled at night or whether he was the hallucination of a mage.

"So you know how to teleport magic, so I didn't use it earlier." The two of them had already taken a few steps to the interior of the carriage, which seemed to be a carriage that stored food. In the small space, Li Busi simply lay down in Richard's arms.

"It's not teleportation, it's virtualization and traveling through the physical body. And it can't last too long." Richard's eyes dimmed a bit. After recuperating and regaining some strength, the first spell he learned was [Gasformation], which casts the spell way to commemorate the fallen comrades.

"All right."

"What's wrong with you?" Richard suddenly discovered in [Dark Vision] that the girl's eyes were shedding tears of blood.

"The price of using your ability, remember what I said? Okay, give me a piece of cloth to cover your eyes." Libusi said in a brisk tone, unable to hear any pain at all, she just closed her eyes and said, "Your goal is One car ahead of us, hurry up.”

"Fuck it." Richard immediately took off his shoulder strap. It was made of skin-friendly and soft silk, which was perfect. After tearing out the appropriate width, Richard tried to tie it on the girl.

"You don't need to worry about this, but since you are helping me, please take off the straw sandals for me and give them to me." Libusi took the cloth and covered her eyes while lifting her shoes as much as possible: "It was hundreds of years ago. A relic of our ancestors.”

The young man took it off awkwardly, handed it to her, and watched Libus stuff it back into the storage bag.

"let's go."

"Wait a minute Richard, I haven't put on my riding boots yet. I'm holding you like this. Huh? Huh?"

"Your Highness, take it off quickly." The carriage in front of the car, which was originally the car for the accompanying servants, was now crowded with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, two valets and the original three servants.

They exchanged clothes with each other, and the attendant gave the last instructions to the unlucky scapegoat: "When you go out later, crawl close to the ground first, and then get up to attract attention after you are some distance away from the car. Do you understand?"

The other two people happily accepted the order, but the servant who replaced the Crown Prince couldn't stop trembling.

"It's your honor, stupid pig!" The valet kicked the dead ghost and kicked open the door of the carriage. When the servants climbed out, a strange shadow appeared outside the door, and then condensed into a man and woman.

A handsome spellcaster in military uniform holds a barefoot masked girl in his arms. The girl could not see her eyes, but it was easy to tell that she was a beauty from the face she showed, and she held her hands tightly around the young man's neck.

what's the situation?

Everyone in the carriage was stunned. The attendant who reacted the fastest drew his knife and pointed it at the two of them.

Although Richard was a little unhappy about being pointed at a knife by Libusi, he still hurriedly introduced himself: "Richard von Dahlberg, colonel of the Imperial Army's Second Marin Regiment, here to protect His Highness."

The girl in his arms also spoke: "Princess Libus Maria Crocker of Bomia is very happy to see Your Highness, although I can't see it."

While Libus was talking trash, Richard used the [Mage's Hand] to take out the medal that Hench had given him: "This is a token that Richard Hench gave me, saying that you will believe our intentions after seeing it."

Although the attendant was holding a knife, he watched the medal float in front of His Highness. The Crown Prince took it tremblingly and confirmed by the moonlight that it was awarded to the young hero not long ago.

"Hench mentioned you. It turns out that you are from the Dalberg family." The Crown Prince calmed down a little, remembered the trick, and said: "Okay, okay!"

The attendant was still worried: "How do you prove that you are protecting His Highness instead of kidnapping him?"

Libus couldn't help but scold, she spoke very fast, and even spoke in the local accent of Bomiya: "It has come to this point, what can you do? My... This friend is a spellcaster!"

Richard didn't care. At this time, they were too conspicuous standing outside the car. He directly carried the lady into the car, but the guards were helpless. Richard explained: "One of you will go and get the horses. I will hold up the shield for this carriage and lead His Highness to break through. It's up to His Highness to decide where to go."

The attendant looked at the Crown Prince and nodded: "To the palace."

[Blue Light Barrier] also has its limits. Richard could only give up perfect protection and only protect some of the passengers. He hugged Libus tightly, and the Crown Prince himself was covered in it.

The attendant driving the car sent a signal to other cars, and the horses were set up before the coachman ran away or was hit. For a while, the convoy started moving again, and the appearance of the scapegoat made the scene even more chaotic.

When the carriage was about to rush into the street and leave the right and wrong place, a missile broke through the carriage. It was blocked by the barrier. However, the overflowing blue light exposed the special nature of the car.

Instantly, many attackers changed their targets. Richard gave up blindly defending and took a deep breath. Like a dragon's breath, a column of fire rushed out of the carriage, overturning many horses and spellcasters.

The Crown Prince held his left arm tightly with his right hand, and looking back through the charred hole at the edge, he saw people wearing similar uniforms fighting each other.

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